Translation glossary: Glosar juridic greaca-romana

Showing entries 1-50 of 50
IΔΡΥΤIΚΟΝ ΕΓΓΡΑΦΟΝAct constitutiv al societăţii
Greek to Romanian
Καθ’ ων, καθ' ου, καθ' ηςpârât
Greek to Romanian
Greek to Romanian
ρήτρα διαιτησίαςclauză compromisorie
Greek to Romanian
ρήτρα περί παρεκκλίσεωςclauză de salvgardare
Greek to Romanian
Παραθέτωa cita
Greek to Romanian
Παραλήπτης ΥπηρεσιώνBeneficiarul serviciilor
Greek to Romanian
Παροχέας ΥπηρεσιώνPrestator de servicii
Greek to Romanian
Τμήμα Εσωτερικών ΠροσόδωνCentru de venituri interne
Greek to Romanian
Χρηματιστήριο ΑξιώνBursa de valori
Greek to Romanian
άδεια διαμονήςpermis de şedere
Greek to Romanian
άμεση εφαρμογήaplicabilitate imediată
Greek to Romanian
έκτακτο ένδικο μέσοcale extraordinară de atac
Greek to Romanian
έλλειψη κύρουςlipsă de validitate
Greek to Romanian
έμπρακτα στοιχείαelemente de fapt
Greek to Romanian
έναρξη ισχύοςintrare în vigoare
Greek to Romanian
ένστασηreclamaţie, obiecţie
Greek to Romanian
έντυπο της αίτησηςformular de cerere
Greek to Romanian
αίτηση αναιρέσεωςcerere de recurs
Greek to Romanian
αίτηση αναστολήςcerere de suspendare
Greek to Romanian
αίτηση γνωμοδοτήσεωςcerere de aviz
Greek to Romanian
αγωγή αποζημιώσεωςacțiune în despăgubire
Greek to Romanian
αιτιολογημένη αίτησηcerere motivată
Greek to Romanian
αιτιολογημένη διάταξηordonanţă motivată
Greek to Romanian
Greek to Romanian
αυτοτελώς εργαζόμενοςpersoană care desfăşoară activităţi independente
Greek to Romanian
αποχώρηση από την παρούσα συμφωνίαretragere din prezentul contract
Greek to Romanian
διάθεση τίτλων μετοχώνvânzarea titlurilor de acţiuni
Greek to Romanian
ιδιώτηςpersoană particulară
Greek to Romanian
Greek to Romanian
κράτος δικαίουstat de drept
Greek to Romanian
κύρια δίκηlitigiu principal
Greek to Romanian
καθεστώς προστασίαςregim de protecţie
Greek to Romanian
Greek to Romanian
κανονιστική διάταξηact administrativ
Greek to Romanian
κανονιστική πράξηact normativ
Greek to Romanian
κατά τόπο αρμοδιότηταcompetenţă teritorială
Greek to Romanian
κατάχρηση εξουσίαςabuz de putere
Greek to Romanian
καταρχάςcu titlu introductiv
Greek to Romanian
κληρονομική διαδοχήsuccesiune
Greek to Romanian
κοινοτικό δίκαιοdrept comunitar
Greek to Romanian
κοινοτικό πλαίσιο στήριξηςacquis comunitar
Greek to Romanian
κοινωνική ασφάλισηasigurare socială
Greek to Romanian
κείμενη νομοθεσίαlegislaţie în vigoare
Greek to Romanian
μονογραφώa parafa
Greek to Romanian
μερική ακύρωσηanulare în parte
Greek to Romanian
μεμονωμένο σημείο του αιτήματοςcapăt de cerere
Greek to Romanian
μυστική ψηφοφορίαvot secret
Greek to Romanian
νομική βάσηtemei juridic
Greek to Romanian
νομικό σύμβουλοconsultant juridic
Greek to Romanian
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