Translation glossary: Agronomy

Showing entries 1-50 of 162
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(rice and yeast) strainslevedura = cepa, raça, linhagem; arroz = variedade, cultivar, linhagem 
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(to) bolt, boltingpendoamento precoce 
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a lançobroadcast or topdressing 
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abrigo meteorológicoinstrument shelter 
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acidez total tituláveltotal titrable acidity 
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ácido giberélicogibberellic acid 
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ácido indolbutíricoindolebutyric acid 
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adubação de coberturasidedressing, top dressing 
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adubação em coberturasidedressing 
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adubação mineralmineral fertilization 
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alcohol/polyethylene glycol fixature pouchbolsa suspensa de álcool/polietileno glicol 
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alimentação no cochotrough feeding 
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alimento 'in natura'fresh food 
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aminoácidos solúveis totaistotal soluble amino acids 
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Animal Enrichment FeedingSimulação de Condições Naturais via Alimentação 
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animal foodalimentação animal 
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aplicação a lançobroadcasting application 
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após o partoafter birthing 
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ArraçoamentoFeeding scheme, feeding schedule, or simply \"feeding\" 
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arroz em cascaunhulled rice 
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ácidos graxos livresfree fatty acids 
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área de cerradocerrado area 
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área de pousio em um latossolo vermelho distroférricofallow area in a Rhodic Hapludox 
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árvore filogenéticaphylogenetic tree 
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índice de acerto médiomean hit rate 
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balde ao pébucket (pail) set on the floor 
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bare root plantingplantio de raiz nua 
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biosealantbiosselante, biosselador, biovedante / selante - vedante biológico 
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borboleta-penugemfurry butterfly 
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bracketing(cromatograma padrão) em faixas 
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buffer uptake linetubo de entrada da solução tampão 
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caddis fly larvaelarvas de friganas 
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caixa de solossoil bin 
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candlingpoda de brotações novas e tenras 
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capina manualhand-weeding 
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casa de vegetaçãogreenhouse 
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click beetlebarata de estalo, elaterídeo 
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cobertura[deworm at] mating 
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cold expressionextração a frio, prensagem a frio, expressão a frio 
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