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dependency file not found
Persoa que publicou o fío: Oliver Pekelharing
Oliver Pekelharing
Oliver Pekelharing  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:58
Dutch to English
Jan 27, 2013


I had a 'dependency file not found' problem with a project the other day. I followed advice I found in this forum and created a new project and not much harm done. What I want to know is how I can prevent this from happening again in the future. Am I correct in thinking I need to disable removal of temporary windows files? I've found this setting in my virus scanner, but does windows do it too? And does the problem only occur when temporary files are removed while the project i
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I had a 'dependency file not found' problem with a project the other day. I followed advice I found in this forum and created a new project and not much harm done. What I want to know is how I can prevent this from happening again in the future. Am I correct in thinking I need to disable removal of temporary windows files? I've found this setting in my virus scanner, but does windows do it too? And does the problem only occur when temporary files are removed while the project is open? In other words when IS it safe to remove the temporary files?



Erik Freitag
Erik Freitag  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:58
Membro (2006)
Dutch to German
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Energy options Jan 27, 2013

Dear Olly,

I have been told by SDL staff that this frequently happens due to energy option settings: Studio is unable to cope with hard disk hibernation.

The solution is to disable the respective energy options in windows. If you don't want that, you need to make sure that you don't leave any files open in Studio when the computer's harddisk goes into hibernation mode.

(The obvious solution of course would be for SDL to make Studio compatible with such a ba
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Dear Olly,

I have been told by SDL staff that this frequently happens due to energy option settings: Studio is unable to cope with hard disk hibernation.

The solution is to disable the respective energy options in windows. If you don't want that, you need to make sure that you don't leave any files open in Studio when the computer's harddisk goes into hibernation mode.

(The obvious solution of course would be for SDL to make Studio compatible with such a basic feature of any current operating system, but SDL staff have told me that this wasn't a bug, but a feature, as it enables Studio to handle its databases more quickly - uhm....)

Anyway, I haven't had the dreaded "dependent file" error since I disabled the energy options - on the other hand, my electricity bill probably has gone up a little since then

Hope this helps,
kind regards,

[Bearbeitet am 2013-01-27 11:12 GMT]

Natalie  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:58
Membro (2002)
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Temporary file(s) have been deleted Jan 27, 2013

Hi Olly,

Here is one of possible reasons, at least the one which I have discovered: deletion of temporary project files while project is opened. This has happened to me a couple of times when I was working in Studio late in the night and some of my programs used to keep the PC healthy (I think it was RegCurePro) was running in the background. After the scan was completed, RegCure asked me if I would like to fix the problems and get rid of system clutter. As it was late in the night,
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Hi Olly,

Here is one of possible reasons, at least the one which I have discovered: deletion of temporary project files while project is opened. This has happened to me a couple of times when I was working in Studio late in the night and some of my programs used to keep the PC healthy (I think it was RegCurePro) was running in the background. After the scan was completed, RegCure asked me if I would like to fix the problems and get rid of system clutter. As it was late in the night, I was rather absent-minded and did not check the suggested "system clutter" thoroughly as I always do, and clicked 'confirm'. And then this exactly error appeared, "dependency file not found". The solution was closing and re-opening the project.

So the answer to the question, when IS it safe to remove the temporary files, is: at least NOT when you are working in Studio. Cleaning system clutter when Studio was closed has never created any problems in my case.

And, again at least in my case, hibernation has nothing to do with the problem.

[Edited at 2013-01-27 16:43 GMT]

SouthWords  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:58
Using Windows' Restore Previous Versions tool to address dependency file errors in Studio Mar 25, 2013

I encountered a dependency file error a while back and ended up successfully restoring the dependency file and its folder by using the Restore Previous Versions tool that's built into Windows Vista and Windows 7. In my case, the error was linked to my actively working in Studio when a PC maintenance program ran automatically in the background and deleted temporary files.

I use SDL Trados Studio 2011 on a PC that runs Windows 7.

If you’re operating system is Windows Vi
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I encountered a dependency file error a while back and ended up successfully restoring the dependency file and its folder by using the Restore Previous Versions tool that's built into Windows Vista and Windows 7. In my case, the error was linked to my actively working in Studio when a PC maintenance program ran automatically in the background and deleted temporary files.

I use SDL Trados Studio 2011 on a PC that runs Windows 7.

If you’re operating system is Windows Vista or Windows 7, you can verify that you have the Restore Previous Versions tool by right-clicking on any file or folder and seeing if the “Restore previous versions” option appears on the menu. You won’t change or damage your files or folders if you select “Restore previous versions.” Clicking it will simply show you whether there are previous versions of a file or folder (if there aren’t, none will be listed) and, if there are, the date and time of their last modification. With respect to the missing dependency file error in Studio, this meant closing and reopening my xliff so that I could get the name and location of the missing dependency file, or at least enough of the name and file path to know what folder to restore. In my case, the file with the cryptic name was located in a folder with an equally cryptic name at Users/MyUserFolder/AppData/Local/Temp. After restoring the Temp folder to the version that existed immediately prior to the time the PC maintenance scan ran, I had my dependency file back and my xliff opened in Studio 2011 without any dependency file error. My ability to use “Save Target As…,” “Generate Target Translations,” and “Create Return Package” were restored, as well.

The method isn’t 100% foolproof, of course, because it assumes that you have been working on the file that goes missing or gets prematurely deleted long enough for your computer to have made its default copy of changed files and folders. Restore Previous Versions worked in my case because I had been working on the project in question all day for several days. However, if you start a project just a short while before your PC maintenance program runs and the maintenance program runs while you’re working on a file in Studio, there’s a good chance that the most recent version of your Temp folder won’t show a backup copy of the dependency file at all.

Allyson McKay Scaramella
Allyson McKay Scaramella
New Zealand
Local time: 16:58
Italian to English
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Tried Southwords' workaround but I get stuck on Admin permissions for folders in Temp May 20, 2014

I've got the same issue, which I presume was caused by the Hibernation feature as I use that often. Try as I might I can't use the workaround because I can't restore one of the folders in the Temp folder with the Administrator's permission, but when I am the administrator. aaargh!
Can you suggest something? Have oodles of comments in my file so would rather not have to start over with a new .sdlxliff file.



Richard Foulkes (X)
Richard Foulkes (X)  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 03:58
German to English
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Not had this recently but... May 20, 2014

When it has happened, I think I've been presented with a 'Browse' dialogue box and I've simply browsed to and double-clicked on the source Word file (or other relevant format) and that has solved it. Hope that helps.

Soraya Guimarães Hoepfner
Soraya Guimarães Hoepfner  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:58
English to Portuguese
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Once you lost Temp files, what do do then? Jul 11, 2014

Hello, All, thank you for sharing your opinion on this, I have been facing this lately and I was advised by Tech Engineers from one agency that first, this does not have any impact on actual work.
Later, I've found out it does in at least 2 ways:

Once you have had this warning of 'Dependency file not found' and you decide to ignore and continue working, 1 - the Check feature is affected, and somehow simple issues like mismatch punctuation are not spotted anymore. 2 - Tech gu
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Hello, All, thank you for sharing your opinion on this, I have been facing this lately and I was advised by Tech Engineers from one agency that first, this does not have any impact on actual work.
Later, I've found out it does in at least 2 ways:

Once you have had this warning of 'Dependency file not found' and you decide to ignore and continue working, 1 - the Check feature is affected, and somehow simple issues like mismatch punctuation are not spotted anymore. 2 - Tech guys reported later that my Return Package was a "mess" and they suggested me to 'unable' automatic cleaning of temp files.

And here come my questions:

Once the problem appears, whatever the reason that cause you to lose files, what is the best workaround really?

Start over again with a new file and implement TM results so far?

Where this feature of automatic cleaning of temp files is actually located? (Windows 8 here) Is there any Trados feature related that could help or is it really that Trados ignore the issue as related to its software?

Thank you in advance!

Remi P
Remi P
United Kingdom
Local time: 03:58
How to clean your SDLXLIFF files Jul 24, 2014

Hi all,
I encounter this problem from time to time and never recreate a project.
The solution is to edit the SDLXLIFF file.

Do as follow to open the files without errors:

  1. Make sure the SDLXLIFF file is not opened in SDL (that would overwrite the manual changes)

  2. Open the SDLXLIFF file in your favorite text editor (I would strongly suggest to make a copy of the SDLXLIFF file before editing it, particularly if you are not familiar with X... See more
Hi all,
I encounter this problem from time to time and never recreate a project.
The solution is to edit the SDLXLIFF file.

Do as follow to open the files without errors:

  1. Make sure the SDLXLIFF file is not opened in SDL (that would overwrite the manual changes)

  2. Open the SDLXLIFF file in your favorite text editor (I would strongly suggest to make a copy of the SDLXLIFF file before editing it, particularly if you are not familiar with XML. That way, you can always revert the file back to its previous status if you do something wrong in the next steps)

  3. Search for <external-file and remove the tag <external-file href=....../>

  4. Search for <sdl:ref-file and remove the tag <sdl:ref-file iud=....../>

  5. Save your file

  6. Open again in SDL Trados !

Up to now, the method had never failed.
Hope that helps,

Soraya Guimarães Hoepfner
Soraya Guimarães Hoepfner  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:58
English to Portuguese
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when you have so many... Aug 16, 2014

Hi Remi,

your solution seems to be interesting, but when you have over 100 files like I have now and just encountered the same problem again, I am not sure how safe it is to apply it to every single file.

I have been struggling to find out in practical terms, how to simply prevent that files in Appdata/local/... folder from being deleted.

Everywhere I can only read about people that actually want them to be deleted (to save space, etc.). I have reached prop
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Hi Remi,

your solution seems to be interesting, but when you have over 100 files like I have now and just encountered the same problem again, I am not sure how safe it is to apply it to every single file.

I have been struggling to find out in practical terms, how to simply prevent that files in Appdata/local/... folder from being deleted.

Everywhere I can only read about people that actually want them to be deleted (to save space, etc.). I have reached property settings for this folder, but I am not sure what do do, cause if I tick to DENY access to modify files in this folder, actually all the other options like Read, Write are also selected and you cannot unselect them...

I do realize this is a Windows issue related to Trados, but since Trados is using this specific folder by default, I am disappointed to find no real support or concret solution to this problem.

Right now I have exactly 121 files with 'dependency file not found' and an Engineer team that would be no so happy when receiving my return package (got complaints about issue messing up files upon delivery...).



[quote]Remi P wrote:

Hi all,
I encounter this problem from time to time and never recreate a project.
The solution is to edit the SDLXLIFF file.

Do as follow to open the files without errors:

  1. Make sure the SDLXLIFF file is not opened in SDL (that would overwrite the manual changes)

  2. Open the SDLXLIFF file in your favorite text editor (I would strongly suggest to make a copy of the SDLXLIFF file before editing it, particularly if you are not familiar with XML. That way, you can always revert the file back to its previous status if you do something wrong in the next steps)

  3. Search for Collapse

Myron Netchypor
Myron Netchypor  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:58
Membro (2003)
English to Ukrainian
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Moderador deste foro
Thanks Remi! Aug 19, 2014

I used your solution, and it worked great for me. And your advise to make a copy of the SDLXLIFF file before editing was also very timely, as I deleted a bit too much for the first time.

[quote]Remi P wrote:

Hi all,
I encounter this problem from time to time and never recreate a project.
The solution is to edit the SDLXLIFF file.

Do as follow to open the files without errors:

  1. Make sure the SDLXLIFF file is not opened in SDL (that would overwrite the manual changes)

  2. Open the SDLXLIFF file in your favorite text editor (I would strongly suggest to make a copy of the SDLXLIFF file before editing it, particularly if you are not familiar with XML. That way, you can always revert the file back to its previous status if you do something wrong in the next steps)

  3. Search for

Irene Perkounigg
Irene Perkounigg
Local time: 04:58
English to German
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Prevent deletion of temporary files Mar 31, 2015

Hello everyone,

I've got the problem with the missing dependency file every time I work on a project package for a client of mine. So the way I understand it, is that the only way to solve this problem is by preventing Windows from deleting your temporary files, right?
Can anyone explain how exactly I do that? I'm working with Windows 8 and Studio 2014.
I tried the solution with deleting the tags as explained by Remi, however it didn't work for me and I'm not sure whethe
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Hello everyone,

I've got the problem with the missing dependency file every time I work on a project package for a client of mine. So the way I understand it, is that the only way to solve this problem is by preventing Windows from deleting your temporary files, right?
Can anyone explain how exactly I do that? I'm working with Windows 8 and Studio 2014.
I tried the solution with deleting the tags as explained by Remi, however it didn't work for me and I'm not sure whether it's a good idea in general as the project packages will be reopened by another linguist for proofreading.

Many thanks in advance!

Gaël Montreuil
Gaël Montreuil  Identity Verified
English to French
tried Remi's method, but... Aug 13, 2015

the problem is that, though it solves the errors when opening, I still can't create the target file.

Alexa Dubreuil
Alexa Dubreuil  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 03:58
English to French
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Solution to create the target file and resolve the issue Aug 26, 2015

Gaël Montreuil wrote:

the problem is that, though it solves the errors when opening, I still can't create the target file.

Indeed Gaël.

I ended up finding a solution thanks to a ’life-saving’ post by Beatriz de Vega on https://community.sdl.com/products-solutions/language/translationproductivity/f/90/t/3814

"What worked for me was to open each file and it asked "Would you like to browse for the file?" I clicked on Yes and it prompted me to browse for the file. I went to the folder where my original files were saved and selected the appropriate one (you have to change the temporary file name in the dropdown next to the file selection box to the original file name). After this the document opened and then I saved the file. Now when I open each document and get no error message. I'm also able to save target as in a new folder. I disabled the Norton 360 deletion of temporary files as FMM suggested to prevent the problem from reoccurring."

So basically, when Studio asked "Would you like to browse for the file?" I said ’yes’ and went to the Studio folder containing the source file. In my case, the source file was in English so I went in the "\en-GB" sub-folder created by Studio in the Project folder. Then I chose the actual .docx file (not the .sdlxliff file).

This worked for me and I managed to save the Target file later on.

In my case, this problem was originally caused by my Antivirus (Bullguard) which had decided to run an automatic "PC Tune Up" session in the background - while Studio was running - and emptied the ’User Temp directory", containing the Studio dependency file. Needless to say I have now unticked the ’Clean User Temp directory’ in Bullguard PC Tune Up settings.

I hope this helps.

[Edited at 2015-08-26 18:06 GMT]

Gaël Montreuil
Gaël Montreuil  Identity Verified
English to French
Hi Alexa, Sep 6, 2015

Well, it sortta help but you see I get most of my projects as Studio packages sometimes without the source, so, if I understood your method right, I might not have any original file to open.

Well the last time I ended recreating the project and thankfully the translation was redone automatically using the TM (my heart might have missed a beat though).

Same issue for me with the AV, I use Norton Internet Security and I had the option to remove temp file unchecked. It see
... See more
Well, it sortta help but you see I get most of my projects as Studio packages sometimes without the source, so, if I understood your method right, I might not have any original file to open.

Well the last time I ended recreating the project and thankfully the translation was redone automatically using the TM (my heart might have missed a beat though).

Same issue for me with the AV, I use Norton Internet Security and I had the option to remove temp file unchecked. It seems to have resolved the problem.

I do wish SDL makes their software a bit less problem prone some day...

K. Woo
K. Woo
Local time: 04:58
German to English
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This worked for me Dec 11, 2015

"I ended up finding a solution thanks to a ’life-saving’ post by Beatriz de Vega on https://community.sdl.com/products-solutions/language/translationproductivity/f/90/t/3814

"What worked for me was to open each file and it asked "Would you like to browse for the file?" I clicked on Yes and it prompted me to browse for the file. I w
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"I ended up finding a solution thanks to a ’life-saving’ post by Beatriz de Vega on https://community.sdl.com/products-solutions/language/translationproductivity/f/90/t/3814

"What worked for me was to open each file and it asked "Would you like to browse for the file?" I clicked on Yes and it prompted me to browse for the file. I went to the folder where my original files were saved and selected the appropriate one (you have to change the temporary file name in the dropdown next to the file selection box to the original file name). After this the document opened and then I saved the file. Now when I open each document and get no error message. I'm also able to save target as in a new folder. I disabled the Norton 360 deletion of temporary files as FMM suggested to prevent the problem from reoccurring."

So basically, when Studio asked "Would you like to browse for the file?" I said ’yes’ and went to the Studio folder containing the source file. In my case, the source file was in English so I went in the "\en-GB" sub-folder created by Studio in the Project folder. Then I chose the actual .docx file (not the .sdlxliff file).

This worked for me and I managed to save the Target file later on.

In my case, this problem was originally caused by my Antivirus (Bullguard) which had decided to run an automatic "PC Tune Up" session in the background - while Studio was running - and emptied the ’User Temp directory", containing the Studio dependency file. Needless to say I have now unticked the ’Clean User Temp directory’ in Bullguard PC Tune Up settings."

I had this issue as well, and this approach solved it. I was able to export the target file with no problems.

The way I understood it is, the file cannot be opened because, for whatever reason, the path now leads to a temporary file instead of the folder containing the original file. So to fix this, when you browse for the file you have to change the path back to the folder containing the original file.

Does this sound about right? Has anyone had this problem without the temp files being automatically erased? I don't think I had anything going on in the background when this issue started.

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dependency file not found

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