“忠于原文”还是“忠于译文”?(Be faithful to the source text or to the translation?)
Persoa que publicou o fío: Fan Gao
Fan Gao
Fan Gao
Local time: 14:49
English to Chinese
+ ...
Sep 12, 2006



关于"人在江湖,身不由己"在这里的翻译,我先准备就做字面上的翻译:"Living in this world, sometimes
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关于"人在江湖,身不由己"在这里的翻译,我先准备就做字面上的翻译:"Living in this world, sometimes you lose control of your life"但是感觉这句话并没有经常被说英语的罪犯经常拿来当借口,根据我平时看的和听的,他们用的借口好像更多是:
 "I didn't ask to be born."

但是,如果这么翻,意思就与原文有比较大的差别.当时为了这个问题苦恼了半天.最后,我一狠心,用了"I didn't ask to be born".




[Subject edited by staff or moderator 2006-09-12 20:24]

peiling  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:49
Chinese to English
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True to the meaning Sep 12, 2006

A few thoughts.

I think that "Living in this world, sometimes you lose control of your life" is not a translation that is true to the meaning nor the language, while "I didn't ask to be born" is an extreme rendering of the meaning. Even though "人在江湖,身不由己"might often be used by 'criminals', as you say, but there are also instances where it depicts 无奈. In this case, "I didn't ask to be born" would not work as it sounded like some rebellious teenager. Maybe yo
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A few thoughts.

I think that "Living in this world, sometimes you lose control of your life" is not a translation that is true to the meaning nor the language, while "I didn't ask to be born" is an extreme rendering of the meaning. Even though "人在江湖,身不由己"might often be used by 'criminals', as you say, but there are also instances where it depicts 无奈. In this case, "I didn't ask to be born" would not work as it sounded like some rebellious teenager. Maybe you can consider some other translations such as "my life is not my own" (e.g. The fact is that my life is not my own. There’s the external expectation of work and home and the internal, haunting thoughts that whisper my own inadequacies, both of which keep pushing me to go, go, go.). I'm sure somebody would come up with a better translation. Anyway, my point is that maybe the translation should be at least true to the meaning. I mostly do technical translations. There are of course instances where it's a choice between the 原文 and the 译文. But mostly I tried to at least render the 译文 as close a translation in meaning as possible. I do agree that sometimes literal translation is a no no. Hope that helps.

pkchan  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 22:49
Membro (2006)
English to Chinese
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三忠於 Sep 12, 2006


jyuan_us  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 22:49
Membro (2005)
English to Chinese
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兩者之間不存在矛盾 Sep 12, 2006

源文字的任何概念和句子﹐ 總是能找到一個最貼切的翻譯的 。 如PK所言﹐兩者都要忠於 。

Libin PhD
Libin PhD  Identity Verified
Chinese to English
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You cannot be yourself in this world. Sep 12, 2006

I would use "you cannot be yourself in this world." “人在江湖,身不由己”除了罪犯使用外,普通人无奈的时候也会用的。

[Edited at 2006-09-12 23:34]

Wenjer Leuschel (X)
Wenjer Leuschel (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:49
English to Chinese
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忠於什麼? Sep 13, 2006




江湖道上不由人,閒雲野鶴在竹林。這樣的語境裡,"I didn't ask to be born. " 無法表達意思;但在「藉口」的語境裡,"I didn't ask to be born. " 確實貼切。



[Edited at 2006-09-13 01:18]

wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 21:49
Chinese to English
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Context Sep 13, 2006

Wenjer Leuschel wrote:


I think Wenjer made a very good point: it all depends on context.

For example, in Wenjer's above sentence, he meant he had more important and pressing things to attend to.

For a criminal looking for excuses, it could mean "I didn't know any better", "My hands were tied due to my loyalty to the gang", "I couldn't break the cycle of crime because of my rough upbringing", etc., etc. Any number of translations might work well depending on how the phrase is used, and in what situation.

Context is very important. The lack of adequate context often makes many KudoZ questions unanswerable IMHO.

Fan Gao
Fan Gao
Local time: 14:49
English to Chinese
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个人认为最主要还是看翻译的领域 Sep 13, 2006






peiling  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:49
Chinese to English
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另一种情形 Sep 14, 2006

For example:
When the source text is wrong, do you translate according to the source text or state what is correct? I've been advised to do the former so that the incorrectness in the source text could be picked up. What do you think?

wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 21:49
Chinese to English
+ ...
Language Competency Sep 17, 2006

Pei Ling Haussecker wrote:

For example:
When the source text is wrong, do you translate according to the source text or state what is correct? I've been advised to do the former so that the incorrectness in the source text could be picked up. What do you think?

Garbage in, garbage out.

Personally, I wouldn't accept a job that the source text was piss-poor in any language, English, Chinese, or otherwise. One's own professional reputation is at stake.

BTW, I'm not talking about a few typos here and there, or the misuse of a few words.

Wenjer Leuschel (X)
Wenjer Leuschel (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:49
English to Chinese
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Garbage in, fish food out! Sep 17, 2006

wherestip wrote:

Pei Ling Haussecker wrote:

For example:
When the source text is wrong, do you translate according to the source text or state what is correct? I've been advised to do the former so that the incorrectness in the source text could be picked up. What do you think?

Garbage in, garbage out.

Personally, I wouldn't accept a job that the source text was piss-poor in any language, English, Chinese, or otherwise. One's own professional reputation is at stake.

BTW, I'm not talking about a few typos here and there, or the misuse of a few words.

Hi Steven,

You see, we translators do not have the choice. There are texts poorly written in the original language and translated into some other languages one after another. So, we get sometimes stupid texts to work on.

I once heard one of my colleagues saying that Mr. So-and-So (maybe Mr. Yonotoko Takirari or Mr. Yamimoto Nokamina) translates from German into Japanese and his translations are always better than the original.

When I was young, I read a volume of Rilke's poems translated from German into Chinese by a Taiwanese poet and found a lot of spots where I just got stumbled and would say, "Huh?" But, when I came across my way to meet the poet one day, he told me, "Well pal, the translation was done as my recreation. There is no way to translate Rilke." Nice, isn't it?

Recently, I asked a KudoZ question concerning a fish food saying in Chinese, which was translated from Chinese into French and then into English and German. I was supposed to translate it back into Chinese. How the hell could I figure out what the guy was saying in Chinese? The only texts I have are translations in European languages. The client wanted it properly translated into Chinese in any way, by all means.

Translators must invent or recreate something, sometimes. When a translation achieves its purpose, nobody cares whether or not the orginal was well and correctly written. People expect us to provide better writing. There we are: Garbage in, fish food out!

That's why I joke with colleagues: The art of translation is sometimes to make sense out of nonsense.

I don't really care how the original was. The translation must be palable to the fish! What do you think about this?

- Wenjer

[Edited at 2006-09-17 22:00]

wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 21:49
Chinese to English
+ ...
To make a silk purse out of a sow's ear Sep 17, 2006

Wenjer Leuschel wrote:

wherestip wrote:

Garbage in, garbage out.

Personally, I wouldn't accept a job that the source text was piss-poor in any language, English, Chinese, or otherwise. One's own professional reputation is at stake.

BTW, I'm not talking about a few typos here and there, or the misuse of a few words.

Hi Steven,

You see, we translators do not have to choice. There are texts poorly written in the original language and translated into some other languages one after another. So, we get sometimes stupid texts to work on.

I once heard one of my colleagues saying that Mr. So-and-so translates from German into Japanese and his translations are always better than the original.

When I was young, I read a volume of Rilke's poems translated from German into Chinese by a Taiwanese poet and found a lot of spots where I just got stumbled and would say, "Huh?" But, when I came across my way to met the poet one day, he told me, "Well pal, the translation was done as my recreation. There is no way to translate Rilke." Nice, isn't it?

Recently, I asked a KudoZ question concerning fish food saying in Chinese, which was translated from Chinese into French and then into English and German. I was supposed to translate it back into Chinese. How the hell could I figure out what the guy was saying in Chinese? The only texts I have are translations in European languages. The client wanted it properly translated into Chinese in any way, by all means.

Translators must invent or recreate something, sometimes. When the translation achieves its purpose, nobody cares whether the orginal was well and correctly written. People expect us to provide better writing. There we are: Garbage in, fish food out!

That's why I joke with colleagues: The art of translation is to make sense out of nonsense.

I don't really care how the original was. The translation must be palable to the fish! What do you think about this?

- Wenjer


I agree with you that sometimes compromises have to be made. Imagine one has a dolt for a boss. I'm sure there are also ways to please a client and translate an impossible text.

David Shen
David Shen  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 19:49
English to Chinese
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I'd trying to understand the logic of an impossible translation Sep 18, 2006

Wenjer wrote:

... I was supposed to translate it back into Chinese. How the hell could I figure out what the guy was saying in Chinese? ...

wherestip wrote:

Garbage in, garbage out.

I agree with you that sometimes compromises have to be made. Imagine one has a dolt for a boss. I'm sure there are also ways to please a client and translate an impossible text

论翻译,其实这个论坛上就可看出,已高手云集,又青菜、罗卜各有所爱,这点也是这个论坛精彩之所在。但作为翻译人,我们这儿首先要面对的是顾客而已经不是翻译理论。所以我是不敢在此谈翻译理论的。不过我十分欣悦能常常在此看到同仁们的高见。原则上,我严重同意wherestip说的“Garbage in, garbage out.”但实际运作中,觉得文哲说的办法才是切实可行的对同行的忠告。 文哲你也曾说“自嘲最容易。”其实勇于自嘲也不容易。我曾译完一批质量较差的原文后写了一段自嘲,以誌无奈。今理出来帖在此,算是让你见笑:

{董其昌论画,分三品: 下品、上品、神品。

古人信倉颉造文字后,天机泄,鬼神哭。 翻译尽干些泄露天机的事!





当今这个高速运转的电子世界,大部分顾客个个想要“神品” 但只肯付下品的翻译费,哥们,大家看着办吧!:D

Wenjer Leuschel (X)
Wenjer Leuschel (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:49
English to Chinese
+ ...
宋玉對楚王問 Sep 18, 2006

David Shen wrote:

{董其昌论画,分三品: 下品、上品、神品。

古人信倉颉造文字后,天机泄,鬼神哭。 翻译尽干些泄露天机的事!





当今这个高速运转的电子世界,大部分顾客个个想要“神品” 但只肯付下品的翻译费,哥们,大家看着办吧!:D

Hi David,

許久沒跟你聊聊了。你還是很 sharp!







在翻譯上,什麼品都有,也都必須接受,因為不同的使用目的對文字表達品質的要求本來就不一樣。我做過的操作說明書常被有車間經驗的工程師說是過於文謅謅,他們的批評是正確的;操作說明書是給車間技術人員閱讀的,不能過於刁鑽,right to the point 即可,否則閱讀者會有理解上的困難。不管在哪一種語文裡,technical writing 已經成為一種專門的職業,翻譯者需要注意的是自己的表達是否符合規範,其它的都可不必太在意。Cognac、champagn 和清酒的品嚐法當然不同,我們不必裝腔作勢,以一副 enjoying the spirits 的模樣,用胖肚杯或高腳杯喝清酒。




- Wenjer

[Edited at 2006-09-18 23:04]

David Shen
David Shen  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 19:49
English to Chinese
+ ...
谢谢 Sep 20, 2006




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“忠于原文”还是“忠于译文”?(Be faithful to the source text or to the translation?)

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