| Tema | Publicado por Respostas (Vistas) Última entrada |
| AI in, freelancers out | 5 (1,114) |
| Where to provide services? | 4 (872) |
| Most important tip for translation graduates | 8 (1,487) |
| Online consecutive interpreting | 1 (484) |
| How to let agencies know you're unavailable ( 1... 2) | 15 (2,691) |
| Does it make sense to learn German to live in the U.S.? | 5 (1,357) |
| Running an agency, translating from/into multiple languages | 12 (1,754) |
| Finding work through fellow translators ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5... 6) | 80 (11,012) |
| What does a decent living mean for you nowadays? ( 1... 2) | 24 (4,065) |
| Any tips on Agency needs for Certified translations for the US? | 10 (4,561) |
| Consecutive Interpretation Rates | 2 (906) |
| Freelance translator in the UK: private pension? | 4 (1,236) |
| how do you handle all the form filling before you get a project? | 6 (1,976) |
| Work log template | 2 (870) |
| How to gain experience | 9 (2,110) |
| How do you deal when your activity has been slow for a while? | 13 (3,644) |
| Dépassement de seuil de TVA auto-entrepreneur ( 1... 2) | 18 (6,203) |
| How to diversify to make up for the August/January slumps in work | 6 (2,058) |
| Facebook profile pre-screening? | 9 (2,013) |
| How to get more jobs | 6 (2,341) |
| Two translators in a couple: good or bad idea? ( 1, 2, 3... 4) | 58 (14,416) |
| How/Where can I find work? | 8 (2,905) |
| Managing translation projects in a law firm | 5 (3,145) |
| Need advice about the ProZ membership, is it worth It ? | 7 (5,620) |
| Best technology whilst traveling | 5 (2,129) |
| Starting off as a Freelancer after being in the Industry for 13 years! | 1 (1,402) |
| Recording a short introduction video as part of the agency application process - a new normal? | 10 (3,380) |
| How to lose jobs ( 1, 2, 3... 4) | 52 (15,000) |
| Have you sent tons of e-mail applications and nobody replied? | 5 (2,316) |
| A friend that thinks being a translator is easy... ( 1... 2) | 24 (8,048) |
| Self publishing in Italy | 2 (1,566) |
| "The Premium Market: Hiding in Plain Sight" -- your thoughts? ( 1... 2) | 20 (7,607) |
| Non paid tests before getting the job | 12 (3,812) |
| Miles long T&C's | 3 (1,861) |
| How is the French-Portuguese translation market? | 1 (1,393) |
| Official Translator's Certificate in Hungary | 0 (984) |
| Software applications for multimedia projects as Freelance translator | 5 (2,351) |
| Your thoughts about a freelancing relationship with a client - are they trying to get rid of me? | 11 (4,221) |
| Being freelance and being isolated ( 1, 2, 3, 4... 5) | 71 (38,098) |
| Future of freelance translators in auto-translated world ( 1... 2) | 16 (7,331) |
| Best way to approach potential direct clients? | 11 (11,080) |
| Resining my day job to become a "real freelancer." | 7 (3,230) |
| Asking for upcoming work volume | 8 (3,729) |
| Does anyone know about this new translation platform? ( 1, 2... 3) | 31 (14,295) |
| Agencies asking to update your availability | 6 (2,897) |
| Liability clause/liability insurance | 4 (2,612) |
| What's with the obssession with resumes? | 4 (2,570) |
| Freelance translation for six month in France - registration for French tax | 5 (2,595) |
| Illness insurance | 7 (3,321) |