Certified translators Certified translations are sometimes required for official purposes. What constitutes "certification" in translation differs from place to place (ie. the regulations in th United States are different than they are in Canada or the UK), and sometimes there are legal implications. The ProZ.com "certified pro network" is a network of professional translators (many of them freelancers) who have either been certified by a professional association, or who have been screened by professional peers. It is possible to search among this network for certified translators (or "sworn translators") who have the qualifications you require. Many show their rates or offer free quotes through their profiles. ¿Qué é a rede ProZ.com Certified PRO?A rede ProZ.com Certified PRO Network é unha iniciativa da comunidade de ProZ.com, que ten como propósito identificar tradutores cualificados en varias combinacións de linguas, e proporcionarlles a opción de contactar e colaborar nun entorno consistente enteiramente de profesionais selectos. Aqueles que sexan aceptados na rede gañarán o título e selo de "ProZ.com Certified PRO", que pode ser exhibido nas páxinas de perfil, así coma noutros sitios tanto dentro coma fóra da páxina de ProZ.com. ¿Cales son os beneficios de participar na rede? Participar na rede ProZ.com Certified PRO proporciona unha nova e potente ferramenta para distinguirse como profesional, non soamente mediante a demostración das súas capacidades únicas (mantendo os estándares da industria), senón tamén mediante críticas doutros profesionais, clientes e proveedores e, probablemente nun futuro próximo, a través de rexistros verificados. Co tempo, esta rede proporcionará ós mellores profesionais e empresas un xeito doado de contactar e colaborar, particularmente cando o traballo ten que estar ben feito e igualmente ben pagado. ¿Cales son os requisitos para obter a certificación?
Note: ProZ.com professional membership is required for admittance into the Certified PRO Network for freelance translators and ProZ.com business membership is required for businesses; beyond that, there is no additional charge for participation. |
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It's great to have been included in this global professional community of translators, helping to contribute to encouraging international understanding. ![]() I strongly believe this initiative will help meet new challenges in the translation market. ![]() Rodion Shein Russian Federation This is an excellent initiative and one I am looking forward to contributing to with my time, energy and enthusiasm. ![]() Adele Oliveri Italy |