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Zhoudan  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:08
English to Chinese
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选择是一件不容易的事情 Sep 30, 2002

It is true that some askers often do not really know what they are looking for, and often select the answer that I would certainly not use in my own translation. Everyone deserves a chance to learn in his or her own way. Some people prefer to learn it in a hard way. Our job is completed as long as the asker is able to make a well-informed decision.


在“棒棒冰”的答案选择上,我一直很为难。Richard Altwarg、Tamhas Buchan 和 Summit都谈�
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It is true that some askers often do not really know what they are looking for, and often select the answer that I would certainly not use in my own translation. Everyone deserves a chance to learn in his or her own way. Some people prefer to learn it in a hard way. Our job is completed as long as the asker is able to make a well-informed decision.


在“棒棒冰”的答案选择上,我一直很为难。Richard Altwarg、Tamhas Buchan 和 Summit都谈了自己的意见,我觉得都很有道理,我之所以选择了Betty的答案,并不是我觉得她的答案最好,而是因为只有她从一开始就明白我要问的问题。显然我不能选择freezicle 和 popsicle,因为它们与棒棒冰不是一回事。所以,我随后又在问题后面加了注解,说明棒棒冰是什么东西。但是过了好几天都没有新的答案,我只好选择了Betty的答案。Tamhas Buchan是在我选择了Betty的答案以后很久才发表意见的,我看到时,已经没法重新选择答案了。

我经常在Kudoz上提问,大多数时候都能得到满意的答复,但是,也有答案不尽如人意的时候。按照Kudoz的规定,提问者必须在规定时间内选择答案,这样一来,明明那些答案自己都不满意,还是要从中选择一个,这时候就有各种各样的选择标准了。选择BONG BONG ICE时,我遵循的标准主要是:



关于第一点,我已经说过,BETTY知道我说的产品是什么。很多人都在批评她引用的那一段英文。这段英文是从她引用的网站上摘出来的,这个网站上有棒棒冰的照片,看得出网站是台湾人做的,这说明BONG BONG ICE这个说法至少有台湾人在用。我的客户是和新加坡人谈项目,不排除其中有台湾人,所以,选择一个台湾人已经在用的说法,比生造一个名称要讨好一些,当然,如果产品要销往西方国家,倒确实应该重新考虑。








Chinoise  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:08
English to Chinese
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Zhoudan, 你好! Oct 1, 2002

今天偶尔上论坛看看,这里居然硝烟四起,甚感吃惊,更让我感到吃惊的是,这硝烟完全因我的“棒棒冰”问题而起,因此深感不安。一直以来,我很依赖Kudoz,因为我现在是full-time freelancer,每当翻译中碰到至于我为什么选了她的答案,而没有选别人的,我有很多考虑。第一,Betty知道我问的是什么;第二,我看了Betty的reference,那是台湾... See more
今天偶尔上论坛看看,这里居然硝烟四起,甚感吃惊,更让我感到吃惊的是,这硝烟完全因我的“棒棒冰”问题而起,因此深感不安。一直以来,我很依赖Kudoz,因为我现在是full-time freelancer,每当翻译中碰到至于我为什么选了她的答案,而没有选别人的,我有很多考虑。第一,Betty知道我问的是什么;第二,我看了Betty的reference,那是台湾人做的网站。棒棒冰似乎也是前几年从台湾等地传入大陆的,所以,我想,既然台湾人已经在用Bong Bong Ice,不妨采纳。第三,在做出选择之前,我给一位住在纽约的美国朋友(是洋人)发了邮件,描述了棒棒冰的样子和吃法,他第二天就到商店里逛了一圈,说,有类似的产品,厂家不同,叫法也不同。但是,从他的描述来看,也并非完全是我所说的“棒棒冰”。所以,现成的答案似乎没有。第四,坦率地说,我不认为bong bong ice是最好的选择,我也考虑到bong bong 可能会有不好的联想,比如水烟筒之类的东西。选择bong bong ice 其实是不得已之举。因为有这么多热心人给我提供答案,不从中选择一个似乎说不过去。



请允许我这样称呼你,这样叫可以省去处处用“您” 的麻烦(下同) 。

挺喜欢你的名字(应该是“丹”吧) 因为我特喜欢红色,年轻时一有时间便往杭州的\"四季青\"、\"太阳红\"服装市场跑,狂热购衣(以红色居多)。名如其人,感觉你应该是那种大学毕业不久、稚气未脱的红衣女孩--- 或许你也是外语系科班出身,否则小小年纪外语基础会这么好?当然,这都是我的猜测而已。只记得加入PROZ 四个月以来,经常清早醒来,便收到几个伊妹儿,打开一看,其中往往有你出的一、两个KUDOZ问题。译友们都是热心肠,且酷爱翻译,经常抢着帮您解答,所以我有时根本轮不上趟儿。实际上每次见到有题目,只要有时间,我就想上去答,究其原因:天性使然。

这次答“棒棒冰”,我在“谷格”(GOOGLE)上稍加搜寻便找到答案,於是满心欢喜地第一个答完,心里还在暗自思忖:几年没回家,国内还有棒棒冰卖?等我再回过神来,发现另有跟贴,定睛一看,竟是些不敬的话语。刚开始,并没当真;仔细一瞧,落款处竟有“我并无粗鲁之意。”的字样------ 既无粗鲁之意,又何故冒犯在先?此乃西方文明,抑或洋人虚伪?我这里再度使用“洋人”,因为在我接触的北美华人圈里,大家都乐意用“洋”字以区别“中”字,不含任何冒犯之意。比如说,星期六买菜,我会问老公:“今天去唐人店还是洋人店”?而刚出国时为欢度第一个感恩节,我想去洋人店买烤鸡,竟有个心直口快的好朋友直截了当地告诉我:“鬼子店节假日不开门,别去了!” 因此,口头语就是口头语,不加修饰,亲切自然。话说回来,我们的这位洋人朋友戴维,自打他冷不防杀出来、大叫“棒棒冰让他心寒”后,便“此地空余黄鹤楼”、再也没了下文。我用罢中文,又用洋文,千呼万唤,就是不见其出来(这跟你在出了棒棒冰题目以后左等右盼就是不见新答案是何其相似!)。今晨,一觉醒来,看到KEVIN 在论坛的两则发言,字里行间,流露出对戴维的维护。我想,这位戴维------ 如果他也视 KEVIN 为挚友并为KEVIN所言心存感激的话(换了我,我绝对会。“滴水之恩,当涌泉相报“嘛!) -----无论如何此刻也该“犹抱琵琶半遮面”了吧?可还是没动静。於是乎,我好奇地点击其PROZ简介,这才恍然大悟:原来,他已在“点火”之后,一面大叫“心寒”, 一面卷席而逃,留下“哇”声一片。“隔岸观火”、“坐山观虎斗”,这是否也是西方文明的另一种体现?西方文明,我所涉不深;东方文明,我铭心永记。西式礼仪也好,东方文明也罢,“点火即逃”怎么说也算不上是雅举高招。“YONGMEI”的几句妙语,真的使我整个周末精神特爽。我也回了几句感激之言,不知她可曾一读。

本来还想对KEVIN 的(超)长留言作全面回答,现在读了你的两则留言,深感你已为我回答了绝大部分问题,真得谢你为我省下这么多时间。如你所述,我的答案,均出自“谷格”,我所做的只是粘贴工作而已。对於理查德先生的贬义评价,我本不该介意,因为他压根儿是在对“谷格”提出质疑,只是他自己却浑然不知。托马斯先生迟到的答卷的确很出色,只可惜他是在问题结束后的数天、也就是论坛已铺天盖地展开辩论的几天后才答题的。所以你当然无法再给他分数, 除非HENRY在KUDOZ指南部分明确指出同样的题目可以针对某个人再出一次。不过,“真金不怕火炼”。下次再有汉英译题,相信他定会通过答题尽显英雄本色。更何况KUDOZ分数又能算什么?我确切记得我前几天出的一道题:“本是同根生,相煎何太急?” 有位高手竟在我给分两天后奉上了他对全诗的翻译--- 读罢不禁慨叹:如此佳作,堪称译坛极品。由此,我又想到,真正热爱翻译的人,是绝不会纯粹为了分数或金钱而去拼命答题的,真正驱动答题的力量应该是一种专业的本能或是一种使命感。另一日,我出了一道题,给分以后才见你贴上答案。虽是一件小事,但却折射出你的人品(实际上还有好几位同事有过类似的善举,都使我印象至深)。可以说,我们来PROZ,既学到知识,又学会做人。


们的“冰棒”,於是非往上套不可。译为“冰棒”则已,若不译成“洋冰棒”,他们就会说你的英语不地道-- 因为他们认为只有他们才有权评判什么样的英语最地道。於是乎,他们译出的文章,既有“地道”,又有“味道”,却无法与原文对照。我有位洋学生,中文学了六年,便自信地开始了汉英翻译。有一次给我看它的习作,其英译文的内容与原文南辕北辙,令人啼笑皆非。我给他的唯一批语便是:“千万别说我读过你的大作”。可笑的是, 他竟为我用了“大作”二词 而逢人便吹“这是大作!” 翻来译去,落得个稀里糊涂、云里雾里。所以,洋人翻译上的问题在於他们的中文水平急待提高。反之,我们的英语究竟如何,自有明眼人评说。不谦虚地说:每次交学期论文前,我的那些洋同学们都会将他(她)们的英语文章交与我校订,并一再叮嘱:“请指出我的语法错误。” 有一次堂上老师要大家提示她一个英文例句,前提是用一些特定的词来构句子:定语套定语、且不能有半丝语病。结果大家信任的目光刷地射向我:唯一的一位英语非母语的学生。用国内恩师们教出来的一套套语法规则对付洋人这点问题岂不是小菜一碟!

毋庸置疑,我们这些大学毕业几年后才出国的母语为中文的人士,出国时早已过了学语言的“花季”--- 也就是说我们英语中的口音将“忠实地”伴我们度过余生。未必每个人都愿相信这一事实,但事实就是事实-- 既非你我杜撰,也非凭空捏造---这是无数心理语言学家长期做实验得出的结果。我们所能做的便是“活到老,学到老”,别无其它高招。好在对字词语法的研究,跟孩童们相比,我们不逊风骚;更何况,我们还有满腹的汉语知识引以为傲!是的,我们没有条件自幼在英语或双语环境中习得英文听说,但我们有足够的智商和毅力在读写编译、潜词造句上露出锋芒。换句话说,翻译的重任,非我们莫属!至於那标志我们出生印记的独特的、或多或少的口音嘛,就让它留在那儿吧--- 这不,我们不是来中文论坛倾听乡音来了?我们说它写它读它,译品中的目的语是它,赚钱吃饭也靠它,那么在此何故不用它?我认识一对台湾教授夫妇,来北美三、四十年了,至今提起自己的中文阅读水平还是好到“一目十行”,中文听力更是“耳闻八方”。而英文呢,三个字:“还在学。”这就是母语的力量!

凭心而论,作为朋友,从一开始起,KEVIN 对DAVID就已做到仁至义尽:先批评我出言不逊,应公开道歉;又告诉YONGMEI,戴维为中文论坛尽过力,应以礼待之。作为版主,因势利导、大事化小,这一切都在情理之中。况且KEVIN 费时耗力,义务为大家办好中文论坛,这点精神,实属不易。我们每个中文译友,虽嘴上不说,但都心存感激,至於中文论坛究竟应该用中文还是英文,“仁者见仁,智者见智。” 不过,PROZ 工作人员对中文论坛的定义为:“用中文登出任何话题”( 请参阅 。我个人以为,若真想学英语,完全可以从其余的十六个英文论坛中找到语感。至於中文打字方面的问题嘛,我认为我们每天为翻译打中文,这不该成为问题。很赞同你的想法,把论坛当家,有事聊聊,无事逛逛。我想在此说中文与我回到中国南方家中只想说方言而不想说普通话是一个道理。成年以后出国的人,怎么也不会忘却自己的方言,这也同样是经过语言实验证明的事实。所以,希望KEVIN 以及所有的中英文译友能愉快地加入我们的中文讨论中(有时)。




[ This Message was edited by: on 2002-10-02 00:49 ]

Chinoise  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:08
English to Chinese
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Questions, Answers, and other... Oct 9, 2002


Here are my brief answers to the questions in your English post.



Thank you for writing

Local time: 16:08
English to Chinese
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Freezies! May 12, 2003

yikes, some nasty fight going on.... hopefully i\'m not dragging up old dirt by posting a comment.

Based on the original question. I think the most appropriate/colloquial term would be \"Freezie\". This is the closest product to 次次 we have in North America. Although not the same shape, it\'s certainly is the same idea. If the 次次 company were to look for an english marketing name, too bad, i think \"Freezies\" has already been trademarked.

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yikes, some nasty fight going on.... hopefully i\'m not dragging up old dirt by posting a comment.

Based on the original question. I think the most appropriate/colloquial term would be \"Freezie\". This is the closest product to 次次 we have in North America. Although not the same shape, it\'s certainly is the same idea. If the 次次 company were to look for an english marketing name, too bad, i think \"Freezies\" has already been trademarked.

As for the term 瑅, it certainly isn\'t a politically correct term. No i\'m not talking about 瑅降 or 瑅 . certainly those terms refer to their foreign origin. But they are not people, nor are they negative terms. Or else we may find ourselves objecting 璊丛 !

Honestly, 瑅 sounds so last century! Remember the days when the eunuchs referring \"them\" as 瑅 or other demonic terms I dare not put here. We are in the 20th century now! Perhaps I don\'t know about the most usual term for \"westerners\" for a mandarin speaker, but i think ﹁ works pretty well.

In anycase whether it was 硂ㄇ﹁ or êㄇ瑅 are equally inappropriate, afterall, why was it relevant that he or she was ethnically chinese? A person, at least on here, should be judged solely on their linguistic competence.

that\'s all for now, heading to class....


P.S. post-posting edit. yes i was in a hurry when i type this up, so typo on the bang bang bing, now corrected.

P.P.S. for those wondering, Freezies is NOT the same as Freezicles.

[ This Message was edited by: Kvasir on 2003-05-13 01:10]

Local time: 07:08
Chinese to English
+ ...
Freeze! May 12, 2003

I\'d rather take it as a fun play than a dirty fight. So they say \"Freeze, or I\'ll shoot\".

Freezie sounds a little freaky that might seem marketably slicky, but it reminds us nothing of the oriental flavor it\'s supposed to have. Though I really don\'t want to take a stand as to what the proper trademark should be. By the way it\'s 棒棒冰,not 捧捧冰 we are talking about.

If you say 洋人 is not a politically correct term, then the mental poli
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I\'d rather take it as a fun play than a dirty fight. So they say \"Freeze, or I\'ll shoot\".

Freezie sounds a little freaky that might seem marketably slicky, but it reminds us nothing of the oriental flavor it\'s supposed to have. Though I really don\'t want to take a stand as to what the proper trademark should be. By the way it\'s 棒棒冰,not 捧捧冰 we are talking about.

If you say 洋人 is not a politically correct term, then the mental political system you take as a reference might need to be somewhat reformed. What I mean is that all words might be colorfully loaded, and that you understand words in their specific context, and when you conduct a

conversation in the light of tolerance, everything can be more easily understood.

洋人 can sound last century if you just watched Last Emperor; we are in the 20th century while we still use 小人 that was used by Confucius more than 20 centuries ago. Meanings flow in and out as fashion does, but words can remain there waiting for people to take up and express themselves. It\'s the people who use the language, not the words that confine people. No 西人 please, it\'s either funnily archaic or freakily eccentric. We say 外國人 or 西方人 or more colloquially 老外 or 洋人.

True enough, a person should not be judged by his or her ethinic origin, however, why do we have to be so sensitive about how we refer to 這些洋人 if we are confident we don\'t mean bad when we say so? Don\'t we even shout four-letter words between close friends? Can\'t we see more good rather than bad in others? Can\'t we play rather than fight?

So shall we all head for some higher class of taste?


Local time: 16:08
English to Chinese
+ ...
counterpoint May 12, 2003


On 2003-05-12 20:38, Y_Bill wrote:

Freezie sounds a little freaky that might seem marketably slicky, but it reminds us nothing of the oriental flavor it\'s supposed to have. Though I really don\'t want to take a stand as to what the proper trademark should be. By the way it\'s 朹朹檜丆not 曺曺檜 we are talking about.

yes, typo on my part, see above. Whether Freezies (TM) can remind anyone o... See more

On 2003-05-12 20:38, Y_Bill wrote:

Freezie sounds a little freaky that might seem marketably slicky, but it reminds us nothing of the oriental flavor it\'s supposed to have. Though I really don\'t want to take a stand as to what the proper trademark should be. By the way it\'s 朹朹檜丆not 曺曺檜 we are talking about.

yes, typo on my part, see above. Whether Freezies (TM) can remind anyone of oriental flavours that is another story. I was just talking about the term that can be easily identified by any North American immediately.


On 2003-05-12 20:38, Y_Bill wrote:

If you say 梞恖 is not a politically correct term, then the mental political system you take as a reference might need to be somewhat reformed.

Obviously our cultural upbringing is very much different.

But seems to me that reforms in intolerance and discrimination in Asian countries remain slow comparing to many western nations. Only recently did the HK\'s Legco starting to CONSIDER making racial discrimination illegal. That\'s some indication on how far Asian countries have to go! Never mind gay rights and same-sex benefits.

What really needs to be reformed here is the people\'s mentality. It took decades for Canada to rid of racial reference in the media and from the government; and decades of public education to change the people\'s mentality that what makes Canada what it is today. How long does it take to educate people of Asia to start THINKING the same way is anybody\'s guess.


On 2003-05-12 20:38, Y_Bill wrote:

梞恖 can sound last century if you just watched Last Emperor; we are in the 20th century while we still use 彫恖 that was used by Confucius more than 20 centuries ago.... No 惣恖 please, it\'s either funnily archaic or freakily eccentric. We say 奜殸恖 or 惣曽恖 or more colloquially 榁奜 or 梞恖.

As a cantonese speaker I certainly don\'t use the word 彫恖 unless it\'s for a backstabber. 惣恖 is certainly possible in Cantonese, but definitely nothing funny or freaky about it.惣曽恖 on the other hand is cumbersome and reduntdant. Of course these are not as colloquial as the infamous gwVi lou, which many may find offensive, even most of the time the speaker and even I may not mean it that way.

But that\'s fine, i\'m sure that\'s what American speakers might\'ve thought when they blurped out jap, kike, nigger, or ching etc. Of course one may say Blacks use the N word all the time among themselves. Well that doesn\'t mean it\'s OK for outsiders to refer them as so. Don\'t believe me go into any ethnic neighbourhoods around North America and recite racial slangs in the nicest way imaginable and see what kind of reactions you\'ll get.


On 2003-05-12 20:38, Y_Bill wrote:

True enough, a person should not be judged by his or her ethinic origin, however, why do we have to be so sensitive about how we refer to 攪嵄梞恖 if we are confident we don\'t mean bad when we say so?

But why was it neccessary in the first place to put a label on them when it wasn\'t relevant to the argument (supposedly)? IF, say it was relevant to the argument, then wouldn\'t the intention be anything but good? Just because the name of the person is not Chinese or look Chinese, then the person is automatically a 梞恖 ?

That\'s one reason I haven\'t put my actual name on here because I hope my work is not judged by what I am but what I can do. Does it matter whether I\'m Chinese or not now? One may point out that I was born in HK, now does that automatically make me a Chinese?

That\'s the whole philosophy behind the Canadian social mentality that I\'ve grown to find so appealing. For example there is no more mention of the race of the criminal in the media anymore. Unless it\'s for identification purpose.

Another indication of where things at: On a CV, an attached photo is pretty much a common practice in Asia and Europe, even sometimes required. But not so in NA, or at least in Canada. While asking the incumbant to declare his/her ethnic origin during a job interview is pretty much against the anti-discrimination code here in Canada. This again speaks volume of disparity of values between countries, it definitely reflects the mentality of their citizens.

This mentality of racial profiling (or deprofiling for that matter) is much more \"advance\" than say, the US i think, a self-claiming melting-pot where borders between races are still pretty much more apparent than in Canada.

This topic is far from low class taste, unless one make it so. This debate is still pretty much alive in North America, and very much current, and by no means it can be ignored.


[ This Message was edited by: Kvasir on 2003-05-13 00:56] ▲ Collapse

Local time: 07:08
Chinese to English
+ ...
Let's freeze for a pose. May 13, 2003

Really don\'t want to get into it.

I don\'t know who has the mentality of racial profiling, or regional profiling (Asian societies are slow...) or even breeding profiling (different upbringing).

To say 西方人 is cumbersome and redundant compared to 西人 is a typical case of self-inflicted irony or farce if you really know Chinese properly.

洋人 does not belong to the category of nigger or jap or else, it is a mild t
... See more
Really don\'t want to get into it.

I don\'t know who has the mentality of racial profiling, or regional profiling (Asian societies are slow...) or even breeding profiling (different upbringing).

To say 西方人 is cumbersome and redundant compared to 西人 is a typical case of self-inflicted irony or farce if you really know Chinese properly.

洋人 does not belong to the category of nigger or jap or else, it is a mild term that doesn\'t carry a strong positive or negative sense. Being too sensitive to that

doesn\'t seem a healthy mentality to me.

The other day I talked to a student from Eastern Bloc ( definitely not a politically correct term) who thinks he\'s not being equally treated. I told him \"if you care too much about it, you are in Eastern Bloc; if you don\'t care, you are out of Eastern Bloc.\" I wish there were people who understand my idea.

Let me do a mental profiling: who are those who constantly feel being ill treated or verbally attacked and uncontrollably cling to the trivialities in life or in language?

Besides we are not in a law court, nobody needs to defend his position in a legal and formal and therefore emotionally damaging manner.

My message in my last post is also clear: let\'s all rid of our overly rigid regionalities and celebrate a universality that is liberal, flexible and therefore

possibly enjoyalbe in our forum that\'s supposedly intellectual in nature.

Shall we all freeze here for a pose that will be unforgettable in our memories?


Local time: 16:08
English to Chinese
+ ...
clarification May 13, 2003


On 2003-05-13 01:10, Y_Bill wrote:

I don\'t know who has the mentality of racial profiling, or regional profiling (Asian societies are slow...) or even breeding profiling (different upbringing).

I\'m afraid you were reading too much into things, i was merely talking about changes/reforms in Asian societies are slow, not the societies themselves. And I definitely wasn\'t talking about breeding, as ... See more

On 2003-05-13 01:10, Y_Bill wrote:

I don\'t know who has the mentality of racial profiling, or regional profiling (Asian societies are slow...) or even breeding profiling (different upbringing).

I\'m afraid you were reading too much into things, i was merely talking about changes/reforms in Asian societies are slow, not the societies themselves. And I definitely wasn\'t talking about breeding, as in family/root/elite etc., I was talking about upbringing under different cultural influence, social values, maybe even political.


To say 西方人 is cumbersome and redundant compared to 西人 is a typical case of self-inflicted irony or farce if you really know Chinese properly.

Again, please don\'t over analyse. i was only saying 西方人 isn\'t a colloquial Cantonese term.


Let me do a mental profiling: who are those who constantly feel being ill treated or verbally attacked and uncontrollably cling to the trivialities in life or in language?

If you are referring to me, i definitely am not feeling attacked. In fact i\'m not even offended by the said controversial term. I\'m just pointing out terms with questionable etymologoes should be used with care and consideration, and not lightly.


Besides we are not in a law court, nobody needs to defend his position in a legal and formal and therefore emotionally damaging manner.

indeed, i don\'t think you need to unless you feel you have been personally attacked.

Again, i don\'t see how any of my points are any less intellectual than other comments made here. I was merely commenting that racial terms positive/neutral/negative or otherwise, should be used with care.

Perhap this once again demonstrate the difference in social expectations where in North America racial issues are much more sensitive and are not taken lightly.

Afterall this is the place where political correctness is so revently preached here.

If i sound like some dumb three-year-old rambling feel free to ignore.

-Kvasir ▲ Collapse

Local time: 07:08
Chinese to English
+ ...
No hard feelings whatsoever. May 13, 2003

First and formost, nothing I said here means any personal attack directed to anybody. The reason why I mentioned \"intellectual\" is that you need to believe in something that reconciles rather than seperates humanity to be properly intellectual, which is again a principle and not a label intended to stick onto anyone.

I don\'t know, maybe I read too much into things, but I remember it was mentality we were talking about. If you don\'t read into the word you\'re never anywhe
... See more
First and formost, nothing I said here means any personal attack directed to anybody. The reason why I mentioned \"intellectual\" is that you need to believe in something that reconciles rather than seperates humanity to be properly intellectual, which is again a principle and not a label intended to stick onto anyone.

I don\'t know, maybe I read too much into things, but I remember it was mentality we were talking about. If you don\'t read into the word you\'re never anywhere near

such an abstract concept as \"mentality\".

In fact, \"equality\" is a most controversial term in my mind. Suppose someone is very easily offended and we have to constantly guard against any use of words of questionable etymologies, do we enjoy equality here? Maybe many people do think it is equality, but pardon

me it is merely a condescending and therefore abominable \"upper class\" attitude to anyone with a slight trace of understanding of equality.

I thought North Americans never want to deviate far from common sense which oozes in Hollywood movies and pop culture, maybe Asian North American mentality is a

different story? If so, isn\'t it some food for thought?

There is a great man in history who grew out of the formerly \"uncivilized aboriginals\" in Guangdong--the great Buddhist reformist Huineng. As a Cantonese

speaker, I hope you have read some of his teachings.

Just to remind you, he once said: men may come from different places, but their potentials for enlightenment remain the same.

Never take a three-year-old lightly, the blessed innocence of a three year old child is what everybody seeks in life but most have to wait ages to get there once you fall from that garden every westerner is

familiar with.


[ This Message was edited by: Y_Bill on 2003-05-13 14:21]

Local time: 16:08
English to Chinese
+ ...
entertainment and politics May 14, 2003


On 2003-05-13 11:27, Y_Bill wrote:

I thought North Americans never want to deviate far from common sense which oozes in Hollywood movies and pop culture,...

ah... it\'s dangerous to bring hollywood into the picture, since the popular show biz has done nothing but intensify racial gaps in NA. A few elites in Hollywood churn out

movies by the dozens each year, with only boxoffice and merch... See more

On 2003-05-13 11:27, Y_Bill wrote:

I thought North Americans never want to deviate far from common sense which oozes in Hollywood movies and pop culture,...

ah... it\'s dangerous to bring hollywood into the picture, since the popular show biz has done nothing but intensify racial gaps in NA. A few elites in Hollywood churn out

movies by the dozens each year, with only boxoffice and merchadise in mind. So never expect common sense and realism from hollywood. How often do you see inter-racial couples on screen? How often do you see positive middle class suburban black roles in movies? Or if there are, the question of race bound to surface somewhere in the story. In another words, they have to be there for a reason, otherwise their roles may as well be taken over by white actors. afterall it\'s been well-researched that TV commercials with white actors sells much more than the ones using black actors. Similar singaporean research showed cosmetics modelled by caucasians sells more than the ones modelled by asians.

A recent example can be seen from the popular sit-com \"Friends\". The show has recently seen an addition of a major black female character. For the first time she was not protraited with the stereotypical image of a black woman usually depicted in movies and shows. She is instead intelligent and well-educated. When asked why it took so long for such an addition be made to the show, the producer answered (forgot the exact quote): \"People like the Friends simply don\'t have black friends.\" Shocking statement indeed, considering whites only accounts for a third of the population in NYC where the show is set.

So are they giving themselves a pat on the back by taking such a revolutionary step?

What about last year (was it last year?) when the Oscar\'s Best actor and Best actress were won by Denzel Washington and Halle Barry. The Academy stressed so much, and made such a big deal that they has finally gone colour-blind. But the million-dollar question was, why all the self-congratulating when it took SO LONG to achieve this? Or were they merely doing this just to show that they are colour-blind?

In Canada, I believe there is already some kind of a code in place to ensure that proportion of visible minorities appeared in tv shows, media, commercials reflects Canada\'s multicultural spectrum.

But I agree, doesn\'t this in turn create another danger here? Would race then become a factor in casting? \"Sorry we already have casted enough white characters, we are still looking for anyone who can LOOK native though!\"


On 2003-05-13 11:27, Y_Bill wrote:

...maybe Asian North American mentality is a

different story? If so, isn\'t it some food for thought?

definitely not an issue concerning only Asian North Americans. The mere implication of terms and stereotypes could often land public figures in the hot seat.

Two years ago when Toronto was up for a bid for the 2008 olympics, the colourful Mayor Lastman of Toronto explained why he wouldn\'t want to go visit Africa. His mere descriptions of his fear of tribal customs swiftly led him consequently to apologise profusely to the people of the city in front of the IOC the day after. So far as people blamed he was one of the reasons Toronto lost the bid.

Another example, a certain Saskatchewan MP or minister of some sort, can\'t remember which, on funding for a natives drop-in center or some kind of a home, said the money can be better spend on anti-drug and rehab programs. The mere association of the two definitely incite old stereotypes. By saying it was not an intended association won\'t dig you out of the hole either, people hear what they think they hear. The day after, the public got the apologies they demanded (wasn\'t sure if a resignation was involved).

I think it is great that such questionable comments, innocent or otherwise, are often quickly scrutinised by members of the public and the press. This, i think, is healthy, a reality check to remind us that there are limits of what one can or should say in public, afterall there is always that one person that might find it objectable.


There is a great man in history who grew out of the formerly \"uncivilized aboriginals\" in Guangdong--the great Buddhist reformist Huineng. As a Cantonese speaker, I hope you have read some of his teachings.

Nope, never heard of him, was brought up under \"western religious\" influences.


[ This Message was edited by: Kvasir on 2003-05-14 23:38] ▲ Collapse

Local time: 07:08
Chinese to English
+ ...
Roots, is it piteously dated? May 14, 2003

The blacks (certainly not all) are still searching for their roots in Africa hundreds of years after they were smuggled out of their home continent into America.

A Chinese immigrant to North America, who has already acquired \"the formal Chinese literary education level equivalent to an eleven year old\" in his native land, is contentedly shifting his native Chinese to the status of second language, confidently accepting his ignorance of Chinese history, and triumphantly ind
... See more
The blacks (certainly not all) are still searching for their roots in Africa hundreds of years after they were smuggled out of their home continent into America.

A Chinese immigrant to North America, who has already acquired \"the formal Chinese literary education level equivalent to an eleven year old\" in his native land, is contentedly shifting his native Chinese to the status of second language, confidently accepting his ignorance of Chinese history, and triumphantly indicating he is dreaming in the blessed language of English.

Is this why the Chinese North Americans are enjoying the equality they deserve?

I\'m not talking about the ways of the world, I\'m talking about our attitude towards the basics in life.

Sorry! I wish the group of people this post is supposedly aiming at would understand what I\'m trying to drive at. If not, I would formally apologise for my personal stupidity.

[ This Message was edited by: Y_Bill on 2003-05-14 19:22]


As I said in my post in Chinese, forgive me where I was annoying and seemingly exaggerating, especially when you would like to cry out that you are not Chinese. And if you are not Chinese, I advise you not to feel personally attacked.

Believe me, I believe in racial and cultural equality, which is exactly why nobody should be ashamed of or overly sensitive about his or her racial or cultural origin. I was futilely trying to conjure up a little sense of responsibility for knowing where one is from, though which is legally and liberally free to be left to the personal world of individuality.

Etiquette is for people without manners, fashion without taste. So maybe, just maybe, the now prevalent social code of racial and cultural equality in \"North America\" is just for those who are in fact less equal than others. Sometimes the \"rules\" of equality may even serve to create a false image of social reality in the minds of the virtually less significant.

Of course I would never go to the extremes of opposing the social \"code\" of equality. But I certainly wish those who feel protected by the rules of equality would find the excellence and confidence as well in their own cultural heritage.

Don\'t want to be a shrink, which some time ago has almost become a synonym for a psycho. Did I just insult the shrinks? Or the psychos?

Ok, luckily the sun shines upon all humanity, maybe we can forget the controversy of concepts and say: don\'t block the sunshine!

All the best


[ This Message was edited by: Y_Bill on 2003-05-15 08:50]

Henry Dotterer
Henry Dotterer
Local time: 18:08
Please tone it down May 14, 2003

Please tone down this debate. Personal remarks, or derisive remarks aimed at groups of people, are not welcome here.

Thank you.


Local time: 16:08
English to Chinese
+ ...
thankx henry! May 14, 2003

Seems to me you\'ve mixed the comments concerning the two topics together but anyway...


On 2003-05-14 19:02, Y_Bill wrote:

A Chinese immigrant to North America, who has already acquired \"the formal Chinese literary education level equivalent to an eleven year old\" in his native land, is contentedly shifting his native Chinese to the status of second language, confidently accepting his ignorance of Chin... See more
Seems to me you\'ve mixed the comments concerning the two topics together but anyway...


On 2003-05-14 19:02, Y_Bill wrote:

A Chinese immigrant to North America, who has already acquired \"the formal Chinese literary education level equivalent to an eleven year old\" in his native land, is contentedly shifting his native Chinese to the status of second language, confidently accepting his ignorance of Chinese history, and triumphantly indicating he is dreaming in the blessed language of English.

would we see the same low personal attacks if you haven\'t already assumed that I am a Chinese?

Just proved the point I made in my first post in this thread about race, judgement, and how one is preceived.

Even if it was a valid argument, nowhere did i say i was \"contentedly shifting...\", \"confidently accepting...\" or \"triumphantly indicating...\". Your opportunistic twist of words, and your over-analysing of tones is starting to get annoying. I don\'t come on here to have a debate with a shrink.

[ This Message was edited by: Kvasir on 2003-05-14 23:31] ▲ Collapse

Local time: 16:08
English to Chinese
+ ...
on a lighter note... May 16, 2003

Language sensitivity is certainly not an issue restricted in North America. Recall the joke posted by Li-chuan in the following thread:


Believe it or not the very same joke has been drawing up controversies. I personally have seen the joke in various
... See more
Language sensitivity is certainly not an issue restricted in North America. Recall the joke posted by Li-chuan in the following thread:


Believe it or not the very same joke has been drawing up controversies. I personally have seen the joke in various versions, from the alleged Mark Twain-authored version to the Auf Wiedersehen version. Li-chuan\'s version seems to be closer to the one with \"auf wiedersehen\", note the final phrase \"And zen world.\" added.

This joke has also appeared in another forum which generated much debate:


I had drawn up different conclusions each time i\'ve read the joke, depending on the version. I\'ve always thought there\'s a slight anti-german, or at least a sarcastic tone when i was reading the modern versions (not the mark twain one), but nothing utterly offensive. It was not until i\'ve read the one with \"Auf Wiedersehen\" did I realise it was so obvious.


P.S. btw, I don\'t believe shrink has been a derogatory term, so i think you\'ve just insulted the shrinks, which could be both psychiatrists and psychologists.

[ This Message was edited by: Kvasir on 2003-05-17 22:05]

Local time: 07:08
Chinese to English
+ ...
Thank you, Henry for supporting Chinese forum. May 16, 2003

It\'s certainly important to maintain a lively, interesting and intellectually inspiring atmosphere in all forums and the Chinese forum as well.

Frankly speaking I benefit tremendously from Proz where I can make friends, talk to fellow translators and enjoy learning many things.

I\'ve always had a feeling since I came to Proz that this could become one of the best of its kind in the world because we can find many of the finest language professionals here
... See more
It\'s certainly important to maintain a lively, interesting and intellectually inspiring atmosphere in all forums and the Chinese forum as well.

Frankly speaking I benefit tremendously from Proz where I can make friends, talk to fellow translators and enjoy learning many things.

I\'ve always had a feeling since I came to Proz that this could become one of the best of its kind in the world because we can find many of the finest language professionals here.

Thanks a lot!



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