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Translation by Esayas kebede (#29432)

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I began the revision and realized that it was a humongous pile of excrement produced by Gurgle!

Nonetheless, I delivered a perfect translation... but the customer had my sublime work edited by some illiterate jerk who ruined it!

And they published online my now-defective translation alongside my name!

እውነተኛ አስፈሪ ታሪኮች

ክለሳውን ጀመርኩ፣እናም ይህ ባልበሰለ ሰዉ የተፈጠረ እጅግ ዘግናኝ ክምር መሆኑን ተገነዘብኩ!

የሆነ ሆኖ እኔ ፍጹም ትርጉም ነዉ ያስገባሁት...ነገር ግን ደንበኛው የኔን ድንቅ ስራ ያበላሸዉ፣ማንበብ እና መጻፍ የማይችል ደደብ እንዲያርትዕ አደረገ!

እናም አሁን ከስሜ ጋር የአሁኑን የእኔን እንከናም ትርጉም በመስመር ላይ አሳትመዋል!

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