The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

English Computers (general) Translation Glossary

English term English translation
paper trail when you need a record of whatever you are doing
... and Hewlett Packard with... ... and Hewlett Packard (partner) with ...
101 primer basics
2GB, 5kg, 33Ghz ...(together or separate?) leave a space
5250 applications applications for 5250 computer screen
adding a Line Feed after the CR is OK you may add a Line Feed after the CR
application stack It is the layer-upon-layer built-up of softwares which work in harmony as an application/support for another application.
BDA Bios Data Area
besides vs. beside in addition to vs. adjacent to
Entered by: Tony M
CE consumer electronics
component-based element In a layered architecture, a component is broken into business logic and inter-layer communication elements.
confirm 'off' control confirm only a control to turn something 'off'
Entered by: Tony M
CSR Customer Service Representative
deployment in the context, "deployment " refers to server deployment as well as application deployment
Domino shop organisation or operation using and/or specialising in Domino
extend an operating system image make available (virtual) copies of the operating system
flowchart the intersections Business processes in an organisation overlap and intersect at datalevel. This intersecting data shows up in a flowchart ...
images (meaning of sentence ) images of an O.S. in the context means its instances on different machines.
in/or/under an operating system? on
installation for a completely hassle-free ownership experience installation for an ownership experience completely free of problems..installation for a completely problem-free ownership exper
Entered by: airmailrpl
lights-out operation unmanned/automated/automatic operation
log record
microsite micro part same pronunciation with Micorsoft and the site part as in parasite
Entered by: Yasutomo Kanazawa
PC/computer PC
provision (verb) provisioning in accounting / investment activities means to take into account future trends; or to provide for the future.
randomize In no particular order
references They have not enough references (from previous clients)
register on /with our partner extranet register as a user of our partner intranet site
SAP System Landscape Fast Turnaround To Environment Changes" Virtualization offered by z/Series to allocate / deallocate server resources at will, helps in fast turnaround to envmt changes.
scalable IP Expandable/Changeable
security agent Piece of software residing on the client side, can be configured to route security-related calls to a specialised server.
SENO (Internal Jettis Error) SENO
SGOT & SGPT levels Blood(Serum) Glutamic-Oxaloacetic Transaminase (SGOT) Test & Serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase level (SGPT)
Entered by: Yasutomo Kanazawa
slammer domain name thief
software strings any individuall text component of the SW
solution script very specific to the context put forth by asker. Refers to the link on web where more capabilities of a product are described.
technical assistance/support help with the technical side of doing something / help when something does not work
VDU Visual Display Unit
wasting time for off shift machine time wasting time with the machine taken off of the productive cycle
Entered by: airmailrpl
When selecting the name of/for (?) 2. When selecting the name for our novel method of text input we considered several reasons
Entered by: airmailrpl
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