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CAT Tool & Software day

Sep 29, 2016


Improving your productivity with memoQ - advanced functions, tips & tricks

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Schedule:This session ended at 13:25
Description:memoQ isn’t “just another” CAT tool, it’s a tool which helps it’s users to achieve greater productivity along all workflow stages, from project creation through the use of reference materials, translation, review, QA and even export of final files. Join memoQ’s product manager Gábor Ugray and see how freelancers can boost their productivity with memoQ.

Since this presentation will address more advanced topics, you may watch the following on-demand video before attending this session: http://www.proz.com/virtual-conferences/698/program/11650
Speakers:Gabor Ugray
Although before becoming product manager, Gábor was Kilgray's head of development, you’d hardly dare to call him a geek. Besides his mother tongue Hungarian he speaks a fluent English, German, Spanish and some Dutch and Chinese as well. He translated many thousands of pages as a freelance translator and he also wrote a machine translation engine for MorphoLogic. He’s got a lot of experience with language technology - not only the statistical technology language-independent translation tools are using but also rule-based language specific technologies -, and his mantra is software ergonomics. He oversees the entire software design at Kilgray, and he carefully examines every specification to make sure that the product philosophy is followed.

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On-demand content

Stop by an exhibitor booth!

The following exhibitors are in their booths, ready to answer your questions.

Other sponsors
SDL Trados, memoQ, TM-Town, Wordfast, Cafetran Espresso, Déjà Vu X3

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Discussion for CAT Tool & Software day session (2016): Improving your productivity with memoQ - advanced functions, tips & tricks
Samuel López
Samuel López
Local time: 14:11
English to Spanish
On demand presentations access Sep 29, 2016

Are the on demand presentations available after the conference?

Please advise, I would certainly appreciate it

RominaZ  Identity Verified
English to Spanish
+ ...
Those who attend the event live will have access to all sessio Sep 29, 2016

Dear Traducci,

All those who attended the event live at any time during the hours of 12:00 - 20:00 GMT will have access to all session recordings & content for at least 90 days.

Best regards,

Clarisa Moraña
Clarisa Moraña  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 13:11
Membro (2002)
English to Spanish
+ ...
I attended to the ondemand sessions! Sep 30, 2016

RominaZ wrote:

Dear Traducci,

All those who attended the event live at any time during the hours of 12:00 - 20:00 GMT will have access to all session recordings & content for at least 90 days.

Best regards,

Do you mean that I won't be able to access to the recordings?
I watched two nice memoQ sessions, not live ones, and really enjoyed them! In fact, I would like to go on watching them. Is it that possible?



Georgia Godikouli
Georgia Godikouli
Local time: 21:11
English to Greek
+ ...
Access to the conference sessions Oct 1, 2016

Why is there this kind of discrimination? Aren't we all Proz members? All of us who registered and weren't able to attend miss everything.This is unfair and I believe you must do sth about it.

Drew MacFadyen
Drew MacFadyen  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 14:11
Spanish to English
+ ...
Access control is not discrimination Oct 3, 2016

As these events require a lot of time/expense ProZ.com does restrict the content to those that have attended the event live and/or are paying members of the ProZ.com community - http://www.proz.com/professional-membership

It is ProZ.com paying members that enable these events to be subsidized and remain free for the entire ProZ.com community. The content is 100% free for all during the event live hours and rem
... See more
As these events require a lot of time/expense ProZ.com does restrict the content to those that have attended the event live and/or are paying members of the ProZ.com community - http://www.proz.com/professional-membership

It is ProZ.com paying members that enable these events to be subsidized and remain free for the entire ProZ.com community. The content is 100% free for all during the event live hours and remains 100% free for all that attended during the live hours, even if you attended just briefly during the virtual event you would have access to all the on-demand content. That is access control, not discrimination.

That said, the sponsor/exhibitor content at http://www.proz.com/virtual-conferences/698/program has been made accessible to all, regardless of attendance at the virtual event & irrespective of paid ProZ.com membership status.




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