frequently asked questions

Terminology/term help


  • 1 - Terminology/term help

  • 2 - KudoZ

    You may also be interested in:

  • a brief introduction to KudoZ

  • your KudoZ dashboard-- managing your notifications for KudoZ

  • how KudoZ PRO points can boost your directory ranking

  • the new Glossary-building KudoZ (GBK)

  • 2.1 - KudoZ: general

  • 1.1 - Que � KudoZ?

    KudoZ � unha rede de axuda con termos. A trav�s de KudoZ, os usuarios de ofrecen aos demais usuarios axuda gratu�ta na traduci�n de termos complicados. Bote unha ollada � nosaintroduci�n r�pidapara saber m�is.

  • 1.2 - Glossary of KudoZ terms

    Question: The request for help posted by the asker, including at least a language pair, a field of expertise, a term and context information.

    Action buttons: Buttons located below the question that offer users access to several areas described below. The buttons are:

    Answer: Reply in the target language to the asked term, including at least the translation of the term, an explanation and the answerer's confidence level.

    Reference comment: This area is accessed with the "Post reference" button and should be used to provide information which is not in itself an answer, but which may be helpful to either the asker or other answerers. The information submitted in this way will not be subject to consideration as "best" or "most helpful", and points will not be received.

    Discussion area: This area is accessed with the "Post discussion" button and should be used for requests and additional exchanges of context information and for linguistic discussions on the question. This area should not be used to comment on answers (see rule 3.4 ) or on participants see rule 3.7). In GBK it also allows participation of users who do not meet the criteria to answer.

    Grading: The process by which the asker reviews the suggestions and awards points to the answerer who provided the translation deemed by the asker to be the most useful.

    Peer comment: A comment made by a site user concerning his agreement or disagreement with a translation suggested by a peer. Peer comments must be based on linguistic considerations and said considerations must be provided in case of disagree or neutral comments. This is the only valid way to comment on a KudoZ answer.

    Asker: A person in need of translation assistance who posts a term or phrase, providing context and the desired target language.

    Answerer: A site user who provides an answer to a KudoZ question.

    Reference poster: A site user who provides a reference comment.

    KudoZ editors: Non-moderator site users who have been given the right to perform some editing functions on KudoZ questions.

  • 1.3 - Como funciona?

    Unha "transacci�n" KudoZ sup�n tres pasos: (1) unha persoa que precisa axuda cunha traduci�n introduce un termo ou unha frase e ofrece contexto e o idioma final desexado; (2) un usuario do sitio suxire unha traduci�n, ofrece unha explicaci�n e, nalg�ns casos, algunhas referencias; (3) a persoa que fixo a pregunta revisa as suxesti�ns e concede de 1 a 4 puntos ao usuario que ofreceu a traduci�n considerada m�is �til ou m�is exacta.

  • 1.4 - Para que sirven os puntos KudoZ?

    Alg�ns clientes empregan os puntos KudoZ para escoller tradutores para un proceso de selecci�n posterior. Parece l�xico que se procuras os servizos dun tradutor que saiba de medicina, unha persoa que conseguiu 300 puntos de preguntas relacionadas coa medicina pode ser un bo comezo.

  • 1.5 - CANDO RESPONDO: Como se actualizan os puntos KudoZ?

    Os totais de puntos KudoZ amosados en varios lugares do sitio actual�zanse unha vez ao d�a, mentres que noutros lugares actual�zanse en tempo real. Por iso poden existir discrepancias moment�neas, mais a correcci�n ten lugar no momento do d�a no que se fai o reconto dos puntos.Os membros poden facer que o sistema actualice os seus puntos en tempo real. Vaia ao resumo dos seus puntos KudoZ e faga clic en "Actualizar o total de puntos agora".

  • 1.6 - Do I earn any KudoZ points by answering KudoZ questions?

    No. KudoZ points are only earned if one of your answer to any KudoZ question is selected by the asker or automatically by the system based on peer agreement.

  • 1.7 - Cales son as regras de participaci�n nas KudoZ?

    Consultar as regras das KudoZ:Regras xerais,Regras para os que preguntanandRegras para os que responden e fan comentarios

  • 1.8 - Can friends, family members or close associates participate in my KudoZ questions or answers?

    Participation in KudoZ questions, particularly using the peer comment system to "boost" an answer, or in asking and answering to gain KudoZ points, should not be carried out among the profiles of friends, family or close associates, in order to maintain a certain level of transparency in the KudoZ arena. In cases where interacting profiles are shown to be of this type, a mutual block may be applied to the profiles (this blocks the interaction between specific profiles only, not participation in KudoZ at large) to ensure fairness.

    See also general site rule 2 for more on why this policy may be enforced.

    Access to networking features, which potentially affect other members, may be modified or revoked at the discretion of the team. In particular, KudoZ interaction between profiles may be blocked at the discretion of site staff at any time as a safeguard to preserve the positive, results-oriented atmosphere of KudoZ.

  • 1.9 - CANDO RESPONDO: Que debo facer se se incumpren as regras das KudoZ?

    Se se incumpren asregras das Kudozdebe indicarllo ao moderador do par de idiomas do que se trate. Pode atopar a lista de moderadoresaqu�.Cando se po�a en contacto cun moderador para informar da violaci�n das regras KudoZ, aseg�rese de inclu�r toda a informaci�n relevante, inclu�das as ligaz�ns a preguntas concretas, etc.

  • 1.10 - Cal � a l�xica das categor�as KudoZ?

    As preguntas KudoZ poden clasificarse empregando unha lista de especialidades cunhas 100 entradas. A lista, que se creou en funci�n das estat�sticas das �reas persoais introducidas como texto libre polos usuarios de, ten un obxectivo un tanto confuso. Por exemplo, debido a que un membro pode pensar "auto" mentres outro pensa "coches", �mbolos dous nomes de categor�a est�n dispo�ibles na lista.Compre sinalar que, a�nda que estas categor�as "xemelgas" aparecen por separado na lista de especialidades, se introduciron na base de datos no mesmo sitio. Non importa cal escolla... s� ten que coller a primeira categor�a que se adapte ao seu termo. Un truco: na maior�a dos buscadores, cando xa est� na lista escollida, s� precisa premer a letra da categor�a na que est� a pensar ("c" de "coches") ata que chegue � categor�a que procura.

  • 1.11 - Que sucede se non se conceden puntos por unha pregunta?

    Se unha pregunta recibiu respostas e non se pechou en tres d�as, a persoa que fixo a pregunta recibe unha mensaxe que lle lembra que ten que conceder os puntos. Se a pregunta segue aberta despois de catro mensaxes recordatorias (durante d�as semanas), t�ntase escoller a mellor resposta de forma autom�tica. Un 'robot autom�tico' fai unha selecci�n base�ndose no n�mero neto de 'acordos' dos colegas que recibiu cada resposta, seguindo as seguintes regras:- Para que sexa considerada, unha resposta precisa ter cando menos dous "acordos netos" (acordos-desacordos).- Escollese a resposta co maior n�mero de acordos netos. Se d�as respostas te�en o mesmo n�mero de acordos netos, escollese a que se introduciu en �ltimo lugar. A idea � que, se d�as respostas recibiron o mesmo n�mero de acordos netos, a que os recibiu en menos tempo pode ser mellor.Se ningunha resposta ten cando menos dous acordos netos, m�ntense aberta a pregunta.

  • 1.12 - Are askers able to close a question without awarding points?

    Yes. An asker may choose to do this when s/he has asked a question in error (misspelled term, etc.), when no answer was deemed helpful, when a better term was found elsewhere (and no answer was deemed helpful), or in other cases.

  • 1.13 - How often do askers close questions without awarding points?

    Less than 5% of the time.

  • 1.14 - Onde podo atopar unha lista das mi�as preguntas e respostas anteriores?

    Vaia � p�xina do seu perfil e faga clic no apartado KudoZ. Os membros tam�n ver�n aqu� a opci�n para forzar a actualizaci�n dos seus puntos KudoZ.

  • 1.15 - Can I see questions in language pairs not reported in my profile?

    Yes. You can see KudoZ questions in all language pairs by clicking on See more languages in the KudoZ questions page.

  • 1.16 - Cales ter�an que ser as condici�ns para que se elimine unha pregunta KudoZ?

    Existen unhas dez raz�ns posibles polas que unha pregunta Kudoz ser�a eliminada ("squased"). Para consultar o debate sobre estas raz�ns, visite: este artigo.

  • 1.17 - What information can I see about a KudoZ asker?

    If you move your mouse over the asker's picture in a KudoZ question you will see a mouse-over message similar to the one pictured below:

    The following definitions apply:

    * Questions: the amount of questions posted by the asker.

    * Open: questions that remain open and have at least an answer not hidden and not declined by the asker.

    * Without valid answers: questions that remain open and that received no answers, or that received answers that were hidden, or declined by the asker.

    * Closed without grading: questions that were closed without grading by the asker after having received at least one answer not hidden.

    Squashed questions are not included in these statistics. If you want to get more information on the asker, a click on the asker's link will take you to the asker's profile.

  • 1.18 - Que fai o botón "Votar PRO" ou "Votar non PRO"?

    Nunha pregunta KudoZ marcada como PRO, os participantes poden votar para facer que a pregunta cambie a non PRO, e vice versa. Precísanse tres votos a favor de PRO ou non PRO para reclasificar unha pregunta.

    Si ten menos de vinte (20) puntos KudoZ PRO, non verá esta opción.

  • 1.19 - When posting my question I selected by mistake the wrong level (PRO, non-PRO). What can I do?

    You should submit a support request to have this issue addressed by staff.

  • 1.20 - CANDO RESPONDO: Penso que hoxe deber�a ter m�is puntos.

    Se vostede � membro, pode facer que o sistema actualice os seus puntos en tempo real. Vaia ao resumo dos seus puntos KudoZ e faga clic en "Actualizar o total de puntos agora". Se vostede � usuario rexistrado, as discrepancias no total de puntos deber�an corrixirse en 24 horas.Para comprobar se lle concederon puntos por unha pregunta concreta, comprobe o historial de respostas KudoZ no seu perfil.

  • 1.21 - CANDO RESPONDO: Un dos totais dos meus puntos KudoZ diminu�u. How is this possible?

    � posible que os totais de puntos seleccionados (de conxunto, PRO, por especialidade ou por per�odo) dimin�an. Pode deberse a que:- unha pregunta pola que ga�ou puntos foi eliminada ou se lle retiraron os puntos -unha pregunta PRO pola que ga�ou puntos foi reclasificada como non-PRO (e polo tanto dimin�e o total PRO e increm�ntase o total non-PRO)- unha pregunta pola que ga�ou puntos reclasificase como pertencente a outra especialidade (incrementa o total dunha especialidade e dimin�e o doutra)- pasa o tempo (pode provocar que o total de puntos dos �ltimos tres meses sexa menor). Se lle interesan concretamente as �ltimas 8 respostas polas que conseguiu puntos, pode comprobrar o historial de respostas do seu perfil. Ter�an que aparecer xunto cos puntos que conseguiu.

  • 1.22 - CANDO RESPONDO: Como podo modificar o que aparece no resumo de puntos KudoZ na p�xina do meu perfil?

    Os usuarios poden escoller ocultar alg�n tipo de puntos KudoZ no resumo da s�a p�xina:

  • 1.23 - What do the "ok" and "no" under the the "Gloss" (glossary) column in my KudoZ activity section indicate?

    The "ok" indicates that a glossary entry derived from the KudoZ question has been entered into the glossary.

    On the other hand, the "no" indicates that no glossary entry has been entered.

  • 1.24 - CANDO RESPONDO: Tiven que crear un novo perfil. Podo xuntar os meus puntos do perfil previo?

    Si, se vostede � membro, o persoal de asistencia pode facelo por vostede. Te�a en conta que non s� se engadir�n os seus puntos, sen�n todo o seu historial KudoZ (preguntas, comentarios, notas, etc.). Deixar� de ter acceso ao perfil antigo. Para xuntar os seus perf�s, env�e unha incidencia de soporte na que pide ao persoal que engadan o seu historial KudoZ *dun* perfil espec�fico *a* outro perfil espec�fico. Se � posible identifique os perf�s por n�mero (o nome de usuario servir� se non sabe os n�meros). Na s�a incidencia de soporte escriba que comprende que esta acci�n � irreversible e que deixar� de ter acceso ao perfil do que se moveu o historial. A opci�n de repetir s� est� dispo�ible para membros.

  • 1.25 - Como podo evitar que a procura de termos de transcriba caracteres acentuados e diacr�ticos?

    Nalg�ns casos, aprocura de termos de ProZ.comofrece unha capacidade limitada para transcribir caracteres acentuados e diacr�ticos (por exemplo, a procura do termo "publica" pode ofrecer tam�n os resultados que conte�en "pública"). Para que non se empregue esta ferramenta, escolla a opci�n "que coincida exactamente ca frase".

  • 1.26 - How can I enter a discussion entry?

    To enter a discussion entry you should click on the "Post discussion" button. A form will show to allow you to post a title and the body of your entry. These fields are limited to 50 and 1200 characters respectively (there is a counter to tell you how many characters you have left for the main field). There is a preview option and buttons for submitting the entry and for canceling the operation.

    Once your discussion entry has been entered, you will be able to edit it during the first 24 hours, or to delete it any time, by clicking on the icons displayed on the top right corner of the entry.

  • 1.27 - Suxiro que se cobre pola participaci�n nas KudoZ. Isto incrementar�a a calidade.

    Polo momento non temos plans para restrinxir o uso das KudoZ aos membros. As� e todo, ofrecese a posibilidade de configurar a informaci�n mostrada e as preferencias de notificaci�n de tal xeito que s� vexa as preguntas dos membros. Tam�n, cando pregunta, � posible especificar a preferencia de que os que responden sexan membros.

  • 1.28 - Are KudoZ questions indexed by search engines?

    Yes. As with the public forums, KudoZ questions are indexed by search engines.

    Keep in mind that this can (and should) work in your favor. A series of excellent KudoZ answers, or of helpful, professional forum posts, boost your web visibility to potential clients, and may also give them a further means of evaluating you as a translator and as a professional.

  • 1.29 - What do the time references next to the confidence level and in the peer section indicate?

    They indicate the time elapsed from the moment the question was asked until the other action "answer", "peer comment" took place. The times shown are measured in relation to moment the question was asked.

  • 1.30 - Can the asker enter in the glossary a term different from the one suggested in the selected question?

    Yes. Points are (or should be) given to the most helpful answer, while the best possible term should be entered in the glossary, even if it was not suggested by the answerer who won the points.

    Imagine for instance that you ask for a difficult technical term and get several similar alternatives, but one of the answers provided a very clear explanation that helped you understand the meaning of the term and its usage. Then you could pick another of the alternatives, and still consider this the most helpful answer.

    It is also possible for askers to find the best term on their own and enter a term that was suggested in none of the answers provided, but still select a most helpful answer.

  • 1.31 - A user in my sub-community regularly posts bad answers and they are sometimes selected and I am concerned that the glossary will deteriorate. Many valuable colleagues are of the same opinion and several of them have abandoned KudoZ. What can be done?

    The system includes the "disagree" feature. If answers considered invalid receive several disagrees based on linguistic (not personal) comments, then the amount of "bad" answers is likely to be reduced.

  • 1.32 - I was the first to provide the right answer to a KudoZ question and then other user provided the same answer adding few more explanations and received the points (instead of agreeing to my answer). Is this allowed?

    Askers have the right to select the answers they consider most helpful to their questions.
    There is nothing wrong in taking the time to provide the best possible answer, including references and explanations, even if a term has been already suggested. Limiting this right would turn KudoZ into a race to post a term with little or no explanations, and it would discourage better researched and more complete answers.

  • 1.33 - How does the first validated answer mode work?

    Askers have the option of asking questions in "first validated answer" (FVA) mode. When the FVA option is selected, instead of multiple answers being submitted and the asker selecting the one that is most helpful, the goal is for one correct translation to be agreed upon by the answerer community. An FVA question is therefore considered closed as soon as one answer gets two net agrees (in top pairs, two net agrees must come from users who meet the criteria for the question).

    The effect for askers is that they can ask a question, and some time later be sent an answer that has been validated. It is considered that this option to "leave the decision to the pros" may appeal to some askers, particularly those who do not speak the target language. Various other possibilities may also be presented by this new approach.

    Note that FVA questions are always not-for-points, and that they are targeted at those who work in the language pair, have expressed at least an interest in the selected field, and are native in the target language when the question is in a top pair. (However, others are not prevented from answering.)

  • 1.34 - What are AI-generated KudoZ answers?

    AI-generated KudoZ answers are automatic answers generated by AI technology, in this case, by ChatGPT. This answers are marked as such within the answer itself.

  • 1.35 - How are AI KudoZ answers generated?

    Most AI technology brings information back by means of prompts. Think of prompts like instructions you give to the AI. When you ask a question or tell it something, that's your prompt. In order to generate a KudoZ answer, we send ChatGPT three different prompts: one to get a proposed translation of the source term taking into account the information supplied by the asker (languages, fields, contect), one to obtain an explanation of the proposed translation that also includes sample sentences, and a last one to get confidence level information (i.e. to know how confident the AI feels about its proposed translation). Once this information is returned by the AI, a KudoZ answer is automatically built with it and posted together with the question (provided the asker has selected the AI-generated answer option).

  • 1.36 - Who posts AI-generated answers?

    AI answers are generated and posted automatically when an askers select this option in the KudoZ question form:

  • 1.37 - Are askers notified of AI-generated answers to their questions?

    No. For the time being, no email notification is sent for AI-generated answers.

  • 1.38 - Can KudoZ participants peer grade AI-generated answers?

    Yes, KudoZ participants are encouraged to agree or disagree (or remain neutral) with AI-generated KudoZ answers. Peer grades will count in the case of automatic grading. Click here for details about automatic grading.

  • 1.39 - Can KudoZ askers select AI-generated answers as the most helpful and award points to the AI?

    Yes, KudoZ askers can select an AI-generated answer as the most helpful one and award KudoZ points to the AI. These KudoZ points, however, will not be used to rank the AI profile in the directory. Click here to learn how KudoZ points count for directory ranking.

  • 1.40 - Do KudoZ points “earned” by the AI count for directory ranking?

    No. KudoZ points awarded to the AI for KudoZ answers selected as the most helpful will not count for directory placement.

  • 1.41 - What is the purpose of adding AI to KudoZ?

    The integration of AI into term help is thought as a supporting feature. If AI technology is available out there and language professionals are using it (in many different ways), why not include it in KudoZ and enable them to realize their full potential? provides tools and opportunities to its members. This is just another one of many. Click here to see a full list of membership benefits.

  • Main - Top

  • 2.2 - Asking

  • 2.1 - Que se considera "axuda cun termo" tal � como se define na regra

    As preguntas Kudoz poden empregarse para pedir axuda con termos ou expresi�ns idiom�ticas. Un grupo de palabras (ata un n�mero aproximado de 10) pode inclu�rse nunha �nica pregunta s� cando constit�en unha unidade inquebrantable, como unha expresi�n idiom�tica (por ex. "Fala moito da caza e m�rcaa na praza") que pode estar composta por varias palabras e na que omitir unha parte non permitir�a formular a pregunta correctamente.Os que preguntan tam�n poden pedir axuda para comprender o significado, a orde das palabras o unha cuesti�n gramatical dunha frase, mais deben facelo escollendo o par de idiomas monoling�e adecuado. P�dense facer preguntas KudoZ monoling�es escollendo o mesmo idioma como lingua inicial e como lingua final.

  • 2.2 - What is the meaning of "one term is allowed per question" in KudoZ rule 2.1?

    Unless they share a root or are otherwise related, terms should be posted separately--an asker should not ask how to say "apple" and "banana" in the same question. This means that a question such as "flotsam/jetsam/derelict" in a context of maritime law would be not valid, since the terms are independent and should posted in three separate questions. On the other hand, "the flotsam and jetsam of the inner city" would be OK, as the terms flotsam and jetsam are related in a unit of meaning. Other examples of valid KudoZ questions are: "screen / screening" (they share a root), "Many levels in this game were heavily tuned for smoothness" (terms related as a unit of meaning in a particular context).

  • 2.3 - CANDO PREGUNTO: Existe un l�mite no n�mero de preguntas que podo facer?

    Si. O l�mite diario (medido nun marco temporal de 24 horas) depende do tipo de membro que sexa. Se non se rexistrou con, pode facer unha (1) pregunta por d�a. Se se rexistrou pero non � membro, pode facer cinco (5). Se � membro, pode facer quince (15). Tam�n existen l�mites semanais de 20 preguntas para persoas que se rexistraron pero non son membros e de 60 preguntas para os membros. Se ten dez (10) preguntas para as que recibiu respostas v�lidas e levan abertas m�is dunha semana, non se lle permitir� facer novas preguntas. Conceda os puntos e peche esas preguntas para seguir preguntando.

  • 2.4 - What happens if I ask questions beyond the daily or weekly limits?

    When you ask questions beyond the limits corresponding to your membership status, these extra questions are added to the KudoZ question queue and they will be made visible automatically when enough time has elapsed for the question to be within asking limits.

    When this happens you will see a message like the one depicted below, and clicking on the words question queue to see an estimate of when your questions will be made public.

    Members have higher limits and can request limit waivers via the support system.

  • 2.5 - CANDO PREGUNTO: Adoito acumular as mi�as preguntas ata que chego ao final dun proxecto. Existe alg�n xeito de evitar o l�mite?

    Pensamos que o l�mite de quince (15) por d�a deber�a ser suficiente para a maior�a das persoas. Se reparte as s�as preguntas entre os dous �ltimos d�as do proxecto, por exemplo, pode facer trinta (30). Se precisa m�is e � vostede membro, pode perdille ao noso persoal de Asistencia que lle conceda unha exenci�n temporal.

  • 2.6 - Can I post a question in more than one language pair?

    It is not possible to post a single question in different language pairs. However, several questions in different language pairs may be posted for a single term.

  • 2.7 - CANDO PREGUNTO: Podo facer unha pregunta kudoz monoling�e?

    Si, pero non existe unha secci�n espec�fica na zona KudoZ. O que ten que facer, se quere facer unha pregunta nun �nico idioma (por exemplo: de galego a galego) � ir a "Facer unha pregunta" no men� KudoZ. Despois, no formulario, faga clic en "Ver m�is idiomas". Ver� d�as listas e nelas pode escoller o idioma que precisa d�as veces. Deste xeito convertese nunha pregunta monoling�e.

  • 2.8 - CANDO PREGUNTO: Non estou seguro de se a pregunta ter�a que clasificarse como non-PRO ou PRO. Cal � a diferencia?

    A�nda que pode que non sexa posible establecer unha li�a de corte n�tida, optouse por estas d�as definici�ns para cada un dos tipos de pregunta:

    preguntas PROson aquelas queforon formuladas porOUque son id�neas paratradutores profesionais.
    Preguntas Non-PROson aquelas que fan persoas que non son tradutores profesionais e que poden ser contestadas por calquera persoa biling�e sen axuda dun dicionario