关于 Certificate of tax residency 的三个问题
Persoa que publicou o fío: Ivan Niu
Ivan Niu
Ivan Niu  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:48
Membro (2011)
English to Chinese
Jun 22, 2015

最近某欧洲的翻译公司要求开具 Certificate of tax residency 方可付款,然而我咨询过当地(长沙)税务局和税务代理,由于他们从来没有接触过海外的事务,所以也从未听说过和处理过。即使我理解办理此证明的目的(避免两国税务机构双向征税)或此英文可能的译法(如中国税收居民身份证明?),他们都一脸茫然。


1. 此证明对应的中文证明名称到底是什么?(不是指网上的译法,而是税务局给的说法,好让我这里的税务局或税务代理也能明白是什么意思。)

2. 此证明具体的办理流程是怎样?(需要在省级税务局、市级税务局、地区分局还有其他机构办理?需要提供哪些资料或证明?)

3. 此证明的模板需要自己编制还是税务局提供?中英双语?纯英语?纯中文?


Lincoln Hui
Lincoln Hui  Identity Verified
Hong Kong
Local time: 10:48
Chinese to English
+ ...
是未開始合作還是已經為該公司做過工作, 這是個問題 Jun 22, 2015

要是前者的話, 算了吧, 那時間和功夫根本不值得去花。

Ivan Niu
Ivan Niu  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:48
Membro (2011)
English to Chinese
做过 Jun 22, 2015




wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 20:48
Chinese to English
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Purpose of such certification Jun 23, 2015

Such a document basically attests to the fact that you are a tax paying individual/corporation in China, and pay income taxes on the freelance translation work that you do.

To that end, If I were you, I'd write up something to that effect both in English and Chinese and get it stamped by the local tax authorities.

The client is only looking for supporting documents that would satisfy their tax authorities - in case there is an audit - for not withholding 20% of your fee
... See more
Such a document basically attests to the fact that you are a tax paying individual/corporation in China, and pay income taxes on the freelance translation work that you do.

To that end, If I were you, I'd write up something to that effect both in English and Chinese and get it stamped by the local tax authorities.

The client is only looking for supporting documents that would satisfy their tax authorities - in case there is an audit - for not withholding 20% of your fees as required by law.

Preston Decker
Preston Decker  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 21:48
Chinese to English
Doesn't sound right to me Jun 23, 2015

Ivan, unless you had a signed agreement with them PRIOR to conducting work with them in which you agreed to provide them with this certificate, I don't think they're acting very properly in requiring you to come up with this document to get paid. Obviously if you can find the right document and have it certified that's the ideal scenario, but if you really run into a wall and simply can't produce this for them, I would let them know that coming up with this requirement after you completed work f... See more
Ivan, unless you had a signed agreement with them PRIOR to conducting work with them in which you agreed to provide them with this certificate, I don't think they're acting very properly in requiring you to come up with this document to get paid. Obviously if you can find the right document and have it certified that's the ideal scenario, but if you really run into a wall and simply can't produce this for them, I would let them know that coming up with this requirement after you completed work for them is not acceptable and that you are expecting full payment.

I'm guessing this agency know very little about the specifics for each country when it comes to this document, so I think there's also a good chance you could get away with submitting almost any sort of document (for example, perhaps you could tell them that your tax office says that because freelancers are not registered as a business entity in CHina, a passport copy is sufficient to prove you owe taxes in China, and just send them this?) Wherestip's suggestion also seems like a reasonable one to me if your local tax office will stamp this.

jyuan_us  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 21:48
Membro (2005)
English to Chinese
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I think his local tax office will not stamp it. Jun 23, 2015

Preston Decker wrote:
if your local tax office will stamp this.

will you, if you were working in his local tax office?

Rita Pang
Rita Pang  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:48
Membro (2011)
Chinese to English
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Moderador deste foro
Certain EU countries Jun 24, 2015

Preston Decker wrote:

Ivan, unless you had a signed agreement with them PRIOR to conducting work with them in which you agreed to provide them with this certificate, I don't think they're acting very properly in requiring you to come up with this document to get paid. Obviously if you can find the right document and have it certified that's the ideal scenario, but if you really run into a wall and simply can't produce this for them, I would let them know that coming up with this requirement after you completed work for them is not acceptable and that you are expecting full payment.

It's actually a pretty common request from many Portuguese agencies I've worked with, though my request came in differently. It's less so about not being able to pay, but more that they have to withhold 20% tax from what they should pay you if you can't provide this letter/certificate.

I've never heard of a case where they can't pay you if they don't have this number. I did had issues with a UK agency once where they kept asking me for a VAT or my local tax number and said they could not pay. I had to then explain the whole VAT not applicable here in Canada nor do I have a tax number- so what I did was I gave them my business registration number in Canada and scanned to them a copy of my business registration certificate here, and that was the end of it.

jyuan_us wrote:
...I think his local tax office will not stamp it.

This goes from country to country. I know mine will (Canada), if provided with ample evidence (e.g. pulling up webpages/printing it off showing that country's tax rules, accompanied with proper document, etc). But you are absolutely right in the sense that if the document is incomplete or does not speak clearly to a certain purpose they certainly would not stamp something so private.

I would think an option would be to send them your business registration certificate perhaps along with a copy of your having declared taxes (for your business) in the last tax year. You'll have to decide how much information you wish to disclose as obviously these are confidential. Try to explain to that agency to tell them that Chinese authorities do not issue such letters maybe.

Chances are you will have a better chance explaining your case along with whatever you can provide to the foreign agency than getting this certificate/letter from your local tax authorities.

Local time: 10:48
English to Chinese
这个我恰好办过 Jan 18, 2016

Just prepare for terrible terrible confusion - say much tear.

Frank Feng
Frank Feng  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:48
Membro (2016)
English to Chinese
+ ...
2016年10月之后这个可能会简单一些了 Sep 16, 2016




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关于 Certificate of tax residency 的三个问题

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