Job closed
This job was closed at Jun 14, 2024 20:00 GMT.

Annotators for monolingual English project

Publicado: Jun 7, 2024 06:42 GMT   (GMT: Jun 7, 2024 06:42)

Job type: Traballo Potencial
Service required: Labeling of questions & LLM responses (other)
Confidentiality level: MEDIUM

Linguas: Hindi to English, Romanian to English, Spanish to English, Ukrainian to English

Descrición do traballo:
We are looking for freelancers willing to work on English annotation tasks, mainly on question & LLM response grading, labeling, evaluating, etc.

In order to apply, please fill in this form and short test (please read instructions carefully). Only applications via the form will be considered.

If the sample task in the test is not something you are interested to work on, please do not apply! We will not have translation projects soon.

Thank you.

Payment terms: 14 días dende a data da factura.
Dirixido a proveedores de servizo (especificados polo anunciante):
Campo do que se trata: General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
Prazo para orzamentos: Jun 14, 2024 20:00 GMT
Sobre o contratista:
This job was posted by a Business member with a Blue Board record with a "likelihood of working again" average rating of 5 out of 5

Note: You cannot quote because this job is closed.

Contact person title: Senior Project Manager