Miscellaneous Dictionary Links
S锟絲l锟絢 Gazetesi | http://www.sozluk.gazetesi.de
Links to online dictionaries for Turkish and German; subjects vary from computer to EU (esp.good for abbreviations of organizations and treaties) and forensics, botanics to sufism and automotive. Most of the links on the Turkish page are monolingual, but some between Tur-Eng and Tur-Ger as well, and the botanics dictionary includes Latin taxonomy. (Ooops! 5 dead links among like 70) German page seems to cover mostly monolingual links as well, but has extensive links-within-links esp.in the fields of medicine and computers.
Related links to KudoZ open glossaries
German to English:
- Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting 485 terms
- Biology (-tech,-chem,micro-) 358 terms
- Botany 224 terms
- Business/Commerce (general) 2581 terms
- Construction / Civil Engineering 3643 terms
- Engineering (general) 2305 terms
- Environment & Ecology 473 terms
- Esoteric practices 23 terms
- Government / Politics 704 terms
- History 552 terms
- IT (Information Technology) 956 terms
- Law (general) 3670 terms
- Linguistics 230 terms
- Poetry & Literature 465 terms
- Medical (general) 6022 terms
- Metrology 69 terms
- Philosophy 115 terms
- Religion 188 terms
- Science (general) 165 terms
- Sports / Fitness / Recreation 642 terms
- Telecom(munications) 558 terms
- Transport / Transportation / Shipping 1381 terms
- Zoology 115 terms
- Manufacturing 931 terms
Turkish to English:
- Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting 21 terms
- Biology (-tech,-chem,micro-) 17 terms
- Botany 9 terms
- Business/Commerce (general) 103 terms
- Construction / Civil Engineering 141 terms
- Engineering (general) 44 terms
- Environment & Ecology 10 terms
- Esoteric practices 10 terms
- Government / Politics 60 terms
- History 152 terms
- IT (Information Technology) 6 terms
- Law (general) 352 terms
- Linguistics 25 terms
- Poetry & Literature 238 terms
- Medical (general) 196 terms
- Philosophy 6 terms
- Religion 58 terms
- Science (general) 21 terms
- Sports / Fitness / Recreation 11 terms
- Telecom(munications) 26 terms
- Transport / Transportation / Shipping 38 terms
- Zoology 1 term
- Manufacturing 11 terms
German to Turkish:
- Biology (-tech,-chem,micro-) 2 terms
- Botany 3 terms
- Business/Commerce (general) 26 terms
- Construction / Civil Engineering 25 terms
- Engineering (general) 59 terms
- Environment & Ecology 3 terms
- Esoteric practices 1 term
- Government / Politics 9 terms
- History 1 term
- IT (Information Technology) 4 terms
- Law (general) 64 terms
- Linguistics 5 terms
- Poetry & Literature 11 terms
- Medical (general) 61 terms
- Religion 1 term
- Sports / Fitness / Recreation 2 terms
- Telecom(munications) 4 terms
- Transport / Transportation / Shipping 11 terms
- Zoology 1 term
Turkish to Latin:
- Biology (-tech,-chem,micro-) 1 term
Turkish to German:
- Business/Commerce (general) 16 terms
- Construction / Civil Engineering 15 terms
- Engineering (general) 12 terms
- Government / Politics 6 terms
- History 2 terms
- IT (Information Technology) 1 term
- Law (general) 87 terms
- Poetry & Literature 4 terms
- Medical (general) 40 terms
- Religion 1 term
- Sports / Fitness / Recreation 1 term
- Telecom(munications) 1 term
- Transport / Transportation / Shipping 45 terms
- Manufacturing 1 term
German to Latin:
- Religion 1 term