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French to English Law: Taxation & Customs Translation Glossary

French term English translation
démarches personnalisées carry out the procedures specific to your account
pratiqués applied
"mise en recouvrement" set up for collection
(... ayant opté pour) l'assujettissement du loyer à la T.V.A. (as ... has opted) for the rent to be subject to VAT
Entered by: Tony M
(en position) départ dépôt de distribution ex-distribution depot
a l\'effet de bien vouloir for the sake of goodwill
A/S au sujet de/Re/Regarding/concerning
Entered by: Yvonne Gallagher
abandon exprès de revenus ou de produits voluntary forfeiture of income or profit
abonder contribute to
abonnement (taxe) provisional tax payment
Entered by: Gayle Wallimann
abonnement fiscal negotiation of a lump-sum tax assessment
acompte congés Advance leave
acompte congés provisional / estimated VAT payment when on holiday
Entered by: Gayle Wallimann
acompte congés downpayment to cover leave period
action au porteur ordinaire, libre freely negotiable ordinary share in bearer form
Entered by: Zonia Clissold
activité lucrative dépendante gainful salaried activity
activités extractives mining and quarrying activities/businesses
adjudicataire successful bidder
Entered by: Silvia Brandon-Pérez
affichage (pubicity or advertising) billboards
agrément approval
ajustements de comparabilité adjustments for the comparableness
allégement de retenue reduction in withholding tax
Amortissement excédentaire â réintégrer surplus depreciation to be written back
année d’échéance normale normal year in which (blah blah) due
années de rappel look-back period in years
ARD Deemed deferred depreciation
Article quindecies Article 266 quindecies (Article 266-15)
assiette d'intervention range of funding available
Entered by: AllegroTrans
assiette d’éligibilité basis for eligibility
assiette forfaitaire flat-rate basis
assis, recouvré et acquitté assessed, recovered and discharged
Entered by: AllegroTrans
associés dans la réflexion involved in the thinking process
atteinte à la réserve héréditaire interference with the statutory portion
au cas d'espèce in the present case
au profit immédiat for the immediate benefit of
au xxx d'appréhender entres les mains d'un tiers garnishee the sums owed held by a third party
aux fins de l'application de la Loi in pursuance of the law
Av. Fis.Credit d'imp. prélèvement tax credit
Avantages en Nature Fringe benefits
Entered by: Alain Mouchel
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