Freelance translators » Spanish to French » Other » Forestry / Wood / Timber » Page 1

Below is a list of Spanish to French freelance translators specializing in translations in the Other: Forestry / Wood / Timber field. Para máis campos de procura, probe a procura avanzada facendo clic na ligazón da dereita.

32 resultados (membros de pago de

Freelance translator native in

Specializes in

Maria Tallaa
Maria Tallaa
Native in French (Variant: Standard-France) Native in French, English (Variants: US, UK) Native in English
Philippe Martin
Philippe Martin
Native in French Native in French
Quentin NEVEN
Quentin NEVEN
Native in French Native in French, English Native in English
English, Spanish, French, transcription, translation, subtitling and captioning, localisation, post-edition, proofreading and editing, MTPE, ...
Carole Salas
Carole Salas
Native in French Native in French, Spanish Native in Spanish
French, Spanish, Italian, English, Portuguese, French native, French mother tongue, Spanish native, Spanish mother tongue, technical translations, ...
Alexandra Jachimiak
Alexandra Jachimiak
Native in French (Variant: Standard-France) Native in French, Hebrew Native in Hebrew
french, business, shipping industry, mining, manufacturing, maritime, paper, forestry, ecology, environment, ...
philippe vandevivere
philippe vandevivere
Native in French Native in French
french, spanish, english, dutch, sciences
Silvia Mendez
Silvia Mendez
Native in French Native in French, Spanish Native in Spanish
european union, trade unions, agriculture, food, development, human rights, NGOs, World Bank, FAO, IFAD, ...
Claudia Iglesias
Claudia Iglesias
Native in French Native in French, Spanish Native in Spanish
education, educación, éducation, enseignement, pédagogie, literature, literatura, littérature, history, historia, ...
Oleg Golyubin
Oleg Golyubin
Native in Russian Native in Russian
translate, interprete, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, Oleg, Golyubin, voiceover, dubbing, escorting, delegations, ...
Frederik Reinbold
Frederik Reinbold
Native in French Native in French
patent, patents, technical, engineering, engineer, medical, surgical, surgery, mechanical, mechanics, ...
Nicoleta M. Re
Nicoleta M. Re
Native in Italian Native in Italian, Russian Native in Russian
Geneviève Granger
Geneviève Granger
Native in French Native in French
translation, German, French, English, Dutch, Spanish, automation, IT, hardware, software, ...
Arcadio García de León
Arcadio García de León
Native in Spanish Native in Spanish
English and French). simultaneous, consecutive, guide, Interprenet, Wordbank (London, UK), Atlas Translation (Oxford, UK), Bilingua (CA, USA), ...
Jonathan Cohen
Jonathan Cohen
Native in French (Variants: Canadian, Standard-France) Native in French
French, Computers, Manuals, Engines, Certification, Financial Translations, Website Localization, Patent Translations, Subtitiling & Voice-over, Life Science Translations, ...
Nadia Martin
Nadia Martin
Native in Spanish Native in Spanish
Fast and reliable Translator & Interpreter, English to Spanish, French to Spanish, Translation, Interpreting, Simultaneous, consecutive, chuchotage, liaison, SEO, ...
Anita Vettier
Anita Vettier
Native in French Native in French
environment, aid, development, industry, economiy, finance, international, software, french, english, ...
Native in French Native in French
traducteur français, traduction de l'anglais, italien, espagnol, vérification, relecture, post-édition, test, gestion de projet, TAO, ...
Andrea Barrocal Velasco
Andrea Barrocal Velasco
Native in Spanish (Variant: Standard-Spain) Native in Spanish
translation, spanish, french, english, marketing, SEO
Emmanuelle Dumarest
Emmanuelle Dumarest
Native in French (Variants: Standard-France, Canadian) Native in French
Frank Lambeets
Frank Lambeets
Native in Dutch Native in Dutch, French Native in French
french, dutch, flemish, german, english, spanish, frans, nederlands, vlaams, duits, ...

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