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Portuguese to English Medical: Cardiology Translation Glossary

Portuguese term English translation
1º, 2º marginal (CX) e CD First, second obtuse marginals (of the circumflex artery) and right coronary artery
Entered by: liz askew
abbreviations - E e CD left and right cusps of the aortic valve
Entered by: judith ryan
Ac 2T com RR Heart auscultation: normal heart sounds with regular rhythm
Entered by: liz askew
AC: ritmica sem sopros (CA) Cardiac auscultation: rhythmic, without murmurs
acidose acidosis
acionamento actuation / activation
afecção valvar valve disorder
Agencias Regulatórias regulatory agencies
amostra composta composite sample
ancoragem do stent stent anchorage
Angina de Peito Vaso-Espástica vasospastic angina / coronary artery spasm
angiorradiologia intervencionista interventional angiography
Entered by: Ben Kohn
antiagregação perene long-term antiaggregation
ao longo do tempo over time
AP mv mantido Pulmonary auscultation with preserved vesicular murmur
Ap mv presente Lung auscultation: breath sounds present
Entered by: liz askew
APARELHO RESSUSCITADOR CARDIOPULMONAR cardiopulmonary resuscitation device
As artérias carótidas estão pérvias patent carotid arteries
atendidos assisted (using)
atingiram três pontos de dados obtained three consecutive data points
aurícular auricular
Entered by: Fernando Domeniconi
AVAo funcional poreq. continuidade Aortic Valve Area (AVA)
óptica scope
baixa carga low load
baixa freqüência de aplicação das compressões torácicas low frequency of chest compressions performed
BEG bom estado geral [good general condition]
Entered by: liz askew
BNRNF (bulhas normorítmicas normofoneticas) Normal heart sounds
bordo livre free edge
Entered by: judith ryan
BVF (could be BUF) BVF - bulboventricular foramen
calibroso with a dilated caliber, with a large caliber
cardiologia portuguesa Portuguese cardiology
cardioversões / cardioversores cardioversion(s)/cardioverter(s)
Carreira Hospitalar Hospital Career
Entered by: Huw Watkins
CASUÍSTICA study of cases
cárdiodesfribrilhador com ressincronização ventricular cardiac defibrillator with ventricular resynchronization
Entered by: Huw Watkins
CD ocluida occluded right coronary artery
completa reendotelização complete reendothelization
compressão manual de um reservatório flexível de gases manual compression of a flexible gas reservoir
confecção de fasciotomias performing fasciotomy
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