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We are seeking Interpreters to join our Medical OPI/VRI project in the following

Publicado: Jul 15, 2024 16:27 GMT   (GMT: Jul 15, 2024 16:27)
Comprobacións e notificacións enviados a: Jul 15, 2024 19:21 GMT

Job type: Traballo de Interpretación
Service required: Interpreting, Consecutive
Confidentiality level: HIGH

Languages open for quoting: English to Cantonese (Yue Chinese), English to Danish, English to Finnish, English to German, English to Mandarin Chinese, English to Norwegian, English to Russian, English to Thai, English to Ukrainian
Quoting closed: English to Dutch, English to Italian

Descrición do traballo:
We are seeking Interpreters to join our Medical OPI/VRI project in the following language pairs:

Chinese (Mandarin) <> English
Chinese (Cantonese) <> English
Russian <> English
Ukrainian <> English

The candidates should have 6-12 months of OPI or VRI experience, expertise in medical interpretation, and excellent proficiency in English and live outside the US
The working hours are from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM EST.

Tempo/Duración: The working hours are from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM EST.

Poster country: Egypt

Dirixido a proveedores de servizo (especificados polo anunciante):
Tipo de membro: Soamente os membros (de pago) de poden presentar orzamento
Campo do que se trata: Medical (general)
Credencial: Must have reported credentials or a Certified PRO certificate.
Prazo para orzamentos: Aug 31, 2024 15:03 GMT
Sobre o contratista:
This job was posted by a professional member with a Blue Board record with a "likelihood of working again" average rating of 5 out of 5

Note: Sign in to see outsourcer contact information.

Orzamentos recibidos: 7
English to Norwegian:1
English to Italian:5 (Quoting closed)
English to German:1