Powwow Report for Canada - Toronto (Sep 20 2003)

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Report from  Mark Vaintroub
This is a photo coverage of the Toronto POWWOW made by Mark Vaintroub (Canadian). The actual report will follow, I guess.
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(Click on an image for larger view)

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: organizer : photos : report : host
Amir Gavriely
Premier Focus
Yuri Geifman
Carole Harrington
Laura Molinari
Christine Slattery
foehnerk (X)
Mark Vaintroub
Larissa Boutrimova
Isabelle Lapierre
Angelica Mengana

Postings from ProZians who attended this event

Sep 20 '03  Yuri Geifman: Last-minute reminder
The meeting is on and we're going to have a guest from (Henry isn't coming this time, but someone else is).

If you're not sure where you're going:
By car - take the Allen Rd North to Finch, turn left and look for Mandarin on your left-hand side about 300 meters down the road (if you see a sign for Moscow Sauna Club, you're there - it's in the same plaza).
By TTC - Finch West bus (No. 36) from the Finch Subway Station.