Páxinas no tema: < [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15] > | 对国内的翻译市场简直是失望透了 (Disappointed with the translation market in mainland China) Persoa que publicou o fío: miraclee
| Wenjer Leuschel (X) Taiwan Local time: 16:01 English to Chinese + ... | Fan Gao Australia Local time: 19:01 English to Chinese + ... 想到Julia Roberts在Pretty Woman中 | Aug 16, 2007 |
Yueyin Sun wrote:
[Edited at 2007-03-14 05:00]
我看电影“Pretty Woman"倒也是挺明目张胆的,呵呵...不过那是电影,真实性不敢确定... | | | Wenjer Leuschel (X) Taiwan Local time: 16:01 English to Chinese + ...
大多数欧洲国家并不禁止自主性的交易,所以在 Amsterdam 等城市有所谓的“情色特区”,无论在街头或在店面橱窗里搔首弄姿的全都是容许的。
汉堡有个地区叫“三宝里”(Sankt Pauli),占地一平方公里,连同附近的“鱼市场”(白天卖鱼,晚上卖肉),正常营业没人认为不可,那也是特区。但,就是不可越出那个特区。该区的警力是全汉堡市最强大的,后头还有业者公会�... See more 大多数欧洲国家并不禁止自主性的交易,所以在 Amsterdam 等城市有所谓的“情色特区”,无论在街头或在店面橱窗里搔首弄姿的全都是容许的。
汉堡有个地区叫“三宝里”(Sankt Pauli),占地一平方公里,连同附近的“鱼市场”(白天卖鱼,晚上卖肉),正常营业没人认为不可,那也是特区。但,就是不可越出那个特区。该区的警力是全汉堡市最强大的,后头还有业者公会负责协调竞争的冲突解决,还有从业者的工会,一切都如平常职业一般。
Pretty Woman 里 Julia Roberts 营业的地方,相必也应该是特区吧;为了维护善良风气,其他地区可是不准那营业的。
Chinese Concept wrote:
Yueyin Sun wrote:
我看电影“Pretty Woman"倒也是挺明目张胆的,呵呵...不过那是电影,真实性不敢确定... ▲ Collapse | | | ysun United States Local time: 02:01 English to Chinese + ... 听说过电影明星Hugh Grant在洛杉矶的艳遇吗? | Aug 16, 2007 |
Chinese Concept wrote:
我看电影“Pretty Woman"倒也是挺明目张胆的,呵呵...不过那是电影,真实性不敢确定...
我不否认在“垂死的、腐朽的资本主义”美国有卖淫嫖娼现象,但若明目张胆就会被抓,除非是在经立法允许的某些州某些地区。电影当然对明目张胆的程度有所夸张。 | |
allankliu Local time: 16:01 English to Chinese + ...
大家都知道1GMP3在国内才多少钱。有多少烂?所谓“劣币逐良币”就是这个道理。 | | |
所以,如果你是翻译新手,不要因为价格低就不做,除非你不想从事这个行业。慢慢来,只要自己一步步积累,一步步努力,会提高的。 | | | Benny Fu Local time: 16:01 English to Chinese + ...
国内我有大的合作伙伴,给到... See more 今天第一次来论坛讨论,为了一个同样困扰我的问题。国内的翻译公司太黑了,英中只给到60千中,无论再难、再紧的稿子都是如此,有一次甚至被压榨到50块。心里想着,开拓国际市场吧。今天早上接到一个回复,告诉我价格0.015还是CAD,我算了算,竟然比国内还低!老外们也是吃透了中国市场,给的价格实在太低了,简直是一种侮辱。
ysun wrote:
chance wrote:
如果未能理解David 的明显讽刺英语贴,那么在翻译的时候就一定得仔细一些了。0.02 的价格接近国内市场价,还有收不到付款风险,为什么要从这里拿稿呢?
[Edited at 2007-03-09 15:28]
至于“0.02 的价格接近国内市场价,还有收不到付款风险,为什么要从这里拿稿呢?”,我想,大概是由于国内市场的竞争实在是太激烈了。另外,也不排斥个别人抱着“你给我一分钱我就给你一分钱的货”的态度,认为0.02 的价格能够对得起自己。
▲ Collapse | | | ysun United States Local time: 02:01 English to Chinese + ...
I was interested in this article: 2008年城镇职工平均工资为29229元 | May 14, 2009 |
Thank you Yueyin.
1 It seems that public servants' wages and salaries have certainly gone up over the four years
2 It's interesting that they are planning to survey the private sector.
3 Without knowing what was in the four great regions (四大区域:东北、西部、中部、东部) I thought the figures on regional differences weren't very meaningful. It's a pity they didn't define that term in the article. ... See more Thank you Yueyin.
1 It seems that public servants' wages and salaries have certainly gone up over the four years
2 It's interesting that they are planning to survey the private sector.
3 Without knowing what was in the four great regions (四大区域:东北、西部、中部、东部) I thought the figures on regional differences weren't very meaningful. It's a pity they didn't define that term in the article.
[ 二、平均工资的行业差异
三、不同类型单位的平均工资差异 ] ▲ Collapse | | | Sarah L.G. Local time: 16:01 English to Chinese + ...
孙先生好,据我所知,国内大部分人对中国go-vern-ment(请见谅这边用“-”隔开,因为是新人,不太知道发帖的规矩,因为在国内的论坛发表言论如果出现敏感词汇,会被屏蔽,或者直接不能发表)公布的数据报怀疑的态度。7399元并非真的实际购买力。 | | | Ethan Tian China Local time: 16:01 Chinese to English + ...
至于国内的那些报告就不用在意,都知道是怎么回事. | | | I like this one | Jun 24, 2009 |
Wenjer Leuschel wrote:
Hi Mark,
You might not believe how hard I have been promoting Chinese translators. I never paid any translator less than 0.04 USD and that usually only for the first contact. If the translator qualifies himself, the rate goes up promptly over 0.06 USD.
To my clients, I always tell them that good translators shall not be treated badly. If they are to retain good translators, they have to think of having them properly paid for a better living to keep up the quality.
However, as we know, the market demands different qualities. Some jobs can be done sloppily and paid sloppily. The market is big enough to accommodate all levels of quality. If a client asks for low rates, it serves him right to get low quality. For the ones who pay properly, they shall get corresponding quality.
In fact, I don't mind that some translators ask for 80 RMB per thousand words, because I don't bother to review, revise and edit their translations for better rates. They may stay where they are. But for the real good ones, I wouldn't let them stay where they are. Instead, I would show them the way to go up into global marekt and find their proper rates.
You see, it all depends on individual translators to pursue their own ways and their own rates. The reason why my clients pay me several times above the rumored low rates in China is that I won't deliver a quality for that rumored rates. I manage the quality and they manage me for better rates. The same applies to the translators I manage. They won't get low rates from me for a better quality.
The problem with some Chinese translators lies in their belief in offering low rates, say, less than 0.02 USD, for stepping into the global market and getting themselves established.
As I explained in "Looking into the Market" and some othe threads, there are a lot of ways to promote oneself. What a translator needs as prerequisite is a solid foundation of language skills. We can never expect a translator doing his jobs properly, if he doesn't express himself well enough even in his native language and who doesn't show the clients how he perform his jobs properly. As well, we can never expect a client willing to pay higher rates when the translator cannot convince him with language skills.
There are some translators who believe that they can go an easy way by offering low rates, such as 0.02 USD per source word. I wouldn't bother to manage such translators, even when their Chinese language skills are all right for some purposes. They will be occupied all the time, anyway.
As a German translator and enterpriser puts it: "Translation is not a commodity. Translators are usually not interchangeable. Translation is potentially scarce item. Neither the number of its producers nor their output can be increased at will." When there are in China supposedly half a million translators in shortage, why are the ones active in the market getting nervous and eager to accept low rates? I really don't see the reason why.
So, take it easy. Everyone finds his own way to maintain his position in the market. It all depends on his insight into the market and his confidence in his own skills.
- Wenjer
better skills paid better
so I don't complain, and nobody should.
just like everything, carpenters for example, better carpenters get higher rates and this is a fact in any village around the globe. | |
William Lee China Local time: 16:01 English to Chinese + ... How to market ourselves? | Jul 16, 2009 |
Jianjun Zhang wrote:
miraclee wrote:
There's no so-called standard Chinese rate. I never did any single job at a rate of 50 or 80 or 120 and so on.../1,000 words.
When I did the first translation work in 1992 for a Tsing Hua University professor, it was from Chinese to English and the rate was 30 RMB/100 words not 1,000 words.
And in 1992, 70 RMB/month/person was enough for anyone to live and save. Now, 1,000-1,500 RMB/month/person is hardly enough in many places. So I don't think at that poor rate, anyone can live (well?).
If you are talented, simply ignore those cheaters. My clients in China never give me "Standard Chinese rates". Because: -
First, they know me well for more than 10 years.
Second, my work justifies my rates.
Third, they, as any other company, can well afford to pay the rate.
What you should do is to market yourself to guys who are honest business people.
The so-called Chinese rates are simply enforced by a misunderstanding of the Chinese market. Fresh starters in the Chinese market are exploited and abused. Learn to refuse those unreasonable offers.
I wrote this in English so people who don't read Chinese can see what we are talking about and in some way clarify the mystery of Chinese rates. I have been trying hard to promote Chinese translators' image and dignity. The rumoured low rate is one of the things I want the world know that is not right.
Jian, as you said, we freshers should market ourselves ? to end customer or to translate agency? But always it seems only the latter be available. Can you point a golden-way to us? | | | Ivan Niu China Local time: 16:01 Membro (2011) English to Chinese 在这个市场 你要相信质量和价格是成正比的 | Sep 27, 2010 |
miraclee wrote:
[Subject edited by staff or moderator 2007-03-09 07:52]
从两年前我接单清一色的60慢慢地到现在低于130就不接,我得出的经验是:我的质量在改善,所以公司才出得起更高的价格。涨不了价的淘汰出局,寻找更好的翻译公司。问问自己,我的质量怎么样? | | | lbone China Local time: 16:01 English to Chinese + ...
本报讯 (记者 马文婷)昨天,国家统计局首次公布城镇私营单位就业人员年平均工资主要情况,2009年全国城镇私营单位就业人员年平均工资为18199元,与2008年的17071元相比,增加了1128元,名义增长6.6%。同时,统计局还公布了2009年城镇非私营单位就业人员年平均工资,也就是原来的“城镇单位在岗职工平均工资”。
[Edited at 2010-09-27 23:33 GMT] | | | Páxinas no tema: < [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15] > | To report site rules violations or get help, contact a site moderator: You can also contact site staff by submitting a support request » 对国内的翻译市场简直是失望透了 (Disappointed with the translation market in mainland China) TM-Town | Manage your TMs and Terms ... and boost your translation business
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