GlossPost: Idioms (eng > deu)
Persoa que publicou o fío: Oliver Walter
Oliver Walter
Oliver Walter  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 15:22
German to English
+ ...
Mar 20, 2007

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Posted by: Oliver Walter

Title: Idioms

Source language(s): eng

Target language(s): deu

Source: Vokaboly Software

Keywords: idioms,proverbs,Redewendungen,slang



Database of over 6000 idioms, proverbs and slang expressions. Searchable in either direction. Examples: "a completely different ball game", "month of Sund
... See more
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Posted by: Oliver Walter

Title: Idioms

Source language(s): eng

Target language(s): deu

Source: Vokaboly Software

Keywords: idioms,proverbs,Redewendungen,slang



Database of over 6000 idioms, proverbs and slang expressions. Searchable in either direction. Examples: "a completely different ball game", "month of Sundays", "nix", "na gut!".



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GlossPost: Idioms (eng > deu)

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