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Off topic: 中国传来的好消息:《复兴论坛》
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David Shen
David Shen  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 11:04
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重温毛主席语录 Oct 16, 2007

pkchan wrote:

魯迅没找到。上次我去绍兴时从他家门口路过也没进去, 只看到咸亨酒店门前热闹非凡,孔乙己现在天天有吃有喝,人气比魯迅旺多了。


[Edited at 2007-10-16 07:32]

Xiangdong Zhuo
Xiangdong Zhuo
Local time: 03:04
English to Chinese
欢迎进行曲 Oct 16, 2007

wherestip wrote:

Thanks, pk.

我是心有余而力不足. 这比看近两小时的 The First Emperor 还要难.

BTW, does anyone know the title of the music played leading into the conference? I tried searching for 解放军进行曲、运动员进行曲; but it was neither of these. I remember this piece customarily being played preceding big events like this. Yet I don't think I ever bothered to find out what the title of it was.


chance (X)
chance (X)
French to Chinese
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中国网民关注的四个热点问题 Oct 16, 2007

法广北京特约记者周西报道,在中共十七大召开之际,中国老百姓最关心的都是哪些问题呢?据官方新华网此前的一项调查,中国网民最关心的四大议题依次分别是,加强对权力的监督和制约、深入反腐败斗争以及扩大就业并健全社会保障体系,与建立公正公平的收入分配体系。报道说,在全部二十个议题中,总共有32.11%的网民选择了上述四大议题。到8号截稿时为止�... See more




pkchan  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 14:04
Membro (2006)
English to Chinese
+ ...
八股文的典範 Oct 16, 2007


[Edited at 2007-10-16 16:02]

Wenjer Leuschel (X)
Wenjer Leuschel (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:04
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電視上看到 Oct 16, 2007

pkchan wrote:




Wenjer Leuschel (X)
Wenjer Leuschel (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:04
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這倒正常 Oct 16, 2007

chance wrote:

... 反腐败问题及物价与房价等问题分别位居网民最关心议题的前两名。


切身的問題當然是每個人最關心的問題。不過,大環境 (結構) 的改變才能解決那些人人切身的問題,這卻是任何當政者都很難做到的課題,因為既得利益者當然不會讓他輕易改變既成的結構。因此,人人得把照子放亮一點,自求多福為要。

pkchan  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 14:04
Membro (2006)
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+ ...
再說下去,不重復就很困難了。 Oct 16, 2007



[Edited at 2007-10-16 17:58]

chance (X)
chance (X)
French to Chinese
+ ...
你真有功夫! Oct 16, 2007

pkchan wrote:



[Edited at 2007-10-16 17:58]

David Shen
David Shen  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 11:04
English to Chinese
+ ...
精华帖, 收藏! Oct 16, 2007

pkchan wrote:



[Edited at 2007-10-16 17:58]


pkchan  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 14:04
Membro (2006)
English to Chinese
+ ...
我是非常認真的 Oct 16, 2007


[Edited at 2007-10-16 19:13]

pkchan  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 14:04
Membro (2006)
English to Chinese
+ ...
M/S Words 2003 Office 的機械翻譯 Oct 16, 2007

顯著改善、較大增加、普遍增多、初步建立、得到保障、結構優化、不斷提高、明顯增強、重大突破、逐步深化、不斷加強、重大進展、進一步發展、不斷健全、繼續改善、加快轉變、大幅增長、堅實步伐、進入新階段、全 面展開、迅速發展、全面實現、日益擴大、進一步加強、重大勝利、不斷健全、不斷提高、逐步完善、開創新局面、扎實推進、成效明顯、廣泛開展、進一�... See more
顯著改善、較大增加、普遍增多、初步建立、得到保障、結構優化、不斷提高、明顯增強、重大突破、逐步深化、不斷加強、重大進展、進一步發展、不斷健全、繼續改善、加快轉變、大幅增長、堅實步伐、進入新階段、全 面展開、迅速發展、全面實現、日益擴大、進一步加強、重大勝利、不斷健全、不斷提高、逐步完善、開創新局面、扎實推進、成效明顯、廣泛開展、進一步提高、重要進展、快速發展、更加豐富、取得新成績、取得新進步、穩 步推進、不斷完善、活力增強、健康發展、發展壯大、基本形成、切實貫徹、不斷深化。

The remarkable improvement, the big increase, increases generally, the preliminary establishment, obtains the safeguard, the structure optimizes, enhances, the obvious enhancement, the significant breakthrough unceasingly, gradually deepens, strengthens, the significant progress unceasingly, further develops, perfectly, continues to improve, to speed up the transformation, the large growth, the solid step unceasingly, enters the new stage, launches, the rapid development, the comprehensive realization comprehensively, day by day expands, further strengthens, the great victory, unceasingly perfect, unceasingly enhances, consummates, founds the new ball game, the solid advancement, the result gradually obvious, widely develops, further enhances, the important progress, the fast development, richer, obtains the new result, makes the new progress, with steady steps The advancement, consummates, the vigor unceasingly strengthens, the healthy development, grows strong, forms, the practical implementation basically, deepens unceasingly.


Local time: 14:04
English to Chinese
+ ...
an article Oct 17, 2007

Here is a link to an interesting article on WSJ. It is kind of related to what we have been talking about under this thread.

pkchan  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 14:04
Membro (2006)
English to Chinese
+ ...
岁岁重阳,今又重阳 Oct 19, 2007

采桑子 重阳



wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 13:04
Chinese to English
+ ...
欢迎进行曲 Oct 19, 2007

Xiangdong Zhuo wrote:

wherestip wrote:

BTW, does anyone know the title of the music played leading into the conference? I tried searching for 解放军进行曲、运动员进行曲; but it was neither of these. I remember this piece customarily being played preceding big events like this. Yet I don't think I ever bothered to find out what the title of it was.


Thanks so much, Xiangdong ... I just now noticed your response.

I wasn't able to access the link you provided; but with the exact title I'm sure I can find an mp3 file for it somewhere. Or else I might even send for a CD.

This is great. I love that piece of music, 'cause it brings back very fond memories. It used to be played every evening around 6pm where we lived, when people got off from work, blasting over high-output public loudspeakers throughout the whole Peking Institute of Aeronautics where my Dad used to work.

Thanks again

pkchan  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 14:04
Membro (2006)
English to Chinese
+ ...
CNN 眼中的17大 Oct 20, 2007

By Jaime FlorCruz CNN Beijing Bureau Chief
BEIJING, China (CNN) -- 。。。。
Chinese President Hu Jintao speaks at the 17th Communist Party Congress.

"Let us work hard in building a moderately prosperous society and write a new chapter of happy life for the people," he said in his keynote speech.

The 2,200-plus delegates, representing 73 million party members, are expected to endorse Hu Jintao for another five years when the five-yearly congress ends thi
... See more
By Jaime FlorCruz CNN Beijing Bureau Chief
BEIJING, China (CNN) -- 。。。。
Chinese President Hu Jintao speaks at the 17th Communist Party Congress.

"Let us work hard in building a moderately prosperous society and write a new chapter of happy life for the people," he said in his keynote speech.

The 2,200-plus delegates, representing 73 million party members, are expected to endorse Hu Jintao for another five years when the five-yearly congress ends this weekend.

Hu, 64, is a technocrat better known for a photographic memory than charisma. Some analysts look at him as a reformer, albeit a cautious one. "He is a man of detail, very methodical but some say he is colorless and stiff," says Wenran Jiang, associate professor at University of Alberta. "He remains enigmatic but now his vision is beginning to show."

He envisions a prosperous but harmonious society, and expounded on that in his 64-page, two and a half hour keynote speech.

"We will quadruple per capita GDP of the year 2000 by 2020," he pledged. He also vowed to curb corruption. Delegates applauded when he intoned: "Resolutely punishing and effectively preventing corruption bears on the popular support for the party and on its very survival."

Hu proposed to resolve the Taiwan issue. Talking directly to the leaders in Taiwan, which Beijing regards as a mere renegade province, Hu said: "On the basis of the one-China principle, let us discuss a formal end to the state of hostility between the two sides, reach a peace agreement, construct a framework for peaceful development of cross-Strait relations and thus usher in a new phase of peaceful development." Analysts say Hu's fresh overtures signal that the Chinese president is now coming out of the shadows of his predecessors.

Hu has kept the rapid economic growth pioneered by the late leader Deng Xiaoping. Under his aegis, China has twice sent astronauts into space, and now Beijing is preparing to host the 2008 Summer Olympics.

Initially underestimated, Hu has weathered several crises. In 2003, he ended the official cover up of the SARS epidemic that started and spread in China and overseas. But during his five year reign, the gap between the rich and the poor has grown wider, official corruption remains rampant and China faces severe environmental problems. Social protest is rising. He has tightened restrictions on the media and the Internet.

When the week-long party congress closes this weekend, the delegates will also endorse the promotion of younger leaders to be chosen among a pool of technocrats and regional administrators.

Two men are tipped as front-runners to succeed Hu Jintao in 2012.

One is Xi Jinping (pronounced Shee Jean Ping), 54, party chief of Shanghai, China's financial and business center. An experienced provincial administrator, Xi was moved to Shanghai eight months ago. His mission: to clean up the corruption scandal involving his predecessor, Chen Liangyu, who was just expelled from the Communist Party and is now awaiting trial.

Analysts say Xi will get promoted in part because his impeccable political pedigree. His late father was a revolutionary veteran, which makes him a "princeling". David Zweig, professor at the University of Science and Technology in Hong Kong explains: "He's a princeling, which means that he has support within an important segment of the party, the leaders within the party, who are the children of former higher ranking officials."

Don't Miss
China's new leaders steeped in pragmatism
And there is also Li Keqiang (pronounced Lee Keh Cheeyang), 52, regarded as Hu Jintao's personal favorite. Li has been Hu's under-study for decades. David Zweig opines: "Li's most important character or sticker quality is, he worked with Hu Jintao back in 1982 in the Communist Youth League organization, so he has a long history, we're talking 25 years now, working with Hu Jintao. Everytime Hu Jintao got promoted, Li Keqiang was able to move up."

The bespectacled Li, who studied law and economics at Peking University, is now the party chief of Liaoning province, the industrial rust belt in the northeast China.

In a meeting with Liaoning delegates, he answered a few questions from the press--albeit gingerly. "My main mission at present is to work, but also to learn while working," he said modestly.

Asked if he is a rising political star, he quickly ended the question and answer session. "These front-runners cannot afford to make one mistake at this point," explains a Chinese official who prefers not to be identified. "The less they say publicly, the safer their possible promotion."

Barring last minute hiccups, both politicians are expected to be promoted into the elite Standing Committee of the Poliburo--the top policy-making body. If so, that will mean there will be no single anointed successor to Hu Jintao but two contending successors in waiting.。。。。

[Edited at 2007-10-20 00:13]

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