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| CHEN-Ling Local time: 12:05 Chinese to English + ... 冷静面对嘈杂的西方舆论 让中国成为成熟大国 | Apr 20, 2008 |
... See more http://news.sohu.com/20080415/n256299867.shtml
[Edited at 2008-04-20 09:59] ▲ Collapse | | | wonita (X) China Local time: 01:05 Affirmative action in Germany | Apr 20, 2008 |
[quote]Jason Ma wrote:
高考时少数民族有照顾分数(Something like the Affirmative Action in US), 成绩更低的有少数民族预科班(实际上是在一年内重新补习一遍高中课程,保证你上大学,我就是在这样的班中回锅了一遍,上了大学,学会了英语,有机会跟您和其他译坛前辈交流)。在上学期间学费减免,伙食有额外补助,风俗得到尊重,I mean school authorities go out their way to respect your custom and culture. 我在西安就读的学校中当时的两个班共80多个不同来自西北的少数民族学生,好几种传统节日。每种节日上学校,市相关部门会安排活动。我们就餐的少数民族食堂,经常会有校领导突击就餐,目的是检查一下伙食质量。由于伙食质量明显高于其他食堂,价钱又便宜,汉族同学老跟着我噌饭。
在同等条件下,优先录用妇女和残疾人。 | | | wonita (X) China Local time: 01:05
Yueyin Sun wrote:
制造“中国将外国留学生扔出去”这种谣言的目的很可能是煽动各国政府“把中国留学生扔出去”。别国的情况咱不了解,假如美国政府把中国留学生扔出去(虚拟语气),那么美国很多高校马上就将瘫痪(非虚拟语气),因为很多中国留学生都是Teaching Assistants 和 Research Assistants。再说,“把中国留学生扔出去”之后,仍然无法达到那些人的目的,除非把所有华人全部“扔出去”。不过,假如把所有华人全部“扔出去”,那么很多公司、工厂、机构即使不瘫痪,也得瘸一条腿。
[Edited at 2008-04-19 03:55]
家庭破裂,妻离子散 | | | wonita (X) China Local time: 01:05
Mincho Young wrote:
只允许每人在每个题目下发一个帖子,然后让Kevin按帖子的内容作一个定性总结,省得大家在论坛上无休无止地辩论,影响工作、休息和家庭关系。不知各位意下如何? | |
chance (X) French to Chinese + ... 我本来就是自由译者,用不着你任何“忠告”! | Apr 20, 2008 |
Yueyin Sun wrote:
最后,给你一个忠告,take a vacation!
[Edited at 2008-04-20 12:23] | | | wherestip United States Local time: 22:05 Chinese to English + ...
我是奉劝大家 看任何问题不要带着有色眼镜. 在随便什么 "民众发起的网站"上听说些什么就轻易相信, 人云亦云. 若想真正搞清 CNN 报道前后的详情并得出合理的评价, 我看是要有一定的英语水平和分析能力的.
我本人是不读书不看报的, 对政治向来不太关心, 加之 对国内 这几十年的生活没有亲身经历, 当然就更不了解国内发展情况了. 但我曾听说过那个被压制的 什么 ... See more 我是奉劝大家 看任何问题不要带着有色眼镜. 在随便什么 "民众发起的网站"上听说些什么就轻易相信, 人云亦云. 若想真正搞清 CNN 报道前后的详情并得出合理的评价, 我看是要有一定的英语水平和分析能力的.
我本人是不读书不看报的, 对政治向来不太关心, 加之 对国内 这几十年的生活没有亲身经历, 当然就更不了解国内发展情况了. 但我曾听说过那个被压制的 什么 功, 说起来 那 岂不也是民众发动的"民众团体" 运动吗? 所以并不是民众发起的东西就都正确.
相对地讲, CNN 这种媒体怎样运作我是比较清楚的. 不管怎样说, 我是一直看到它的前后历史的.
CNN 是尽量按事实报道的, 但机构庞大, 其宗旨又是力求在发生世界大事时马上到当地 当场按实报道, 难免忙乱中有时出些细节上的差错, 但我认为 CNN 完全没有犯什么实质上的错误, 更不会存在蓄意歪曲事实的问题.
The Central News Network was launched at 5:00 p.m. EST on June 1, 1980. After an introduction by Ted Turner, the husband and wife team of David Walker and Lois Hart anchored the first newscast.[4] Since its debut, CNN has expanded its reach to a number of cable and satellite television networks, several web sites, specialized closed-circuit networks (such as CNN Airport Network), and two radio networks. The network has 36 bureaus (10 domestic, 26 international), more than 900 affiliated local stations, and several regional and foreign-language networks around the world. The network's success made a bona-fide mogul of founder Ted Turner and set the stage for the Time Warner conglomerate's eventual acquisition of Turner Broadcasting.
Despite its domestic standing, CNN remains a distant second in international news coverage, reaching just over half of the audience of the older BBC News. Unlike the BBC's network of reporters and bureaus, CNN International makes extensive use of affiliated reporters that are local to, and often directly affected by, the events they are reporting. The effect is a more immediate, less detached style of on-the-ground coverage. This has done little to stem criticism, largely from Middle Eastern nations, that CNN International reports news from a pro-American perspective. This is a marked contrast to domestic criticisms that often portray CNN as having a "liberal" or "anti-American" bias.
A companion network, Headline News (originally called CNN2) was launched in 1982 and featured a continuous 24-hour cycle of 30-minute news broadcasts. Headline News broke from its original format in 2006 with the addition of Headline Prime. Current programs feature confrontational personalities like radio talk-show host Glenn Beck and former Fulton County, Georgia prosecutor Nancy Grace.
CNN HD was launched September 1, 2007, and was first nationally distributed by DirecTV on September 26, 2007.
The Gulf War
The first Persian Gulf War in 1991 was a watershed event for CNN that catapulted the network past the "big three" American networks for the first time in its history, largely due to an unprecedented, historical scoop: CNN was the only news outlet with the ability to communicate outside Iraq during the initial hours of the American bombing campaign, with live reports from the al-Rashid Hotel in Baghdad by reporters Bernard Shaw, John Holliman, and Peter Arnett.
The Gulf War experience brought CNN some much sought-after legitimacy and made household names of previously obscure (and infamously low-paid) reporters. Many of these reporters now comprise CNN's "old guard." Bernard Shaw became CNN's chief anchor until his retirement in 2001. Others include then-Pentagon correspondent Wolf Blitzer (now host of The Situation Room and Late Edition with Wolf Blitzer) and international correspondent Christiane Amanpour. Amanpour's presence in Iraq was caricatured by actress Nora Dunn as the ruthless reporter "Adriana Cruz" in the film Three Kings (1999). Time Warner later produced a television movie, Live from Baghdad, about the network's coverage of the first Gulf War, which aired on HBO.
The CNN effect
Coverage of the first Gulf War and other crises of the early 1990s (particularly the infamous Battle of Mogadishu) led officials at the Pentagon to coin the term "the CNN effect" to describe the perceived impact of real time, 24-hour news coverage on the decision-making processes of the American government.
September 11
CNN breaking the news about the September 11, 2001 attacksCNN was the first network to have broken news of the September 11 attacks. Anchor Carol Lin was on the air to deliver the first public report of the event. She broke into a commercial at 8:49 a.m. ET and said:
This just in. You are looking at obviously a very disturbing live shot there. That is the World Trade Center, and we have unconfirmed reports this morning that a plane has crashed into one of the towers of the World Trade Center. CNN Center right now is just beginning to work on this story, obviously calling our sources and trying to figure out exactly what happened, but clearly something relatively devastating happening this morning there on the south end of the island of Manhattan. That is once again, a picture of one of the towers of the World Trade Center.
Sean Murtagh, CNN vice-president for finance & administration, was the first network employee on the air in New York.[5]
CNN launched two specialty news channels for the American market which would later close amid competitive pressure: CNNSI shut down in 2002, and CNNfn shut down after nine years on the air in December 2004. CNN and Sports Illustrated's partnership continues today online at CNNSI.com. CNNfn's former website now redirects to money.cnn.com, a product of CNN's strategic partnership with Money magazine.
Criticism and controversies
Main article: CNN controversies
CNN has been accused of media bias for allegedly promoting both a conservative and a liberal agenda based on previous incidents, although the primary criticism has been that CNN has a liberal bias. Critics, such as Accuracy in Media and MRC, have claimed that CNN's reporting contains liberal editorializing within news stories.[15][16]
CNN.com was accused by Chinese bloggers of bending the truth of the 2008 unrest in Tibet by distorting or manipulating facts. Specifically, the bloggers alleged that CNN.com deliberately cropped a photograph to remove images of Tibetan protesters throwing stones at Chinese trucks. In response to the allegation, CNN.com noted that "there could be no confusion regarding what [the photo] was showing, not least because it was captioned: ´Tibetans throw stones at army vehicles on a street in the capital Lhasa.´"[17] A Chinese website, anti-cnn.com,[18] has accused CNN and western media in general of biased reporting against China, with the catch-phrase "Don't be so CNN" catching on in the Chinese mainstream as jokingly meaning "Don't be so biased". [19]
It has been derided as the "Clinton News Network" during the 1990s for its perceived favorable bias towards the Clinton Administration.[citation needed]. Some critics[citation needed] allege that the network has been "promoting" Barack Obama during the 2008 race for presidency.
The network has also been accused of being slanted toward U.S. interests when reporting on world conflicts and wars.[specify][20] Critics such as LA Weekly say it is part of an alleged pro-war news media.[citation needed] CNN denies any bias.
Several prominent former CNN personalities have come to criticize certain aspects of the news network. Aaron Brown has said that CNN has committed "huge mistakes" and frames CNN as an "organization that is trying to figure out if it can be all things to all people." However, he also praised CNN's journalistic superiority, saying, " N's a better journalism organization." [21] Bernard Shaw has expressed that he is "very very disappointed with the way the news management" has handled his favorite network. He criticised the effects of Fox News' "commentary [and] personal analysis" on the news reporting of CNN, saying that "CNN continues to ape many of the on-air mannerisms of the Fox News Network, and I don't like that."[22]As said by Ted Turner, founder of CNN, “There really isn’t much of a point getting some Tom, Dick or Harry off the streets to report on when we can snag a big name whom everyone identifies with. After all, it’s all part of the business.” However, in April 2008, Turner criticized the direction CNN has taken. [23]
In November of 2007, CNN aired Death Grip: Inside Pro Wrestling, a one-hour investigative report. The report included footage from an interview with pro wrestler John Cena regarding steroids. According to World Wrestling Entertainment and Cena, CNN edited Cena's responses to make it seem as if he did not deny using steroids, while leaving room open for doubt that he did. His answer to the CNN interviewer's initial query of "Have you ever taken steroids?" was, "Absolutely not." Instead, CNN edited in a more detailed answer Cena had provided several minutes later during the same interview. Cena and the WWE demanded an apology from CNN. In response to their complaint, CNN issued this statement: "CNN felt that Mr. Cena's statement in the interview: "My answer to that question 'have you ever used steroids' is -- the only thing I can say -- I can't tell you that I haven't, but you'll never be able to prove that I have" was a more expansive and complete answer -- and that's why we used it in the first run of the program. And we stand by that decision. But, we added the other quote on the Sunday replay where Mr. Cena first denied using steroids. We did this because of his complaint and the attention it received so that viewers could see how he said it both times." [24][25]
[Edited at 2008-04-20 16:09] ▲ Collapse | | | chance (X) French to Chinese + ... 既然没有家丑,怕什么外扬? | Apr 20, 2008 |
traiston wrote:
| | | Jason Ma China Local time: 12:05 English to Chinese + ...
Angus, thanks for your explanation. Your post appreared little bit too late before I noticed it. Sorry for this tardy reply.
Most of the time, western media is doing a pretty good job, but sometimes not. One typical example is Iraq War (from its initiative to its aftermath).
Do you think the presence of western media could prevent what happened on March 14? Or they would just inflame the situation? | |
chance (X) French to Chinese + ...
[Edited at 2008-04-20 16:24] | | | chance (X) French to Chinese + ...
Shang wrote:
建议国际奥委会取消邀请各国政客出席奥运开幕式这一惯例,这些“大人物”就没有什么可说的了,专心做自己的工作。 | | | chance (X) French to Chinese + ... 我已经问过是否有人想抵制外文翻译? | Apr 20, 2008 |
jyuan_us wrote:
| |
phdvet2001 China Membro (2007) English to Chinese + ... INICIO DE TEMA
关于抵制,呵呵,国外的资本家可不傻,即便你抵制,只要你这里有利可图,钻窟窿打眼他也要来的。别的不说,海外的翻译资本们现在不就看中廉价的中国脑力劳动者资源吗? | | | ysun United States Local time: 22:05 English to Chinese + ... 到底是谁在进行人身攻击? | Apr 20, 2008 |
chance wrote:
[Edited at 2008-04-20 13:02]
在“样板戏入教材,是谁之忧?”那个讨论中,你说“除了极少数战犯和新纳粹份子才会有Renquan 那样的看法”。请问,这是不是人身攻击?从Renquan 的发言来看,我看不出有任何根据可以让你下那样的结论。这是一个最典型的例子。你进行讽刺挖苦甚至人身攻击的其它例子还很多,你自己应该最清楚。事实也都摆在那里。
Renquan 发起关于奥运的这个讨论,我完全可以理解他的心情。其背景是法国某电视台邀请几位人士讨论在法国巴黎传递奥运火炬时发生的事情,参加讨论的人士中包括一位中国留学生。我也看了那段节目。我虽然不懂法语,但还是能看懂字幕,也能看懂那些人的表情。那位中国留学生揭穿了法国媒体制造的谎言,把对方驳得哑口无言。Renquan 所说的“好好学习欧洲几个“民主”国家的语言”、“以牙还牙,以眼还眼”,就是这个意思。而有的人,马上就抓住这些话大做文章,兴师问罪。Kevin 企图扭转这种局面,出来说了几句话。于是有人马上就把矛头指向Kevin。从他后来的所作所为来看,他的agenda很明显就是要借机把Kevin搞掉。在其它几个题目的讨论以及这个讨论中,Kevin 一再要求不要谈政治,可你和那个人却仍然坚持要讨论西藏问题,迫使其他几位同仁不得不出来反驳。明眼人都很清楚,你们就是希望能够让你们在这里为所欲为、想说什么就说什么,而且谁反对你们的意见,你们马上就给谁扣上帽子、甚至发动人身攻击。有些以前对你很尊敬的年轻人,现在对你的态度截然改变。奉劝你自己应该好好想一想,这究竟是为什么!
chance wrote:
像二战那样的战争,德国人绝大多数都在自己总结教训,除了极少数战犯和新纳粹份子才会有Renquan 那样的看法。
所谓的中国威胁论,在欧洲很少听说,也许美国有一部分人有这种看法,但也不是代表全部美国人民。如果我没理解错Renquan 帖子里的仇恨,我看警惕这种想法也不过分。
Renquan Yang wrote:
[Edited at 2008-03-17 10:33]
Renquan Yang wrote:
[Edited at 2008-04-20 14:24] | | | isahuang Local time: 23:05 English to Chinese + ...
jyuan_us wrote:
isahuang wrote:
Jason Ma wrote:
其实我觉得小黄说的“皇恩”只是一个比方而已,确切地说是一帮小兄弟们老在拖累已经富起来了的老大哥而已。That simple.
你真耐心,还帮我解释一下。如果有人看不出我说的皇恩是个比方,在这上面大费笔墨,那只能是他/她另类。为了确保politically correct,我特别用了男他and女他。
我就夠另類的。 [Edited at 2008-04-20 06:23]
可有人就偏爱去引申。 | | | Páxinas no tema: < [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66] > | To report site rules violations or get help, contact a site moderator: You can also contact site staff by submitting a support request » 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing CafeTran Espresso | You've never met a CAT tool this clever!
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