The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

French to English Education / Pedagogy Translation Glossary

French term English translation
classe de 2e cd 10th grade, math and sciences
classe de FLE/FLS French as a Foreign Language/French as a Second Language
Classe de Sixième et Classe de Seconde Sixth grade and tenth grade
classe préparatoire à HEC preparatory course for the HEC business school entrance exam
classe promenade Practical Class Outing
Classes Préparatoires aux Grandes Ecoles Preparatory exam entrance courses to the "Grandes Ecoles" in France
clôture de l\'activité closing/end-of-lesson activities
clinique de medecine course in clinical medicine; clinical medicine
club des anciens ssociation of formerly sexually abused young women
CMP: UE compensée overall pass for unit/module
Entered by: Neal Allen
codage pedagogique interne a la formation institutional code or internal educational code
coef. grade value (or credit value)
Coeff. Weighting
Entered by: EirTranslations
coefficient weighting
collège des intervenants visiting faculty
collège-enseignement court Lower Secondary School (UK)/ Junior High School (US)
Entered by: Victoria Porter-Burns
collégiens/lycéens secondary school pupils/students (GB English)
collectivité civile et territoriale local government and population
COM FIN EN EC Corporate Accounting & Finance (written module)
Entered by: Wyley Powell
com. en entreprise in-house communication
Comm entreprise communication skills for business
Commission d\'homologation Accreditation Board
Commission grand-ducale d’Instruction Keep the French + Luxembourg national education committee
Commission médico-psycho-pédagogique National Commission (CMPPN)
Entered by: liz askew
communautés religieuses d'enseignement religious teaching communities
Entered by: Silvia Brandon-Pérez
communication numérique et électronique associée digital communication and associated electronics
Entered by: Carlos Segura
communications affichees posters
Entered by: Sheila Wilson
compétence-levier leverage skill
Compétences Transversales cross-curricular competency
Entered by: EirTranslations
compensation passed [with extra points from the jury?]
compensation adjustment
Compensation annuelle (annual) compensation
compense (acute accent on final e) compensated on average
compl. culture africaine supplementary course in African culture
compléments extra/additional courses
compléments apportés additional information or items added
complexe foyer scolaire school common room complex
comportement refuge manipulatoire manipulative fallback behavior
Entered by: Dennis Capstick
concevoir /concepteur to design/designer
conciergerie custodian's office / custodial services
Entered by: Gayle Wallimann
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