Translation Glossaries from the Web
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Visual Dictionary Online - EN-EN
A dictionary with a new point of view that catches the eye and enriches the mind. 20,000 terms with contextual definitions, developed by terminology experts; 6,000 full-color images of a wide variety of objects from all aspects of life; One essential reference. The Visual Dictionary is designed to help you find the right word at a glance. Fille... View more
The Oilfield Glossary
Shlumberger company |
Definitions for major oilfield activities reviewed by technical experts with high-quality, full-color photographs and illustrations clarifying many definitions
Color terms
Glossario dell’informatica nelle norme italiane
CNIPA - Vera Augi, Caterina Bongiovanni e Nazzareno Carlucci |
Presentazione Il Centro Nazionale per l’Informatica nella Pubblica Amministrazione (CNIPA) ha tra i suoi compiti la consulenza per la valutazione dei progetti di legge in materia informatica, nonché la predisposizione delle componenti tecniche delle norme. La firma digitale, il protocollo informatico, l’accessibilità dei siti web, il sistema pub... View more
Marketing Communications Glossary
Flying Colors Press |
Terms and definitions for the communication arts and graphic production
Bookbinding and the Conservation of Books
CoOL / Matt T. Roberts and Don Etherington |
A Dictionary of Descriptive Terminology by CoOL (Conservation Online). It uses WAIS indexing to provide a 'Word' index. That is, every word in the dictionary, both terms and definitions, are indexed. Contains color plates and drawings by Margaret R. Brown.
auch auf englisch:
Frases idiomáticas y listas de vocabulario |
eclectic collection of information: vocabulary lists, an English-Spanish baseball dictionary, an English-Spanish dictionary of American football, and information on the cultures of the Spanish-speaking world. Phrases, sayings and idiomatic expressions which make reference to foods, articles of clothing, body parts, numbers, colors and religion
Il glossario che segue, pur se non esaustivo, vuole essere un utile strumento per coloro che, affascinati dalla materia, rimangono incuriositi da un’epoca ormai sparita e si propongono di riviverla iniziando la costruzione di un modellino
Glossary of wool related terms
Colorado State University Cooperative extension |
Glossary of wool terms
ASE English / Preferred Spanish Glossary
National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) |
In addition to names of automotive parts and systems (nouns), the glossary also includes many verbs and modifiers within the context of typical use in ASE test questions. As with English words, their meaning may not be limited to what’s presented in the glossary. Terms that were considered fundamental and universal (e.g. numbers, colors, common ver... View more
Aquest diccionari conté 57 denominacions catalanes, normalitzades pel Consell Supervisor del TERMCAT, corresponents a fustes utilitzades actualment a Europa però procedents de països no europeus, fonamentalment de l'Àfrica, l'Àsia i Amèrica. Cada terme es presenta definit i amb els equivalents corresponents en castellà, francès, anglès i alemany. L... View more
COULEURS - Termes techniques |
Monolingual technical glossary of colors.
L'Homme peut voir sept couleurs, mais plus de sept cent teintes différentes. On dit que dans le futur, l'Homme pourra voir un spectre de 12 couleurs.
Regulatory Fish Encyclopedia (RFE)
US Food and Drug Administration |
The Regulatory Fish Encyclopedia (RFE) is a compilation of data in several formats that assists with the accurate identification of fish species. The RFE includes for each of a number of commercially relevant fish species for sale in the U.S. market high-resolution photographs as their scanned digital images (jpeg format) of whole fish and their ma... View more
very interesting and rich monolingual glossary relevant to printers, fax machines and scanners.
Colori tabella RAL
Ricerca Personale |
La traduzione dei colori RAL rischia di essere lasciata ad una versione troppo letterale o personale. La tabella riportata fornisce le definizioni corrette dei colori secondo la tabella RALcin lingua italiana, ed aiuta nella ricerca delle definizioni nelle altre lingua
Armed with the standardized language of color, the researchers at the National Bureau of Standards reviewed a number of color atlases and mapped their names onto the centroids. The result is a fascinating dictionary of color terms. See
French dictionnaries on: - colours with a picture showing it ; - colour adjectives French grammar rules on colour adjectives
German>English>French color glossary
This new electronic dictionary features over 30,000 entries and an array of multimedia, including spoken pronunciations, animations, and colorful illustrations. The unique Word Explorer allows browsing by topic, and hyperlinked synonyms help students find exactly the right word
fantastic French dictionary of colors that shows color names and examples of each
Extract from the International Lighting Vocabulary - CIE 17.4-1987 & IEC 50 (845)
Joint publication of the CIE (International Commission of Illumination) and the IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission). |
About 100 terms, 1987. • The full edition, which can be purchased at