The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

English to Croatian Idioms / Maxims / Sayings Translation Glossary

English term Croatian translation
Benefit of the doubt ne donositi preuranjene zaključke / ne preuranjeno optuživati / ne lažno optuživati
Button puce, dugme, tipka, gumb, botun
carrots and sticks approach pristup mrkve i batine
close call za dlaku/zamalo izbjegnuta nesreća, biti gusto
creature comforts ono što omogućuje ugodan/udoban/komforan/lagodan život
foul one's own nest sam/a sebi škoditi
Fountainhead Buntovnik
Entered by: Dinap
kick-butt style rastura, zakon je
Entered by: I H
make a federal case out of something uveličavati
push yourself beyond your limits pomicati svoje granice
the power to make a change moć je u vašim rukama
Entered by: Darko Kolega
to let off steam dati sebi oduška
we make processes work mi činimo procese uspješnim
Entered by: I H
What's good for the goose is good for the gander. što je jednom pravo, mora biti pravo i drugom / što vrijedi za jednoga, mora vrijediti i za drugoga
\"swap-around\" premontirati
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