The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

English to Chinese Media / Multimedia Translation Glossary

English term Chinese translation
He said he was out there walking his dog along the bluffs above El Matador 他說他當時在外面沿著在埃爾瑪塔多爾(海灘)上的岬角遛狗
the Scripts and/or Bible 剧本及/ 或参考文本
AC mains lead 交流电源线
as a graphic resource, or for inspiration 用作图形资源,或启发灵感
Bathroom Wall Speakers 浴室墙上扬声器
cardioid subs 心型超低频音箱
Entered by: Frank Feng
catch-up TV TV随时看
CD (Re) writer CD刻录机
China Product Informationization 中国产品信息化
Electrosurgical Generator 电外科发生器
Embargoed Until After Delivery 演讲前禁止公开/演讲后方得公开
EPS vector format EPS矢量格式
flown 悬空式
Entered by: Frank Zou
for many applications 对许多应用来说
high culture 『精英文化』 or『權威文化』
hits 热歌
I don‘t want to get chunky highlights 束挑漸層染髮
No of people responsible for 所负责的人数
One Liners 单句笑话(俏皮话)
parental rating 家长分级控制
pax 参展商家
Podcast 播客
progressive format 逐行扫描格式
pull up banner 易拉架/轻便展架
RJP(Remote Jack Pack) 可远程操控的插孔组
RSS feeds RSS新闻源
Simplified and Traditional Chinese correct or not? Original translations not recommended (recommended: 客人媒体中心/客人媒體中心)
Sound track composition and recording 聲帶創作(or 編製)及錄製
Entered by: albertdeng
Steadi-Cam / Steadicam 攝影機穩定器
stencil 街头喷漆模版印刷
Entered by: David Lin
Streaming video 流视频
thumbnail 缩略图
transit advertising 交通广告
TVCM 电视广告
unpromote 取消推荐/推广
Entered by: Frank Feng
Unrecorded media 空白介质;未录制介质
Using On-Screen Menus 使用屏幕菜单
Viral Holiday Video 病毒式节日短片
visual business 影像行业
west end wendys 坐落在WEST END 街的温迪快餐厅
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