Freelance translators » English to Chinese » Tech/Engineering » International Org/Dev/Coop » Page 5

Below is a list of English to Chinese freelance translators specializing in translations in the Tech/Engineering: International Org/Dev/Coop field. Para máis campos de procura, probe a procura avanzada facendo clic na ligazón da dereita.

144 resultados (membros de pago de

Freelance translator native in

Specializes in

Jessie Doherty
Jessie Doherty
Native in Chinese (Variants: Simplified, Traditional) Native in Chinese
Chinese, Mandarin, ATA certified member, SCIC, interpretation, translation, proofreading, English, Chinese simplified, Chinese native speaker, ...
Lin Guo
Lin Guo
Native in Chinese (Variants: Sichuanese , Simplified, Traditional, Mandarin) Native in Chinese
Chinese translation, Chinese translator, translation, localization, subtitling
Tae Kim
Tae Kim
Native in Korean Native in Korean
Korean translation, English to Korean translation, Korean to English translation, Tae Kim, Tae Soo Kim, social sciences, history, anthropology, sociology, geography, ...
Yi Zhang Manach
Yi Zhang Manach
Native in Chinese (Variant: Mandarin) Native in Chinese, French (Variant: Standard-France) Native in French
french, chinese, english, localization, localisation, littérature, literature, marketing, commerce, tourisme, ...
Native in Chinese (Variants: Shanghainese, Simplified, Mandarin) Native in Chinese
English, smartcard, technology, fashion, textile, localization, IT, Chinese, communications, security, ...
Yanru Zhu
Yanru Zhu
Native in Chinese (Variants: Simplified, Traditional) Native in Chinese
media, arts, localization, medical, legal, chinese
Sakura Nakamura
Sakura Nakamura
Native in Chinese (Variants: Mandarin, Simplified, Taiwanese, Traditional, Cantonese) , Japanese (Variants: Hiroshima, Kansai, Hakata, Standard-Japan, Tohoku) Native in Japanese
English, Chinese, Medical, Technical, Game, Automotive
Native in Chinese Native in Chinese
ArrayMedical (general), Medical: Health Care, Mechanics / Mech Engineering, Mathematics & Statistics, ...
Native in Chinese Native in Chinese
chinese, german, french, multi, interpreter, translator, deutsch, französisch, chinesisch, englisch, ...
Ellen Z
Ellen Z
Native in Chinese Native in Chinese
English, Simplified, Engineer, Equipment, Papermaking, Manufacture, Computer, IT, Petroleum, Oil, ...
Jun Zhang
Jun Zhang
Native in Chinese Native in Chinese
electrical, electronic, mechanical, computer hardware and software, lighting, optical, marketing, commercial
Mohammed Fahim
Mohammed Fahim
Native in Tamil (Variants: Malaysia, India, Singapore, Sri Lanka) Native in Tamil, Sinhala (Sinhalese) Native in Sinhala (Sinhalese)
Arabic, Chinese, Divehi, English, German, Gujarathi, Hindi, Indonesian, Italian, Malayalam, ...
Jaclyn Mae Tan
Jaclyn Mae Tan
Native in Chinese (Variant: Mandarin) Native in Chinese, Tagalog (Variant: Philippines) Native in Tagalog
Chinese, English, computers, technology, IT, software, engineering, business, marketing, entertainment, ...
Xin Purr
Xin Purr
Native in Chinese Native in Chinese
Chinesisch, Marketing, mechanical engineering, Business Management,
Renquan Yang
Renquan Yang
Native in Chinese (Variants: Traditional, Sichuanese , Mandarin, Cantonese, Simplified) Native in Chinese
general biology, chemistry, physiology, ecology, biochemistry, genetics, husbandry, veterinary, botany, virology, ...
Darren LIU
Darren LIU
Native in Chinese (Variants: Mandarin, Simplified, Traditional) Native in Chinese
Chinese (simplified and traditional), legal, medical, certified, business and finance
Melissa Zhu
Melissa Zhu
Native in Chinese Native in Chinese
ArrayMedical: Health Care, Printing & Publishing, Textiles / Clothing / Fashion, Surveying, ...
Native in Chinese Native in Chinese
ArrayAgriculture, Safety, Medical (general), Computers (general), ...
Eileen Peng
Eileen Peng
Native in Chinese Native in Chinese
native Chinese translator, English-Chinese translator, education, marketing, tourism, software localization, IT, computer, science & technology, website localization, ...
Amr Hemdan
Amr Hemdan
Native in Arabic Native in Arabic
Arabic, French, German, Farsi, Dari, DTP, Desktop Publishing, Typesetting, Transcription, Subtitling, ...

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