104 - Legal Terminology: Real Estate Law Terminology

Format: Videos
Topic: Legal translation

Course summary
Availability:This training is available on-demand

Duration: 60 minutes

After you purchase access click here to watch the video.

Attention! This training has been approved for American Translators Association Continuing Education Points and Associazione Italiana Traduttori e Interpreti (AITI) Continuing Education (CE) Points.

This one (1) hour training has been approved for 1 point. Please see http://www.atanet.org/certification/aboutcont_record.php to report your CE points, or for further information.

Summary:Are you interested in working in the legal translation specialty area? Does your language pair(s) include English? If so, learn the meaning of English language legal terminology in order to better understand legal documents. The webinar will last 60 minutes. Links to handouts and video recording will be emailed to all registered and paid users within 5 working days after the training.
Please note: This course is for new legal translators who are interested in learning about new areas of legal translation. This is not a course for intermediate and/or advanced translators.

Save money! Register for the 5 on-demand training in the series (Legal Terminology for New Legal Translators 101, Legal Terminology for New Legal Translators 102, Legal Terminology for New Legal Translators 103, Legal Terminology for New Legal Translators 104, Legal Terminology for New Legal Translators 105) and get one for FREE!

Pay only 60 USD (regular price 75USD). Click here to buy with the discount.

Find all sessions from the bundle below:

  • 101 - Legal Terminology for New Legal Translators: Patent Terminology
  • 102 - Legal Terminology for New Legal Translators: Commercial Law Terminology
  • 103 - Legal Terminology for New Legal Translators: Family Law Terminology
  • 104 - Legal Terminology for New Legal Translators: Real Estate Law Terminology
  • 105 - Legal Terminology for New Legal Translators: Wills and Estates Law Terminology

  • Target audience
    Freelancers who are starting out in the specialized area of legal translation. This course is for freelancers who translate in any language pair which includes English.
    Learning objectives
    This 5-part course is taught by a Canadian lawyer-linguist as the first step in understanding English legal terminology. It is designed for freelancers who are beginning to work in the legal translation. At the end of this course attendees will have increased knowledge with regard to English language legal structures and specific terminology found in various legal documents.
    Registration and payment information
    Click to expand
    Price: 15.00 USD

    Click on the buy button on the right to purchase your seat Participation fee includes unlimited access to the recording. How do I purchase the video? To purchase your seat at this session please click on the "buy" button. After your payment is received, your status will be changed to “registered and paid” and an invoice and receipt of payment will be sent to you for your records. How do I access the video?Once the payment is processed you will be able to watch the video here 104 - Legal Terminology for New Legal Translators: Real Estate Law Terminology
    Created by
     Suzanne Deliscar    View feedback | View all courses
    Bio: Suzanne Deliscar is both a lawyer and a Spanish and French to English translator. A graduate of McMaster University with a Combined Honours Bachelor of Arts degree in History and Latin American Studies, and a minor in Science, Technology and Public Policy in 2000, Ms. Deliscar went on to obtain a Bachelor of Laws degree from the University of Windsor Faculty of Law in 2003. Ms. Deliscar was called to the Bar of the Province of Ontario in 2004 and has been actively practicing law on a full-time basis since that time. As a lawyer-linguist, Suzanne focuses on official document and legal translation, and also trains fellow language professionals in the areas of marketing and legal translation.
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