Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Dec 21 '22 rus>eng Мало тебе отец задницу драл Didn't your father ever use his belt? pro closed ok
4 Aug 2 '22 rus>eng Только их реально надо погулять But you really gotta go all out pro closed no
4 Aug 2 '22 rus>eng Куда еще центрее за такие деньги? How much more central were you hoping to get on that budget? pro closed no
- Aug 2 '22 rus>eng Что вот так вот сразу? You don't like to waste time, do you? pro closed no
4 Dec 19 '21 rus>eng обрушить удар deliver a blow pro closed no
- Dec 7 '21 rus>eng решить вопрос мешают твои статьи We can't settle this 'cause of your record pro closed no
- Sep 12 '21 rus>eng политическое переформатирование political restructuring pro closed ok
4 Apr 19 '21 rus>eng кейсы для портфолио case studies (for your portfolio) pro closed ok
4 Dec 23 '20 eng>eng .....pal that's a long time getting up, pro closed no
4 Dec 14 '20 rus>eng фен (here) speed pro closed ok
4 Sep 9 '20 eng>eng made up for compensated for pro closed ok
- Aug 19 '20 rus>eng общее фортепиано Fundamentals of Piano pro closed no
4 Aug 16 '20 rus>eng КБР CBD pro closed no
4 Aug 1 '20 eng>eng uneven - V8 V8 juice pro closed no
- May 25 '20 eng>eng See.... Something like: pro closed no
4 May 22 '20 eng>eng ..................expecting you Ah yes, sir! His Lordship has been pro closed no
4 May 21 '20 rus>eng разъяснительная работа public information campaign pro closed ok
4 May 21 '20 eng>eng eldest son...... Here's most of it: pro closed no
4 May 21 '20 eng>eng I'm finally..... retired pro closed no
4 May 21 '20 eng>eng I..... By jove, you do know your Byron! pro closed no
4 May 20 '20 eng>eng very heavy!......... All right, I won't hold you any further. pro closed no
4 May 19 '20 eng>eng Disturbance? No. You............................... you're the only disturbance I've had pro closed no
- May 17 '20 rus>eng под раскаленным утюгом hard-pressed to pro closed ok
- May 4 '20 rus>eng Дом на лом teardown pro closed ok
- Apr 30 '20 eng>eng "Stonewall Matilda" uncommunicative pro just_closed no
4 Apr 27 '20 eng>eng Pinching off taking certain elements and changing their intended use/meaning pro closed ok
4 Apr 23 '20 rus>eng принимать участие в рабоче-спортивных играх работников "***" corporate sports events pro closed ok
4 Apr 22 '20 rus>eng Православный приход храма Рождества Пророка Предтечи и Крестителя Иоанна Orthodox Parish Church of the Nativity of Prophet and Forerunner John the Baptist pro closed ok
4 Apr 13 '20 eng>eng take off of the book to take out of the book pro closed no
- Jan 12 '20 rus>eng сделать ход make a move pro closed ok
- Dec 16 '19 rus>eng безграничники (бел. бязмежнікі) the unbound pro closed ok
4 Dec 3 '19 rus>eng А что, так можно было что ли? Damn, why didn't I think of that? / For real? That was an option? pro closed no
4 Nov 29 '19 rus>eng закрыть на to lock the pro closed ok
4 Nov 24 '19 eng>eng What do they say? New example. almost correct pro closed no
4 Nov 24 '19 rus>eng Приготовьте Preparing pro closed ok
- Nov 22 '19 eng>eng What exactly is she saying? oh yeah...what a bitch n*gga's shot, eh? pro closed no
4 Nov 15 '19 rus>eng или по которым у нас возникли дополнительные вопросы that require clarification pro closed no
- Nov 14 '19 rus>eng R&D/Sustaining Research and Development/Sustaining Engineer pro closed ok
4 Nov 14 '19 rus>eng WISE Lead lead engineer/ team lead pro closed ok
4 Nov 14 '19 rus>eng hands-on capacity practical experience with the topic at hand pro closed no
- Nov 9 '19 eng>rus Тапабельность Tap-through rate (TTR) /tapworthy/ tappable (clickable) pro just_closed no
- Nov 6 '19 rus>eng научно-методическая деятельность Scientific Research and Development pro open no
- Oct 14 '19 eng>eng Country vs State country vs state pro closed no
4 Oct 17 '19 rus>eng дорога закрыта your path is crossed (you're crossed/cursed) pro closed ok
- Oct 17 '19 rus>eng Звук, как человек поднимается или тащит что-то тяжелое Urgh / Ugh pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered