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We need a crowdsourcing, translation general, and translation technical rate.

Publicado: Jul 17, 2024 12:49 GMT   (GMT: Jul 17, 2024 12:49)

Job type: Traballo Potencial
Services required: Translation, MT post-editing

Linguas: Italian to Basque

Descrición do traballo:
Potential huge volume project with limited information.
Descrición da compañía: Saudisoft Co

Método de pago: ProZ*Pay
Payment terms: 45 días dende a data da factura.
Poster country: Egypt

Dirixido a proveedores de servizo (especificados polo anunciante):
Tipo de membro: Os non membros poden presentar orzamento tras 12 horas
Campo do que se trata: We need a crowdsourcing, translation general, and translation technical rate.
Prazo para orzamentos: Jul 18, 2024 12:26 GMT
Requisitos adicionais:
recognized graduate qualification in translation from an institution of higher education.

five years of full-time professional experience in translating.

be a native in-country speaker of the target language.

Sobre o contratista:
This job was posted by a Business member with a Blue Board record with a "likelihood of working again" average rating of 5 out of 5

Note: Sign in to see outsourcer contact information.

Orzamentos recibidos: 3