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French to English Medical: Cardiology Translation Glossary

French term English translation
femme porteuese a female patient, suffering from
fermeture habituelle usual (surgical) wound closure technique/procedure
fermeture plan/plan closure, each tissue plane in turn
Entered by: Anne Grimes
fibrillation ventriculaire à mailles larges coarse ventricular fibrillation
fiche de traçabilitié des stents implantés implanted stents traceability sheet/chart
filtrage filtering
filtre cave vena cava filter
fistule arthroveineuse radio médiane droite radiocephalic arteriovenous fistula
Entered by: liz askew
flutter 1/1/ flutter 1:1 atrial flutter with 1:1 AV conduction
FMP / Fréquence maximale prédite Predicted maximum heart rate
Entered by: Yolanda Broad
FMT; fréquence maximale théorique (pour l’âge) (age-)predicted maximum heart rate
Foie "rebord" Liver margin
fonction systolique conservée systolic function maintained
fond douloureux background pain
foyer alvéolaire focus of alveolar consolidation
Entered by: liz askew
foyer pulmonaire et aortique aortic and pulmonic areas
Entered by: Heather Phillips
FR; fraction de raccourcissement shortening fraction; fractional shortening
fraction d’éjection ejection fraction
franchi crossed
franchissement vs insertion crossing vs insertion
Entered by: liz askew
fréquence sentinelle threshold (heart rate)
fuite mécanique perivalvular leak
fuites auriculaires mitral regurgitation
Entered by: liz askew
fuites de lavage leakage of regurgitant jets
Entered by: liz askew
G.B./GB White blood cells - WBCs
galop gallop rhythm
GDC gastro-duodenal catheter
genou inferieur genu inferius (of the RCA)
Geste medical act/procedure/intervent
glacage péricardique cold cardioplegia
Entered by: Michael Meskers
gouttière cradle-like splint
grêle ++ narrow ++
haut upper
hématome rétroauriculaire right retroatrial hematoma
hémiflot hemi-flow/hemiflow
HémoQ hemoglobin test
HC, EMU à blanc: blood culture test , microscopic urinalysis
HCPQ hepatitis C-quantitative
HF hémofiltration - hemofiltration
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