Translation glossary: Magical words

Showing entries 1-13 of 13
Applications softwarelogiciels d'applications 
English to French
caring and wholesomeaffectueuses et saines 
English to French
five-dollar wordmot savant 
English to French
hol' yo' hawsses, man!Minute, papillon ! 
English to French
Kiss my buttTiens ! embrasse... 
English to French
Kiss my buttTiens ! embrasse... 
English to French
English to French
provide new groundouvrent de nouvelles possibilités 
English to French
the long-s'd books 
English to French
the long-s'd booksles livres aux long "s" / les livres aux "s" allongés 
English to French
To majestifyglorifier 
English to French
while Oprah made it into McCain’s top media placements, at number five,alors qu' Oprah arrive en cinquième position, parmi les meilleurs placements publicitaires de Mc Cain 
English to French
wine, woman & chancedu vin, des femmes & de la chance (avec homophonie chance/chansons en français) 
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