Freelance translators » Spanish to French » Art/Literary » Manufacturing » Page 3

Below is a list of Spanish to French freelance translators specializing in translations in the Art/Literary: Manufacturing field. Para máis campos de procura, probe a procura avanzada facendo clic na ligazón da dereita.

80 resultados (membros de pago de

Freelance translator native in

Specializes in

Adam Homsi
Adam Homsi
Native in Arabic Native in Arabic, Czech Native in Czech
[email protected], Translation, Arabic, Czech, Slovak, Dutch, computer, IT, software, localization, ...
Miriam Vázquez Durán
Miriam Vázquez Durán
Native in Spanish (Variants: Latin American, US, Standard-Spain, Mexican) Native in Spanish
ArrayAutomation & Robotics, Manufacturing, Computers (general), Textiles / Clothing / Fashion, ...
Annie Estéphan
Annie Estéphan
Native in French (Variant: Canadian) Native in French
ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance): climate change, AI, Artificial intelligence, GenAI, generative artificial intelligence, sustainability reports, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) reports, governance documents, ...
Christelle Lemineur
Christelle Lemineur
Native in French Native in French
german, spanish, french, sworn, online shop, clothes, politics, localization
Translators GLP
Translators GLP
Native in Indonesian (Variants: Standard-Indonesia, Javanese, Ngoko) Native in Indonesian, English (Variants: US, Singaporean, Australian, UK) Native in English
Machine, Automotive, technology, manufacturing, business, travel, localization, training, marketing, research, ...
Geneviève Ghenne
Geneviève Ghenne
Native in French Native in French
spanish, english, fench, marketing, belgian, medical, technical, HR, social, European, ...
Pierre-Olivier Vilain
Pierre-Olivier Vilain
Native in French Native in French
law, derecho, droit, legal, jurídica, jurídico, juridique, legal, légal, légale, ...
Brittany WL.
Brittany WL.
Native in English (Variants: British, US, UK) Native in English
Translation, proofreading, MTPE, native speakers, Patent, Medical, IT
Arantxa Albiol Benito
Arantxa Albiol Benito
Native in Spanish Native in Spanish
Economie et finance, développement, organismes internationaux, mode et habillement, marketing, merchandising, communication, cosmetique, education, formation, ...
Christophe Plu
Christophe Plu
Native in French Native in French
ArrayAutomotive / Cars & Trucks, Computers (general), Law (general), IT (Information Technology), ...
willy paul
willy paul
Native in French (Variant: Standard-France) Native in French
translation, French, casinos, roulette, poker, professional, IT, poker, translator, France, ...
Isabelle Bouchet
Isabelle Bouchet
Native in French (Variant: Standard-France) Native in French
France, Aquitaine, Gironde, Bordeaux, atlantrad, atlan trad, Isabelle Bouchet, Isabelle Boucher, traduction, traducteur, ...
Andrea Barrocal Velasco
Andrea Barrocal Velasco
Native in Spanish (Variant: Standard-Spain) Native in Spanish
translation, spanish, french, english, marketing, SEO
Nadeje Gerard
Nadeje Gerard
Native in French (Variants: Standard-France, Belgian) Native in French
medical, healthcare, fashion, tea, timeliness, quality
Perrine Broca
Perrine Broca
Native in French Native in French
Perrine Broca, ID'S, IDS, Perrine Caffenne Broca traduction français, traductions français, traductrice français, traducteur français, traductions techniques, traductions commerciales, traductions juridiques, ...
Native in French (Variant: Standard-France) Native in French, Portuguese (Variant: European/Portugal) Native in Portuguese
ArrayLaw: Contract(s), Law (general), Mechanics / Mech Engineering, Manufacturing, ...
Native in French Native in French
translation, interpretation, sap, french, english, german, spanish, IT, computer, trados, ...
Mikael C
Mikael C
Native in French (Variant: Standard-France) Native in French
translator, traducteur, traductor, übersetzer, IT, computing, informatique, informática, Informatik, red, ...
Kenny Wang
Kenny Wang
Native in English Native in English
ArrayNuclear Eng/Sci, Patents, Law: Taxation & Customs, Law (general), ...
Eric Verdonck
Eric Verdonck
Native in Dutch (Variant: Netherlands) Native in Dutch, English (Variant: US) Native in English, French (Variant: Standard-France) Native in French
English, French, German, Dutch, marketing, legal, medical, pharma, experienced, localization expert, ...

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Traducir implica moito máis que a simple conversión palabra a palabra dunha lingua á outra. Os tradutores deben entender en profundidade o tema de calquera texto que traduzan, así coma as culturas asociadas coas linguas orixe e destino.

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