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French to English Law: Taxation & Customs Translation Glossary

French term English translation
opposable binding on
opposition à contrainte appeal against enforcement
Entered by: AllegroTrans
ordonnancement juridique ranking as law
ordre de relâche bank release order
Entered by: liz askew
pallier offset
Par utilisation by use, by using
paradis reglementaires regulatory havens
participation des employeurs à l'effort de construction employers' contribution to the construction effort
particuliers employeurs private individuals who employee domestic help
Entered by: Marian Greenfield
passage pass-through (fees/charges)
périmètre d'intégration fiscale scope of tax consolidation
période de prévention pre-charge stage
Entered by: EirTranslations
perçus sur collected based on the customs declaration
personne morale legal person
pièces de procédure (general) documents relied on; (litig) trial exhibits
plaçait en phase de conquête de marché started/initiated developing/penetrating markets
Plafond non utilisé unused upper limit/ceiling
point d'arrivée end point
point de vue contentieux on an administratively reviewable basis
portage d'actifs (licit) piggybacking of assets
position tarifaire Tariff heading/ tariff code
poste comptable account centre/payment centre
pour expliquer la mise en place du mécanisme de perception de la nouvelle taxe to explain how the mechanism for collecting the new tax will be implemented
pourcentage dégagé pourcentage/proportion/part categorised under schedule A, B, C ou CA
préciput privileged allocation
Entered by: Michael Tovbin
précompte immobilier sur le matériel et l’outillage advance payment of tax on the value of the assets represented by materials and tools
Entered by: Gina W
préimprimés fiscaux pre-printed tax return forms
Entered by: AllegroTrans
prélèvement appropriation
prélèvements libératoires. flat rate (non-assessed) taxation
preneur lessee
Entered by: Steffen Walter
prestations rendues par services rendered by
prime pour l\'emploi employment bonus
principe de loyauté principle that evidence must be obtained fairly
procès-verbal de constat certified report
procès-verbal de flagrance fiscale Tax assessment notice for blatant fraud (detection in flagrante delicto)
procédure de rectification contradictoire Appeal process
producteur fiscal VAT-registered
produits regaliens State tax and fines revenue // State revenue generated from taxes and fines
profit sur le trésor gains on unpaid VAT at the expense of the (French) Treasury
PROP/INDIVIS joint owner
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