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Format: Webinar presentations

Course summary
Start time:Jan 25, 2001 23:00 GMT     Add to calendar

Duration: 2 hours.

Check what time the course is running in your local time here.

Participation fee includes:

• Access to 2 hour online training session with Q&A
• Unlimited access to the session recording and handouts
• Certificates of attendance.

Even if you do not attend the online session

Duration:60 minutes
Summary:Everything you need to know to be able to effectively analyze and translate standard contract terms.
This two hour course will dissect the standard clauses and terminology found in legal contracts. This is an advanced course for experienced legal translators. Attendees who have attended at least one course of each of the Legal Terminology for New Legal Translators 100 and 200 series courses may apply.

Course program:

* The language of contracts, reading and understanding contracts, Standard Contract Clauses
* Effectively using shall, shall not, must and will.
* Words and phrases that don’t belong in legal documents.
* Archaic terms in legal English (hereinafter, therein, etc…) and other terms of reference. Wordformation
* Keeping contract provisions readable and clear (reducing average sentence length)
* How to organize a contract and use definitions effectively.
* Identifying conditional contract clauses.

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