Freelance translators » Spanish to Japanese » Science » Engineering: Industrial » Page 1
Below is a list of Spanish to Japanese freelance translators specializing in translations in the Science: Engineering: Industrial field. Para máis campos de procura, probe a procura avanzada facendo clic na ligazón da dereita.
20 resultados (membros de pago de
Freelance translator native in |
Specializes in |
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Translators GLPNative in Indonesian (Variants: Ngoko, Standard-Indonesia, Javanese) , English (Variants: UK, US, Singaporean, Australian)
Machine, Automotive, technology, manufacturing, business, travel, localization, training, marketing, research, ...
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Law, Legal, Para legal, Tourism, Advertisement, Banking, Insurance, Marketing, Accounting, Accountancy, ...
4 |
CelesteSGNative in Spanish (Variants: Mexican, Latin American)
Spanish, Japanese, translator, translation, interpreter, interpretation, automotive, experience, technical, quality, ...
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Multilingual service,
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komazawaNative in Japanese (Variant: Standard-Japan)
company policies, procedures, e-learning material, instruction manual, localization, user's manual, electronics, appliances, software, computers, ...
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Expertise and knowledge in target languages like no other.
Correct, polished yet natural expressions.
Punctual and highly professional.
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Japanese, Spanish, Portuguese, law, legal, tourism, fashion, industry, mecanich, manual, ...
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Nozomi KugitaNative in Japanese (Variants: Kansai, Standard-Japan, Hakata)
cognitive, AI, artificial intelligence, IT, information technology, software, hardware, device, bluetooth, internet, ...
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chinese, general, business, legal, localization, technical
14 |
Roberto TokudaNative in Spanish (Variants: Latin American, Argentine) , Japanese (Variant: Standard-Japan)
technical, tecnico, engineering, ingenieria, tourism, turismo, interprete, translator, subtitling, software, ...
15 |
Translation, proofreading, MTPE, native speakers, Patent, Medical, IT
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<font color="blue"> Legal contract, industrial machjinery, precision instrument, automobile, health care, medical equipment, cosmetics, finance, insurance, investment politics, ...
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iso 17100, iso 17100 certificate, iso 17100 certification, iso 17100 certified translation, iso 17100 certified translation company, iso 17100 certified translation services
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computers, technology, software, proofreading, Japanese, German, book,
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Os tradutores, así coma os intérpretes, fan posible a comunicación entre culturas ao traducir unha lingua noutra. Os tradutores traballan con textos escritos, en lugar de coa palabra falada.
Traducir implica moito máis que a simple conversión palabra a palabra dunha lingua á outra. Os tradutores deben entender en profundidade o tema de calquera texto que traduzan, así coma as culturas asociadas coas linguas orixe e destino.
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