The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

English Other Translation Glossary

English term English translation
Public Procurements can be plural
pull-out program ESL pull-out program
PULSE system. PULSE (Police Using Leading Systems Effectively).
punctuation marks and capital letters no punctuation after the bulleted items
put on the clock count the time as having been working/not charging for the time
Entered by: Thayenga
put your diamonds where your mouth is back up your assertion by putting up some money to make it happen
Q-33 question 33/ Leave it as it is.
Rabbi of Kenty, Landau The Rabbi of Kęty (Kenty) named Landau;Oświęcim = Auschwitz
racing (as adjective) passion for racing
racy some of the signs of mania
RAG RAG: German company name
Rapid Service Mapping Tool mapping tool that provides rapid service
rawhide lacing pelle non conciata
receive smth from smb/receive from smb. smth The Company received the following instructions from Clerk and Smith Inc.:
Entered by: Lara Barnett
recharge former one
Entered by: Yasutomo Kanazawa
Recommendee ? Reference
reduce by a factor of four reduce by 75%
reduce emissions of their plant investments reduce harmful emissions from their factories
Entered by: Nick Lingris
regarding a device - xxx (apposition) a device known as, which goes by the name of
Regulated Alcohol alcohol subject to controls
relative to others’ within your workgroup and organization – are impacting your total compensation in comparison with others of your workgroup, so as to be able to determine your pay and bonuses
relevant people concerned pleople
requires having or to have having or to have is not necessary in this context
residual disability disability remaining after partial recovery
residual returns a term of 'market trading' ~ or reference to an employee compensation plan
resp or
respirable breathable
restake its starter position reassert or renew its preeminence in the starter drum kit market
retail park out-of-town shopping complex
Entered by: Nick Lingris
reversed for me the other way round for me
ride a launch ride a launch
RN, MN registered nurse, master of nursing
rohan to ascend; Origin Hindi/Sanskrit; also name of a tree in Hindi
Entered by: Balasubramaniam L.
roll sb. up into shut down or move somebody out of a position or operation
Roman numerals Oxford\'s use
rounded (in this context) curving up at the sides and front end
RPMO Redundancy Payments Modification Order
rules-based based on rules
salt idiom "worth one's salt" misused here: probably meant "worth one's while"
satellite périphérique, secondaire
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