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Off topic: 茶馆 : 所有"无关紧要的"话题 Persoa que publicou o fío: chance (X)
ysun United States Local time: 17:01 English to Chinese + ... |
ysun United States Local time: 17:01 English to Chinese + ... |
wherestip United States Local time: 17:01 Chinese to English + ... |
ysun United States Local time: 17:01 English to Chinese + ...
ysun United States Local time: 17:01 English to Chinese + ... |
ysun United States Local time: 17:01 English to Chinese + ... |
QHE United States Local time: 18:01 English to Chinese + ...
ysun wrote: 姚记炒肝店
照片真清楚, 还有valet parking. 按理说王府井, 前门应该更热闹吧? 估计他是太饿了, 正好拐到哪儿.
说到热闹, 想起了去南锣鼓巷, 早上从南面进去, 七百多米长的巷子, 走到傍晚才从北口挤出来. 不过观赏寻觅到不少值得回味的东西. 除了天南海北中西大杂烩的小吃,饭馆,茶室,cafe, 酒吧,店铺外; 每一条胡同每座风格特异的宅院好像都刻着历史的痕迹,沁王府,中央戏剧学院,茅盾故居,齐白石旧居,蒋介石行辕...很庆幸街区保护得这么好.
http://blog.163.com/tianxing_hi/blog/static/1641460342013617114187/ | | |
QHE United States Local time: 18:01 English to Chinese + ...
wherestip wrote:
From the restaurant's homepage description ...
我去的是他们在海淀区的分店,没有那么天花乱坠,不然哪敢再去. “小二”确实穿对襟衫,其他行头没印象(只顾看菜单了). 八仙桌(木制)长条凳属实,桌子中间放有一小篮子大蒜(紫皮的),环境干净整洁. 记得要点菜的时候,“小二”还得去请出个"师傅"来,于是顺势称这位服务员为师傅了(称同志或先生都不对劲儿).
wherestip wrote:
Please indulge me for trying this out, just for grins: “来了,您哪,几位,里边请,你懂的,哈哈!”
I can hear you, the rest of the forum can hear you! ![](https://cfcdn.proz.com/images/bb/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif)
店里的伙计就象 Steve 那样“唱出”了一串词儿,我能听清的就是“小二,倒茶!“![](https://cfcdn.proz.com/images/bb/smiles/icon_wink.gif)
可能因为父母是南方人,所以自己也只会说普通话,链接里的北京腔听起来也不很轻松. | |
wherestip United States Local time: 17:01 Chinese to English + ...
QHE wrote:
店里的伙计就象 Steve 那样“唱出”了一串词儿,我能听清的就是“小二,倒茶!“ ![](https://cfcdn.proz.com/images/bb/smiles/icon_wink.gif)
Same here. I couldn't stand the accent of unadulterated Pekingese either. My dad was Cantonese; and the place where we lived(北航) rarely had any local folk born-and-bred. So I didn't have much contact with real native Pekingese until senior high, as I had to commute to the City daily. My good friend was somehow distantly related to royalty of the Qing dynasty; but he didn't speak with a folksy Pekingese accent either. | | |
wherestip United States Local time: 17:01 Chinese to English + ...
I used to go here to buy pastries all the time too ...
I'm not sure why the old records show 稻香村 instead of 稻香春 as shown in that clip you provided. But I'm guessing ... See more Yueyin,
I used to go here to buy pastries all the time too ...
I'm not sure why the old records show 稻香村 instead of 稻香春 as shown in that clip you provided. But I'm guessing 稻香村 is the name they're all using now. ▲ Collapse | | |
wherestip United States Local time: 17:01 Chinese to English + ... two distinct brands? | Mar 6, 2014 |
I think I got it.
Way back when, 稻香村 and 稻香春 were two different stores under different ownership that competed with each other ...
From the 稻香春 link:
80年代初,恢复了稻香村老字号,(**) 仍以前店后厂为主要经营方式,努力挖掘,恢复传统。1988年荣获优秀食品老字号奖。新店地址在东四北大街150号和灯市东口10号。
(**)It's hard to say by just reading these baike links, which are kind of confusing in places, whether the two brands have become one and the same. IMO, it's just as likely that there could be some typos in the links, and 稻香春、 稻香村 still remain as two different brands.
[Edited at 2014-03-06 06:01 GMT] | | |
ysun United States Local time: 17:01 English to Chinese + ...
wherestip wrote:
(**)It's hard to say by just reading these baike links, which are kind of confusing in places, whether the two brands have become one and the same. IMO, it's just as likely that there could be some typos in the links, and 稻香春、 稻香村 still remain as two different brands.
[Edited at 2014-03-06 06:01 GMT]
谢谢你提供的链接和信息。现在看来是这么回事:北京的稻香村先于稻香春,但被稻香春击败。稻香春一直开到现在,而稻香村则于80年代才重新开张。所以,现在稻香春和稻香村仍然并存。我在学院南路住时,北土城西路(牡丹园附近)开了一家稻香村分店,令我十分高兴。前年我回京时还去过。似乎目前稻香村的分店比稻香春多。至于糕点质量誰高谁低,我下次回去时要好好鉴别一下。 ![](https://cfcdn.proz.com/images/bb/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif)
[Edited at 2014-03-06 07:08 GMT] | |
wherestip United States Local time: 17:01 Chinese to English + ...
Thanks. Your explanation makes a lot of sense. Last night after reading both of those baike links, I also kind of suspected as such.
While reading the link of 稻香春,I noticed the mention of 森隆饭店, which was founded by the same person 张森隆. It used to be located on 灯市口大街(东、西街), the east side of 王府井大街. It was also one of the restaurants my mom and dad liked to take us to.
BTW, I wanted to doub... See more Yueyin,
Thanks. Your explanation makes a lot of sense. Last night after reading both of those baike links, I also kind of suspected as such.
While reading the link of 稻香春,I noticed the mention of 森隆饭店, which was founded by the same person 张森隆. It used to be located on 灯市口大街(东、西街), the east side of 王府井大街. It was also one of the restaurants my mom and dad liked to take us to.
BTW, I wanted to double-check my understanding of the term "京片子" this morning; and look what I found.
哈尔滨话我也领教过,70 年代初期迁到三线汉中盆地的汉江工具厂 就是哈尔滨工具厂分过去的。 他们的口音没 吉林、辽宁一带 那么重,但也挺垮的。 So I would take that particular statement with a grain of salt. ![](https://cfcdn.proz.com/images/bb/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif)
[Edited at 2014-03-06 16:21 GMT] ▲ Collapse | | |
wherestip United States Local time: 17:01 Chinese to English + ...
ysun wrote:
That's pretty funny. ![](https://cfcdn.proz.com/images/bb/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif)
Here's another thought that's kind of related. I'm of the opinion that there are clear advantages to simplified Chinese characters. Not only is the presentation cleaner and less cluttered; but it's also easier to mentally decipher characters at a glance.
These days I appreciate this even more. I do a lot less squinting with posts written in simplified Chinese characters compared to those written in traditional.![](https://cfcdn.proz.com/images/bb/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif) | | |
ysun United States Local time: 17:01 English to Chinese + ...
我们当时每年农忙时都要到北京郊区参加劳动。跟郊区农民交流可就更费劲了。我们南方来的同学说话他们听不懂,他们说话我们也听不懂。 | | |
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