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Em qual projeto de tradução você está trabalhando agora?
Henry Schroeder publicado em compartilhado:

February projects: Report on survey of voters (10,000 words), webinar on finance (10,000 words), project description, more webinars on finance/credit card products (10,000 words), annual report (9,000 words), couple of projects for AI company, marketing/press release texts for German central bank (small, running 15-year project), newsletter for leading research institution, central bank texts again, more newsletter and similar texts for research institute (recurring 1-year project), more of annual report (20,000 words, adjusted for repetitions - 5,000), project description text for Bavarian university (private client)

Jahresbericht, annual report, Webinar, Gutachten, wissenschaftliche Studie


I Do That

  • alemão para inglês
  • 60000 palavras
  • Finance (general), Law (general), Government / Politics
  • 90% completo