Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 May 25 '05 eng>sve cryogenically kryogenisk/t easy closed no
- Mar 30 '05 eng>sve primary energy primär energianvändning easy closed no
- Feb 27 '05 eng>sve re-enactment se nedan easy closed ok
- Feb 25 '05 eng>sve oxygenated fuel syrsatt bränsle easy closed ok
4 Feb 21 '05 eng>sve home entrertainment system hemmabiosystem easy closed ok
- Oct 19 '04 eng>sve sub-national laws nationella och lokala lagar, förordningar och bestämmelser easy closed no
4 Sep 15 '04 eng>sve I love you will you be my boy? Jag älskar dig. Vill du bli min pojkvän? easy closed no
4 Sep 15 '04 eng>sve I like you alot will you go out with me? Jag gillar dig. Vill du gå ut med mig? easy closed no
4 May 31 '04 eng>sve ...knows so much about smuggling and alien life forms. så mycket om smuggling och främmande livsformer easy closed no
4 May 31 '04 eng>sve Now, go on with your status checks fortsätt nu med dina statuskontroller easy closed no
4 May 30 '04 eng>sve Captain. They've got the Drazi data crystal decoded.. Kapten. De har avkodat Drazis datakristall... easy closed no
- May 29 '04 eng>sve the bioweapons division ... avdelningen för biovapen easy closed no
4 May 29 '04 eng>sve It's a biogenetic plague Det är en biogenetisk pest easy closed ok
4 May 27 '04 eng>sve good day god dag easy closed no
- Mar 18 '04 eng>sve Loofa Loofa/Luffa easy closed no
- Mar 18 '04 eng>sve * 69/Calling feature återuppringning easy just_closed no
4 Mar 18 '04 eng>sve Timeout timeout/spelavbrott easy closed ok
4 Mar 11 '04 eng>sve drug-coated stent/mesh tubes läkemedelsavgivande stent/(metall)nät easy closed ok
- Feb 6 '04 eng>sve red röd easy closed ok
4 Feb 5 '04 eng>sve hennesy Hennessy easy closed ok
- Feb 4 '04 eng>sve without adding utan att tillsätta easy closed no
4 Jan 29 '04 eng>sve Pound Jourhem för hemlösa djur easy closed ok
4 Jan 29 '04 eng>sve Lamaze class förlossningsförberedelse enligt Lamazemetoden easy closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered