Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Jun 12 '11 pol>eng spłata zaliczki repayment of advance pro closed ok
4 May 30 '11 pol>eng wywoływać skutki prawne producing legal effects pro closed no
- May 19 '11 pol>eng podnosić (kontekst) submit pro closed no
- May 19 '11 pol>eng uznać it should be admitted pro closed ok
- May 18 '11 pol>eng non-suit odrzucić wniosek pro closed ok
4 May 15 '11 pol>eng spotkanie uzgodnieniowe coordinating discussions pro closed ok
4 May 12 '11 pol>eng posiedzenie niejawne closed door hearing lub in camera pro closed ok
- May 6 '11 pol>eng wszelkie prawa, których podmiotem jest kupujący all rights whose the buyer is subject to pro closed ok
- May 6 '11 pol>eng pozostawia w dotychczasowej wysokości the Court leaves unchanged pro closed ok
- Nov 21 '09 pol>eng tu: nie orzekać does not rule on... pro closed ok
- Nov 12 '09 pol>eng roszczenie o naprawienie szkody a claim for damages pro closed ok
- Nov 11 '09 pol>eng socjopedagogiczny socio-pedagogical pro closed ok
- Sep 15 '09 pol>eng klauzula kolizyjna conflict of provisions clause pro closed ok
4 Sep 16 '09 pol>eng nieograniczone w zakresie czasowym i terytorialnym autorskie prawa majątkowe copyright unlimited in Time and Territory pro closed ok
4 Aug 26 '09 pol>eng znieść wzajemnie koszty zastępstwaprocesowego za drugą instancję mutually cancel costs of cvourt representation inr the second instance pro closed no
4 Aug 26 '09 pol>eng po rozpoznaniu na rozprawie sprawy o wydanie dziecka After the examination, at the court hearing, of the case concerning handing over of a child pro closed no
- Aug 20 '09 pol>eng zgodne pod względem formalnym i rzeczowym consistent in form and substance pro closed ok
- Aug 2 '09 pol>eng należało orzec jak w sentencji be ordered as in the conclusions pro closed no
- Aug 2 '09 pol>eng czynności poszukiwawcze search operations pro closed no
- Aug 2 '09 pol>eng z uwagi na ustanie przesłanek due to the termination of the grounds pro closed no
- Jun 24 '09 pol>eng w dacie at the same time pro closed no
- Jun 19 '09 pol>eng Board of Appeal Izba odwolawcza pro closed ok
- Jun 8 '09 pol>eng zwolniony z długu The debtor is released from the debt pro closed ok
- May 10 '09 pol>eng pisemne zgłoszenie written declaration of interest pro closed no
- May 10 '09 pol>eng pisemne zgłoszenie invitation to tender pro closed no
- May 10 '09 pol>eng pisemne zgłoszenie written submission pro closed no
- May 6 '09 pol>eng Okazany do niniejszego aktu As more fully appears from the copy of the act presented with the current deed pro closed ok
- May 4 '09 pol>eng zabezpieczony w sprawie safeguarded as evidence in the case pro closed no
- Mar 16 '09 pol>eng żądanie pozwu demands in the statement of claim pro closed ok
- Mar 13 '09 pol>eng i tak [tutaj] in any case pro closed no
4 Mar 12 '09 pol>eng replika na odpowiedź na pozew answr to the defense pro closed no
4 Mar 4 '09 pol>eng wystąpić z roszczeniem w drodze powództwa take a legal action pro closed ok
- Mar 3 '09 pol>eng Wobec nieziszczenia się given an unacomplishment of the condition pro closed ok
4 Mar 2 '09 pol>eng czas oznaczony for a fixed term of pro closed ok
4 Feb 26 '09 pol>eng gromadzenie na rzecz osób trzecich collection on bealf of the third party pro closed no
- Feb 25 '09 pol>eng dobrowolne spełnienie żądania voluntary compliance with the demand pro closed ok
4 Feb 9 '09 pol>eng należność na realizację umowy the amount due for the execution of the contract pro closed no
- Feb 9 '09 pol>eng wynagrodzenie z tytułu wykonania umowy remuneration payable for the completion of this contract pro closed no
4 Feb 6 '09 pol>eng zaskarżonej decyzji zarzucam: I submit that the appealed desision: pro closed ok
4 Feb 1 '09 pol>eng sąd powszechny właściwości ogólnej common court of general jurisdiction pro closed ok
4 Jan 18 '09 pol>eng penalty agreement umowa dotyczaca kar umownych pro closed no
- Jan 14 '09 pol>eng ustawa o zmianie ustawy an act changing the statut pro closed ok
- Jan 13 '09 pol>eng pod względem merytorycznym merits of the document were verified pro just_closed no
- Jan 11 '09 pol>eng pochodzić there is one issue of the marriage pro closed no
4 Jan 11 '09 pol>eng pod. ref pro closed ok
- Dec 23 '08 pol>eng przyjąć pozew Motion to (re) accept the writ pro closed ok
- Dec 22 '08 pol>eng przypisywanie impute pro closed no
- Dec 12 '08 pol>eng sole determinant ktore X samodzielnie kontroluje pro closed ok
4 Dec 12 '08 pol>eng terminy liczone od momentu deadlines counter from pro closed no
4 Dec 11 '08 pol>eng nie spełnia dyspozycji does not conform to the said provision pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered