The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Portuguese to English Photography/Imaging (& Graphic Arts) Translation Glossary

Portuguese term English translation
a traço outline
arte finalista graphic designer..graphic designer and illustrator
atender (clientes) to serve (customers)
Entered by: Todd Field
cartema postcard collage
chapa litografada lithographed plate
compartilhamento print sharing ou print/share
continente ou envoltório container or package
copias extraidas reprograficamente copies reprographically extracted/taken
Desenho em Autocad para plotagem em escala em tons de preto e branco. Autocad drawing for (monotone) black and white plotting
Desenho em excel para impressão, sem delimitação da área a ser alugada. Excel drawing for printing, without delimitation of the area to be rented (OR leased)
estabelece/instaura that establishes a connection with the target audience
fotos granuladas grainy photos
fruidor interrelationship between the environment, the work of art and the
Entered by: airmailrpl
malha construtiva da marca [logo] construction grid
mancha gráfica print area
máscaras de ampliação enlargement masking
mesversário mensiversary
organizada e existente established and incorporated
Papelaria / Papel de Carta stationery / letter paper
Entered by: Douglas Bissell
plano sagital sagittal plane
Entered by: Christiane Jost
Planta com hachura da área a ser alugada layout / plot plan with hatching in the area to be rented
Pormenor minuteness / particular / point
projeto de identidade visual visual identity program/ project
representatividade representativeness / representativity
sangramento do vazado trapping
Entered by: judith ryan
tinta ink
tradução em vernáculo translation into the national language
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