Translation Glossaries from the Web
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Dicţionar de responsabilitate socială corporativă (CSR)
Comunitatea CSR din România | http://www.responsabilitatesociala....
Definiţiile unor termeni din jargonul “responsabilităţii sociale corporative”, cu sau fără echivalentul din limba engleză.
The site is dedicated to providing technical knowledge about SAP systems. We are currently in the process of building up the content within the site and as such the information contained here is subject to change.
The glossary is an evolving source which aims to define all the technical terms within the R/3 environment.
The free English<>German online dictionary - now containing more than 420,000 entries.
Croatian National Corpus - 30m
Institute of Linguistics, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Zagreb |
"compilation and analysis of a corpus of the Croatian language as a basic systematized linguistic material which serves for all kinds of Croatistic, lexicological and lexicographic researches"