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Off topic: 苹果是必备装置?
Persoa que publicou o fío: Jiang Xia
wherestip  Identity Verified
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看怎么说了 Jan 6, 2012

赶时髦 当然有点晚了 ...

wherestip  Identity Verified
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Still seen as a status symbol Jan 7, 2012


Presentation and the Chinese concept of face

There is much to be said about the way that Apple presents and sells its products at the retail level and even on a broader marketing scale, but this isn’t the time to discuss it. Suffice to say that Apple’s products hold a certain, almost universal prestige. They’re a premium product, presented in a premium retail environment.

This sort of prestige holds out a type of cachet that drives people to purchase Apple products, not only for their usefulness, but also for the status that they bring to the purchaser.

Almost nowhere in the world is this of more import than in the Chinese culture, where the concept of ‘face’ is an integral part of society.

Apple’s retail stores offer the Chinese consumer a chance to test the products in a beautiful and visually stimulating atmosphere and those efforts are paying off with big sales numbers.

This kind of attention to the senses and emotions of the consumer wasn’t pioneered by Apple of course, but they are one of the first major companies to bring that kind of experience to China’s city centers in a big way.

Complimenting(sic) this presentation is the concept of ‘face’. Very, very simply put it is a concept that involves the cultural standing of an individual among his or her peers, but it also carries along other facets that have to do with business and personal relationships and mutual respect. It’s an incredibly complex subject and we won’t be distilling every aspect of it, but there are certain points that are important when it comes to discussing Apple’s business in China.

The primary concept of ‘face’ is that of self-esteem or reputation. This is often referred to as mianzi. The desire to have a positive self-image and to project that image out to other people leads many Chinese people, especially the young and wealthy, to seek out high-end and prestigious products.

Many times this desire to project an aura of wealth and prestige can lead the normally very pragmatic and rational Chinese consumer to make choices based on the appearance of the product and its symbolic value in society.

This difference in the way that the products are presented is doing its job in separating Apple’s products from the rest of the pack almost everywhere that its retail stores are located. Apple is doing no more in China than it does elsewhere to make sure that its products are being seen as objects of desire, but that method is even more effective in the modern Chinese culture of wealth and status.


wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 14:59
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"物以稀为贵" Jan 7, 2012






Whereas conspicuous consumption was previously thought to be something engaged in primarily by the rich, recent research by economists Kerwin Kofi Charles, Erik Hurst, and professor of finance Nikolai Roussanov points to a different understanding that this behavior is more common among poorer groups of people and in emerging economies. Displays of wealth in these groups serve to combat the impression that a person is poor, often because they are a member of a group perceived by society as poor.[2] The 1996 book The Millionaire Next Door also challenges the traditional views on conspicuous consumption by looking at the wealthiest Americans, finding that most millionaires are quite frugal and lead modest lifestyles.

wherestip  Identity Verified
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"落伍" 产品 尚且如此 Jan 13, 2012

I would hate to see what consumer reaction to cutting-edge products looked like.


[Edited at 2012-01-13 19:31 GMT]

ysun  Identity Verified
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Cutting-edge Jan 13, 2012

“落伍”产品尚且如此。若是 cutting-edge products,那还不得打破脑袋?
wherestip wrote:

I would hate to see what consumer reaction to cutting-edge products looked like.


Phil Hand
Phil Hand  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:59
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ipad的影响力强大 Jan 14, 2012


wherestip  Identity Verified
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Ultrabooks Jan 14, 2012

Basically, notebook computers similar to Macbook Air ...


wherestip  Identity Verified
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Samsung Galaxy S III May 4, 2012


Samsung has overtaken Nokia as the world's best-selling mobile phone maker, and Juniper Research reported Tuesday that Samsung also overtook Apple in smartphone sales in the first quarter, in what it described as "increasingly a two-horse race."

ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 14:59
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The world’s most admired company Jun 26, 2012

Apple won the first, IBM with McDonald followed.


wherestip  Identity Verified
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Samsung Out-innovating Apple Feb 18, 2013


Jiang Xia
Jiang Xia  Identity Verified
Membro (2011)
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"物以稀为贵" Feb 23, 2013

自提出此问题以来,同仁们毫不吝啬自己的想法,坦言相告,让我很感激。尤其是wherestip提供了许多实用的内容。在此特别感谢。我于去年10月买了爱疯4s,说说使用体验,纯娱乐功能确实不错,尤其是视频效果没得说。做为商务机而言,不推荐购买,绝对没有安卓系统好用。就拿发邮件来说,OS系统要逆向操作,安卓像电脑一样先填写好地址和主题再加附件,附件位置放在什么地方也可做到心中有数,而苹果则不同,如想加发附件必须先把想发的文件其传到手机中(具体位置还不明确),然后还得借助应用程序才能找到和打开,以前使用Documents 2这一程序。然后再回到邮件页面填写地址和主题,还有一个不便是既然这样也只能每次加一个附件。如想一次多发几个必须越狱后才能实现。越狱后,我安装了一款叫做Goodreader的软件才实现了一封邮件加发多个附件的愿望。,如果你需要回复很急的邮件捧着苹果手忙脚乱时就知道“爱疯”这一昵称的真谛了——“热衷于让你疯掉”。

[Edited at 2013-02-23 12:16 GMT]

wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 14:59
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Google Fiber comes to Austin Apr 9, 2013


According to a recent article from an ABC affiliate in Austin, TX, the city has been chosen as the next in line to receive Google Fiber. The incredibly fast broadband network - offering speeds up to 100 times faster than regular broadband - has been operational in Kansas City since 2012 and it's likely that denizens of Austin will have similar packages available at launch, including a $70 per month gigabit plan, a $120 option that includes TV service, or a seven-year regular broadband plan after a $300 installation charge.

Austin has snagged a highly coveted position as the second city to receive Google Fiber after the successful rollout in Kansas City. According to Carlos Kirjner of Bernstein Research, Austin's population density - greater than that of Kansas City - will make the expansion of Google Fiber more economically friendly for both the company and the city.

wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 14:59
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争先恐后 Apr 9, 2013


AT&T Announces Intent to Build 1 Gigabit Fiber Network in Austin

Austin, Texas, April 09, 2013

AT&T Inc. (NYSE:T) said today that it is pleased to see local communities and municipalities acknowledging the promise and power of economic development associated with telecommunications investment.

“Most encouraging is the recognition by government officials that policies which eliminate unnecessary regulation, lower costs and speed infrastructure deployment, can be a meaningful catalyst to additional investment in advanced networks which drives employment and economic growth,” said Randall Stephenson, AT&T chairman and CEO.

Today, AT&T announced that in conjunction with its previously announced Project VIP expansion of broadband access, it is prepared to build an advanced fiber optic infrastructure in Austin, Texas, capable of delivering speeds up to 1 gigabit per second. AT&T’s expanded fiber plans in Austin anticipate it will be granted the same terms and conditions as Google on issues such as geographic scope of offerings, rights of way, permitting, state licenses and any investment incentives. This expanded investment is not expected to materially alter AT&T’s anticipated 2013 capital expenditures.

wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 14:59
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Samsung demonstrates concept designs for flexible screens under its YOUM brand at CES 2013 Sep 26, 2013


Chunyi Chen
Chunyi Chen
United States
Local time: 12:59
English to Chinese
Amazing! Sep 26, 2013

不過比起智慧型手機,我個人偏愛平板,首推Barns and Noble出產的Nook HD (7吋)或Nook HD Plus(8.9吋),它支援安卓系統,所以等於是以低價買到一個高品質的安卓平板。
由於Barns and Noble已決定停產Nook HD/+,所以可能還有降價空間,但也許在下一波降價前就
Nook HD Plus配上開迅視頻,就像打開潘朵拉的盒子,�
... See more
不過比起智慧型手機,我個人偏愛平板,首推Barns and Noble出產的Nook HD (7吋)或Nook HD Plus(8.9吋),它支援安卓系統,所以等於是以低價買到一個高品質的安卓平板。
由於Barns and Noble已決定停產Nook HD/+,所以可能還有降價空間,但也許在下一波降價前就
Nook HD Plus配上開迅視頻,就像打開潘朵拉的盒子,都無心工作了:)


wherestip wrote:


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