Powwow Report for Roumanie - Timisoara (Aug 31 2002)

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Report from  Emanuel Bod
The powwow in Timisoara was a total success. The organization was perfect. The three translators who came from other cities were met at the railway station by the host/organizer, Elvira Stettner. After a guided tour of the city center, we started the meeting proper at a picturesque caf� on the bank of the Bega river, where we had a table reserved. This setting was ideal for a friendly discussion in front of a glass of everyone's favourite drink.
This powwow was a great opportunity for meeting the people behind the Proz.com profiles, for getting to know each other and building rapport. The discussion proved to be lively and got quite heated at times, even if we were only 5 attendees.
The topics discussed included:
<li>the way in which each of us used the various tools provided by Proz.com,
<li>the benefits of the Platinum membership (Elvira having a first-hand knowledge of this)
<li>the situation of the Romanian translation market, and
<li>the necessity and opportunity of creating a professional association of Romanian translators.

All in all, this powwow proved to be a positive and fruitful experience for all the participants. Our thanks go to Proz.com for creating this community of translators and for providing the opportunity to get together. We should definitely do this again.

Reported by Emanuel Bod

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ProZ.com users and members who attended
: organizer : photos : report : host
Elvira Stoianov
Emanuel Bod
Ciprian Dumea
Veronica Durbaca

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