Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Jun 22 '21 pol>eng dane ewidencyjne registration details pro closed no
4 Oct 8 '20 pol>eng holding faktyczny de facto holding company pro closed no
- Oct 5 '20 pol>eng minister ds. światopogłądu Ideology Minister // Left-Wing Ideology Minister // Minister for Fighting Left-Wing Ideology pro closed no
4 Sep 29 '20 pol>eng zarządca bankruptcy trustee pro closed no
4 Aug 24 '20 esl>eng obligándose a responder the Contractor hereby undertakes to be liable pro closed ok
- Aug 24 '20 esl>eng causa continua de demoras ongoing cause for delays pro closed ok
4 Aug 23 '20 esl>eng se entenderán shall be subject to // shall comply with pro closed ok
4 Jul 15 '20 esl>eng representante ex-oficio ex officio representative // ex officio member pro closed ok
- Jul 1 '20 esl>eng articularon sus propiedades en el centro y el sur de la capital, en los establec linked him to properties in the centre and south of the capital, namely the business establishments pro open no
- Jun 24 '20 pol>eng na poziomie specyfikowania szczegółowej linii Faktury at the individual line item level of the invoice pro closed ok
- Jun 8 '20 esl>eng portación de rostro facial features pro closed ok
4 Jun 3 '20 pol>eng koszty zastępstwa egzekucyjnego costs of legal representation in enforcement proceedings pro closed ok
- May 26 '20 esl>eng concatenación con el derecho legal considerations pro closed ok
- May 26 '20 esl>eng se debe asesorar delicadamente this legislation needs to be carefully thought out pro closed ok
- May 21 '20 pol>eng gwarant person with a duty of care // defendant with a duty to intervene pro closed ok
- May 21 '20 pol>eng znamię czasownikowe subjective word // subjective interpretation of pro closed ok
4 May 21 '20 pol>eng poturbowana emocjonalnie emotionally battered pro closed ok
- May 19 '20 esl>eng vehículo societario business structure pro closed ok
- May 16 '20 fra>eng hors provision non-provisional // non-prepaid pro closed no
4 May 16 '20 fra>eng taxe d'enseigne outdoor advertising tax // commercial signage tax // signage tax pro closed no
4 May 11 '20 pol>eng transmitent  transferor pro closed no
4 May 11 '20 pol>eng transmitariusz transferee pro closed no
4 May 10 '20 esl>eng ultrapetitividad ultra petita pro closed ok
4 May 9 '20 esl>eng motivación de autos reasons for judgments // grounds for rulings // reasons for decisions pro closed ok
- May 9 '20 fra>eng CSE d’établissement establishment-level economic and social committee // establishment-level CSE // establishment CSE pro closed no
- May 9 '20 fra>eng CSE central Central Economic and Social Committee pro closed no
4 May 6 '20 fra>eng Engagement de responsabilité commitment to be held liable // liability commitment pro closed no
4 May 6 '20 pol>eng na podstawie art. 6b ust. 1 w zw. z art.3 ust. 1 pkt.1 itd..... pursuant to Article 6(b)(1) in conjunction with Article 3(1)(1), etc. pro closed no
4 May 5 '20 esl>eng relaciones de cargo lists of offices pro closed no
- May 5 '20 fra>eng à concurrence de la totalité en usufruit to the extent of his/her/its beneficial ownership of the property pro closed ok
- May 4 '20 esl>eng gastos por sustracción theft losses pro closed ok
- May 4 '20 esl>eng estimación presuntiva Estimated Tax Assessments and Penalties pro closed ok
4 May 4 '20 esl>eng declaración omisa non-filed tax return pro closed ok
- May 3 '20 esl>eng acta de cargos notice of objection pro closed ok
- May 1 '20 esl>eng múltiples jueces ejecutores sin que pudieran ejecutar su mandato, various executing officers were assigned without them being able to carry out their mandate pro open no
- May 3 '20 esl>eng Persona Cuestionada Person of Ill Repute pro closed ok
- May 2 '20 esl>eng fáctico factual issue pro closed ok
4 May 1 '20 esl>eng Tribunal Aduanero y Tribunal Administrativo (TATA) Administrative Tax and Customs Court pro closed ok
- Apr 30 '20 esl>eng sentencia tributaria administrativa administrative tax rulings pro closed ok
- Apr 29 '20 esl>eng simule o suponga fraudulently records pro closed ok
- Apr 28 '20 esl>eng no celebración in the event that marriage does not take place pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered