Freelance translator security practices   

Use the following list for reference, and to indicate which security practices you offer. (The practices listed have been derived from data entered by translators in SecurePRO cards in free text form.) Discuss these practices in the forum.

Work computer / mobile phone   (16 practices)

  • Dedicated computer: I have a dedicated computer for translation work.
  • Locked computer: My work computer is password protected.
  • Sole user: I am the only person who uses my computer.
  • Antivirus: My computer has up-to-date, licensed antivirus software.
  • File scanning: All incoming/outgoing files are scanned for viruses and malware.
  • OS updates: Updates to my operating system are auto-installed.
  • Software updates: I have a tool that checks for updates to all of the software on my computer.
  • Anti-ransomware: I have an up-to-date, licensed anti-ransomware program.
  • Private screen: My computer's screen is not visible through a window.
  • FIPS: My devices are compliant with the US Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS).
  • Encrypted hard drive: My hard drive is encrypted.
  • RAID: My hard drive(s) use redundant RAID.
  • File auditing: I understand how to, and am willing to agree to, enable security logging and file auditing.
  • Locked phone: My mobile phone is protected by password, fingerprint or facial recognition.
  • No pirating: I do not use pirated software.
  • Anti-theft: My work computer has hardware anti-theft features.

» Next section: Networking (7 practices)

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