Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Sep 13 '15 eng>eng get under way start or begin pro open no
4 Dec 15 '13 eng>eng mixed classes co-ed classes or classrooms pro closed ok
- Nov 16 '12 eng>eng outfits that wouldn't do that much by a family feud groups that would not act likd that even in a family feud pro closed no
4 Nov 2 '12 eng>eng Whipperwill Creek skallyhootin' a stream flowing wildly and rapidly like whipperwill creek pro closed no
- Oct 15 '12 eng>eng like two-and-two getting more than the sum of the parts pro closed no
- Oct 15 '12 eng>eng edged off double meaning: outlined with and kept out OR moved out pro closed ok
4 Oct 6 '12 eng>eng fixed his clock thoroghly defeated him pro closed no
4 Sep 30 '12 eng>eng took rank among artists Was to be counted/considered as a creative practioner of the craft pro closed no
4 Sep 29 '12 eng>eng AA sheeting pajamas pajama like clothing made from aa graded cotton sheeting fabric pro closed no
- Sep 7 '12 eng>eng from choice by making a decision to be so pro closed no
4 Aug 8 '12 eng>eng roundly fully pro closed no
- Jul 30 '12 eng>eng brings down a down is a series of little hills pro closed ok
4 Jul 24 '12 eng>eng choice spirit like a good non-worldy entiity pro closed no
4 Jul 24 '12 eng>eng commit obligate or agree to something for pro closed no
4 Jul 16 '12 eng>eng long-waisted waistline falling below the natural waistline (of a dress) pro closed no
- Jul 13 '12 eng>eng choice of himself using his collecting power with great care pro closed ok
4 Jul 10 '12 eng>eng but no dry fare for that however the food was not boring despite the name of the island pro closed no
4 Jul 10 '12 eng>eng made bold again to ply once more became daring enough to work at pro closed no
4 Jun 24 '12 eng>eng trying out trying out is a technical whaling term for boiling oil from blubber pro closed no
4 Jun 24 '12 eng>eng Some boat, though sarcastic use: an extraordinary boat (in that it was barely a boat) pro closed no
4 Jun 24 '12 eng>eng to be open to its significance have one's mind open to it's meaning and importance pro closed no
4 Jun 23 '12 eng>eng got fast fastened (secured in place) pro closed no
- Jun 17 '12 eng>eng packet-tracks routes of ships pro closed no
4 Jun 17 '12 eng>eng jammed squeezed or restricted pro closed no
4 Jun 14 '12 eng>eng called “experimental.” classified as not yet proven effective (still experimental) pro closed no
4 Jun 4 '12 eng>eng inks the seams of his coat uses ink to over up the fraying of the seams pro closed no
- May 26 '12 eng>eng go to proceed (as the speaker suggests) pro closed ok
- May 21 '12 eng>eng might not have submerged might in the sense of possibility pro closed ok
- May 21 '12 eng>eng each see for himself each think for himself pro closed no
4 May 21 '12 eng>eng must to must depend upon pro closed no
- May 19 '12 eng>eng keep the sea stay at sea pro closed no
4 Apr 30 '12 eng>eng summon the knowledge of a higher spirit bring forth the knowledge or an angel or a similar being pro closed no
4 Apr 28 '12 eng>eng round, square meal play on words for a meal with a proper requirement of nutrition pro closed no
4 Apr 27 '12 eng>eng Highest Source highest source of all creation pro closed no
4 Apr 24 '12 eng>eng wonderful spirit lively sense of identity pro closed no
- Apr 21 '12 eng>eng You have a point you have said something that is true/important easy closed no
- Apr 4 '12 eng>eng cut into reduce pro closed no
- Mar 25 '12 eng>eng dare dare present subjunctive easy closed ok
- Mar 11 '12 eng>eng with within easy closed no
4 Feb 8 '12 eng>eng future proof and scalable adaptable to future innovations and can be scaled up or down pro closed ok
4 Feb 8 '12 eng>eng door a physical door easy closed ok
4 Jan 29 '12 eng>eng All Good Things Come to an End any experience that is good will not last forever easy closed ok
- Jan 16 '12 eng>eng If you can’t drink the water, sell the currency. if they do bot have potable water, do not hold onto the currenyn sell it pro closed ok
4 Jan 3 '12 eng>eng think about (is her) opinion of easy closed ok
4 Dec 27 '11 eng>eng has ran/ran ran easy closed no
- Dec 6 '11 eng>eng think in himself thinks of himself easy closed ok
4 Nov 9 '11 eng>eng President v. person in the Chair top executive v. chairman of a group-board of executives or directors pro closed ok
4 Nov 6 '11 eng>eng touristy more geared to (aimed at) tourists easy closed ok
- Sep 9 '11 eng>eng They’re sure to be fooled about that they are sure to be wrong about that pro closed no
4 Aug 25 '11 eng>eng Does Not a Good Test Make does not make a good test pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered