Newsletter: April 2013

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(1) Community choice awards: nominations open until May 31st
(2) One way to help increase your client contact
(3) Virtual event: Income diversification for translators
(4) Translators collaborate in post-flood relief effort
(5) Update to the rates entry form in your profile
(6) Localization spotlight: the Turkish localization team
(7) New feature: translation contest source text proposal
(8) Special freelance and LSP free webinar - May 9th, 15:00 GMT
(9) May 2013 free webinar week: May 6-9
(10) presents May 2013 free LSP webinar week: May 6-9
(11) Virtuelle SDL Konferenz 25. April 2013
(12) Vítáme vás na stránkách konference Virtuální Jeronýmek
(13) V Conferência Brasileira de Tradutores do
(14) A vos agendas: Congrès en France
(15) Join Kilgray for its second virtual conference on May 30th
(16) 2013 international conference in Porto: update
(17) Free "Meeting clients at" webinars for May
(18) Survey on general trends in translation

(1) community choice awards: nominations open until May 31st

The community choice awards are a chance to publicly recognize language professionals who are active, influential, or otherwise outstanding. Who wrote the best translation article? The best book? Who has the best website? The best social media group for translators or interpreters? You decide.

Nominations are open now until May 31st, be sure to make yours!

(2) One way to help increase your client contact? Complete your profile.

Freelancers with the "required" fields of their profile complete are contacted by clients and collaborators 3.7 times more often than those with incomplete profiles.

A complete profile is one winning strategy for meeting more clients at And it's easy to do.

Log in to your profile and go to

(3) Virtual event: Income diversification for freelance translators - program now available

The 2013 income diversification virtual event seeks to help freelance translators build multiple income streams with their language skills and knowledge. This event will be presented by trainer Joy Mo -- -- on May 15th.

The full program for this event is now available and includes:
- 7 reasons why freelance translators must build a multiple income stream business
- Website translation - a way to Income Diversification
- group discussion with event organizer and fellow attendees

MemSource is a cloud-based CAT tool that lets you work online as well as offline. On Windows and Mac. And MemSource Personal edition is completely FREE! Why not give it a try?

Sign up for the free Personal edition:

MemSource is becoming increasingly popular with LSPs. Why?

For instance: All your freelancers get a free CAT tool – MemSource Editor – for both online and offline translating. And it’s so easy to use. What a relief...

Start a 30-day free trial now:

(4) Translators collaborate in post-flood relief effort

Earlier this month, a severe storm hit La Plata, Argentina, home to one of the offices of The storm caused flooding throughout the city; in some places the high water mark reached or exceeded 1.20 meters. Apart from the great and tragic loss of lives, homes, schools and other facilities were thrown into disarray following the flooding. site founder Henry Dotterer announced a collection to gather funds to help out locally, with matching any donations made by members of the community. Within a matter of hours, enough contributions were received to allow the members of the site team in La Plata, together with local translators, to purchase materials for donation for three different schools. These materials included mattresses and sheets, water, cleaning supplies, food, and school supplies.

Thanks goes out to all the translation professionals who played a part in making this happen, and to the many who wrote in to express their concern and well-wishes!

(5) Update to the rates entry form in your profile

The form for entering general rates in freelancer profiles has been updated with a number of small changes to make it easier to use.

The form is for freelancers to enter their general rates, which are intended as a rough, high-level indication of the rates typically charged for a translation assignment in a familiar discipline with no additional costs (travel expenses, software, dictionaries, etc.). It should be understood that further negotiation is often needed to set an appropriate rate for a particular job or client.

You can try it out here (be sure to log in to your profile):

Save time & money with Wordfast's user-friendly and affordable translation memory software for Windows, Mac and Linux. Whether you wish to translate inside of MS Word, handle a wide variety of file formats, or work on projects from your mobile device, Wordfast has a solution to fit any translator's workflow and budget. Visit

Increase productivity, improve quality and reduce costs with Wordfast's powerful desktop and server-based translation memory solutions. Handle virtually any file format and perform complex project management tasks with the industry's most user-friendly and affordable TM software for LSPs. For a free demo, contact [email protected]

(6) Localization spotlight: the Turkish localization team

Each month, the newsletter features an article highlighting one of the localization teams and the work they are doing to bring the site to their native languages.

This month's spotlight is on the the Turkish localization team:

Eser Perkins --
Cryogenix --
Seval Yılmaz Koşar --
Recep Kurt --
Fikret Yesilyurt --
Berk Ozen --

Eser Perkins, the team coordinator, had this to say about the team's work:

"When I joined the community in 2010, the localization effort on the Turkish version of the site was already underway. Soon after I created my account, I found out that I could join the localization team as a volunteer. I really liked the idea of localizing the website by volunteered efforts of active site members, each of whom are native professional translators, perfectionists, distinguished and accomplished individuals, and I felt privileged to be a part of this team. Last year, a new team was created and I became its coordinator. It must be said that the initial team had already laid a solid foundation for the completion of the Turkish localization project. I would like to offer my appreciation to their devoted, organized and impressive work on behalf of the current team members and all the Turkish users of"

If you are a member and you would like to join a localization team in your native language, contact site staff to volunteer.

Atril is pleased to announce the opening of its new office in the world’s largest market for CAT tools: the United States. Located near Portland, Oregon's "Silicon Forest," Atril’s new West Coast location allows for maximum time zone coverage in the United States and Canada.
Get in touch with our US Office at [email protected]

(7) New feature: translation contest source text proposal, with tagging and commenting

A new feature was introduced this month to allow for submission of potential source texts for upcoming translation contests. Texts can be proposed, and then tagged and commented on by the submitter and others. It is hoped that this collaborative feature will help ensure that future contests showcase source texts in a wider variety of languages, allowing more members of the community to participate. If you know of a good text for translation, check the source text criteria and propose it now.

Join and Kilgray for the 2nd Virtual memoQ day on May 30th. More information on the conference is available at . We look forward to e-meeting you!

Translation project management made easy with memoQ

Shorten translation turnaround times, cut costs through innovation, work with clients and translators using other tools, manage licenses and devise unique workflows using the memoQ server.

The fully-functional memoQ server is available for a 30-day evaluation. Contact Kilgray at [email protected].

(8) Special freelance and LSP free webinar - "MT is useless and the cloud is slow!" Agree?

Join and MemSource Technologies on May 9th for a webinar that will kick off an exploration of tomorrow's technologies and their impact on translating.

We will ask attendees to experiment with:
- Translating in the cloud
- Machine translation to support you while translating

Participants will have the whole of May to run translation projects and experiment with translating in the cloud and with MT (a free starter kit is available for you). Feedback will then be solicited via survey with a wrap-up webinar in June to publish and discuss the survey results.

SDL TRADOS FORUMS – now underway! Join us in a CITY NEAR YOU and watch a video on what to expect. Learn more –

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SDL TRADOS FORUMS – now underway! Join us in a CITY NEAR YOU with industry speakers, to network with your peers and updates on product developments. Learn more –

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(9) presents May 2013 free webinar week: May 6-9

Join for a week of free webinars from CAT tool and software providers, from May 6th to the 9th.

Included are presentations from:
- SDL Trados
- memoQ
- Wordfast
- TO3000
- Lionbridge/GeoWorkz

(10) presents May 2013 free LSP webinar week: May 6-9
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ free webinars offer registered users the opportunity to attend workshops and informational presentations on CAT Tools and products for free.

Join the following software vendors for a week of free webinars geared towards Language Service Providers and Project Managers:
- SDL Trados
- memoQ Kilgray
- Wordfast
- MemSource

(11) Virtuelle SDL Konferenz: Produktivität beim Übersetzen – Komplettprogramm jetzt verfügbar

Die Registrierung für die anstehende virtuelle SDL Konferenz zum Thema Produktivität beim Übersetzen ist noch eine Woche lang möglich. Die Konferenz findet am 25. April 2013 von 10:00 Uhr (MEZ) bis 18:00 Uhr (MEZ) statt.

Diese virtuelle wird auf Deutsch abgehalten. Die Veranstaltung ist kostenlos und findet am 25. April 2013 von 10:00 Uhr (MEZ) bis 18:00 (MEZ) statt.

(12) Vítáme vás na stránkách konference Virtuální Jeronýmek

Kdo jste nestihli dubnovou konferenci Mladý Jeroným, pořádanou v Praze JTP, máte druhou šanci – ty nejzajímavější z přednášek zazní teď online.

Virtuální konference pod názvem Virtuální Jeronýmek se koná v úterý 28. 5. od 14.00 českého času. Přednášky budou v češtině.

Během virtuální konference se dozvíte pár užitečných rad do začátku (a možná i do vrcholu) překladatelské kariéry, povíme si o budoucnosti překladatelské profese, překládání pro EU i překladatelských portálech, a kolegové tlumočníci možná načerpají nějaké moudro k práci s hlasem.

(13) V Conferência Brasileira de Tradutores do - 24 e 25 de Agosto - Recife

A internacionalização das profissões de tradutores e intépretes será o tema principal discutido na conferência brasileira de tradutores de 2013

O objetivo da conferência é trazer a inovação para os profissionais, mostrando quais são as novidades, quais são as atuais exigências do mercado, quanto essas novas tecnologias vão custar para os profissionais e para os clientes, o dilema da inovação x baixos custos x serviço de qualidade. Para isso, contaremos com um time de brilhante de palestrantes, que irão trazer o que há de novo, e contar um pouco de suas experiências.

Conheça alguns dos nomes:
Barry Olsen, Judy Jenner, Bianca Bold, Cris Silva, Sheila Gomes e Gabriela d’Ávila todos associados pela ATA (American Translators Association), as equipes do TradCast e Tradutor Profissional, os dubladores Marisa Leal e Gustavo Nader, entre outros nomes.

(14) Congrès en France: Sixième édition des Formations et Rencontres de

A vos agendas : le prochain Congrès en France aura lieu les 27 et 28 septembre à Biarritz ! Un appel aux formateurs sera lancé à la fin du mois d'avril. Plus d'infos à venir...

(15) memoQ goes virtual: join Kilgray for its second virtual conference on May 30th

Three weeks after Kilgray's international memoQfest conference you will have a chance to attend another event: the virtual memoQ day, which will take place on May 30th.

Learn firsthand about memoQ 6.5, which will be released after the virtual conference, attend panel discussions, talk to the support team and memoQ's development team, and chat with language service providers and fellow translators.

Save the date and stay tuned! A detailed program to the virtual conference will be available soon.

(16) 2013 international conference - Porto, Portugal: update

Over 150 users are already registered to attend the 2013 international conference in Porto, Portugal, set for June 8th and 9th.

This two-day event features sessions and presentations centered on the theme "New demands on the translation industry." There will also be multiple networking opportunities and of course lots of fun!

Check out the full program if you have not already. Regular pricing is available through May 20th.

(17) Free "Meeting clients at" webinars for May

"Meeting clients at" is a series of free webinars which cover strategies to help you get the most out of your experience. Each webinar includes a hands-on workshop session with site staff.

"Meeting clients at" webinar schedule for May:

* May 2nd:
* May 16th:
* May 30th:

For more information on these webinars and to learn how to get the most out of for your translation business, visit the site guidance center.

(18) Survey on general trends in translation

If you are a full-time translation professional, your input on some general trends in translation will be appreciated. To take the survey, click on the link below (make sure you are logged in to your profile). Results of this and other surveys will be discussed in this year's State of the industry report for freelance translators.

Over 27,000 translators and interpreters have endorsed the professional guidelines for translation service providers.

Thanks for reading. Happy translating in May,

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